HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 337 .L ORDINJilWE No. ~ 7 { j,,~-~, .... 'C":_}J( ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ANNEXING A CERTAIN TRACT OF UNINCORPORATED LJu\lD LYING CONTIGUOUS TO TaB M7NICIPAL BOUNDARIES OF ,TEE CITY OF OCOEE AND SITUATED IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO..W~T: "-,~ -""~'- Begin 8.tSTi~ C01'"'1101' of SVJ:._ of SE," of Soc. lE3, rrHp. 22 South Hange 28 n. l"UD \"Jest 302.3 foet, thence North 371.6 feot for point of starting: Hun thence VJest 135 foot, Nortb 60 feet, East 135 feet, South 60 foot to point of starting. WHEREAS, the above desoribed uninoorpor.ated land is lying oontiguous to the munioipal boundaries of the City of Oooee, Florida, and WHEREAS, said traot of land oontains less thun ten (10) registered voters, and ~~S, said land is susoeptible of reoeiving munioipal benefits of the City of Ocoee, and WHEREAS, the City of Ocoee did on the 6tbdo.y of l1.arch ,1956, duly adopt a~ Ordinance deolar.ing its intent to annex the lo.nd desoribed hereinabove to its present munioipal boundaries in acoordunce with the provisions therefor in Seotion 67 of the Charter of the City of Oooee, Chapter 10951, Speoial Acts, Florida Legislature, 1925" and Seotion 171.04 Florida statutes, and WHEREAS, said Ordinanoe was duly posted as presoribed by law upon said land and in said City of Ocoee for the period prescribed by law, and ~~EREAS, no objection to said annexation has been filed in the Cirouit Court of Orange County, Florida, now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUnCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEEa Section 1. That the municipal boundaries of the Oi ty of Oooee, :B'lorida; be. and they hereby are:, extended to include the following desoribed land lying lJ.nd sH;ua\:;ed in Orange County!> Florida$ and, that said traot of land be, and it hereby is, annexed to the municipo.l territory of the City of Ocoee, Florida) said land being more particularly desoribed as J follows: ' Bogin a-t SE cc)ruor of of Seu. Id, Twp. 22 South Hange 213E. I'undest 38;~.3 :L'eet, t;l1cnc~ North 3'71.cl feet f01' point of stal"tinS= Hun tlwnce \Jost IJ~J foot, I.JOl'tll -60 feet, Bast 135 feot, Soutb 60 feat to point of starting. Seotion 2e That the City of Oooeo shall and will f~om the effective date of this Ordino.nce exeroise full power and w~thority over the land desoribed in Section 1 hereof._ in aocordo.nce with the Charter of the Ci ty of Oooee, Chapter 1095\,. Special ,Acts.l FLorida LegislE'.ture.~ 1925, and the General Laws of tho St8.te of Flor.idu, as fully and oompletely us the City of 00000 now eXGr'cises puvvO:- 8 aubhority and jurisdiotion over othor lands within its m~nioipal limits. Section 3. Copies of. this Ordinanoe shall bo posted as provided for by law and the Chartor of tho City of 00000. Section 4. TI1is Ordinanoo shall beoome effeotivo immediately upon its beooming a. law. Section 5- All Ordinunces and parts of Ordinances in oonfliot herewith aro hereby repea.led. Section 6. Should nny portion of this Ordinanoe be held invalid, then suoh portions as o.re not doolared to be invalid shall remain in full foroo and ef~~ct. Done in opon session, at 00000, Orango County, F10ridajl this 17th day of Apr il , 19 S6. . <' Attest: ......p7,,1f#~t -::...- --Cle rk ,1 tir ~ /. '.' ~ Coulloi Approved by the Mayor this 17ti:~ay of April , 19 n_/ A >-vi'