HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 244 ---- ORD:;:N&~CE No. .j) ~/ ~ ~.;J"",,/--/' ~ AN ORDINAl~CE OF THE CITY OF OaOEE, FLORIDA, A]fi~XING A CERTAIN tRACT OF UNnrCORPORATED LAND LYING CONTIGUOUS TO THE MmnCIPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE AND SITU.ATED IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO-WIT: "7'. .I_ Ll' ~ J' ~.~ :J .~ =~oishts, ~cc t t there~f ? n _~-::e ()~~,;, rl1.~J 1 ~L (; l-te .:; C' l~cls () j~ ~ , -, i,- ft1,'11 ~ , I)8 c,C~rG.OCL J. " C l' :1. d.a . _iVL.tJ' , ~rn1~EAS, the above described uninoorpor.ated land is lying oontiguous to the munioipal boundaries of the City of Oooee, Florida, and VITlliREAS, said traot of land oontains less than ten (10) registered voters, and ~~EREAS, said lund is susoeptible of reoeiving munioipal benefits of the City of Oooee, and WHEREAS, the City of Oooee did on the 1st dny of March , 19 55, duly adopt an Ordj.nanoe deolaX'ing its intent to annex the land desoribed hereinabove to its prosent munioipal boundaries in accordanoe with the provisions therefor in Section 67 of the Charter of the City of Ocoee~ Chapter 10951, Speoial Acts, Florida J~gis1ature, 1925, and Seotion 171004 Florida statutes, and WHEREAS, said Ordinanoe was duly posted as prescribed by law upon said land and in said City of Ocoee for the period prescribed by law, and ~nIEREAS, no objoction to said annexation has been filed in the Cirouit Court of Orange County, Florida, now therefore, BE IT ORDAI}ffiD ~Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEEI Seotion 1. That the munioipal boundaries of the City of Oooee, Florida, be, and they hereby are~ extended to inolude the following desoribed land lying nnd situated in Orange County, Florida, and, that said traot of land be, and it hereby is, annexed to the munioipal territory of the City of Oooee~ Florida, said land being more partioularly described as follows: IJ :_) t 1,':_, :[3J_ c c\~ i1[:.- ~i ~L Es t ~.--) t bJ) J~:3 f l' 0 ::~ r~ II e ,:i J,. 0 ..~ rJ c) -1 ,-::-'t-'""I;.L.e'1 n ~ t(- v ~ ' , ' -t C,\ ,::;\1 ,?~ t :.. c ~~~e (~ l~ds 1"4 aY'l;;; C C.:) 11:1 t; ".Y , c'.l"1iCLf?_ . Scotion 2. That tho City of Oeooo shall and will from the effeotive date of this Ordinance exeroise full power and authority over the land descr;_bed in Seotion 1 hereof, in aooordanoe with the Chartor of the Ci ty of Oooee, Chapter 10951, Speoial Aots, Florida Legislt'.ture~ 1925, and the General Laws of tho State of Florida, as fully and oompletely as the City of Ocoee now exorci.ses power, nuthority and jurisdiction over other lunds within its municipal limits. Seotion 3. Copies of this Ordinanoe shall bo posted as provided for by law and the Chartor of the City of Ococo. Seotion 4. This Ordinanoe shall become effeotivo immediately upon its boooming 0. law. Section 5. All Ordinanoes and parts of Ordinanoes in confliot herewith arc hereby repealed. Seotion 6e Should any portion of this Ordinanoe be held invalid, then such portions as are not deolared to be invalid shall remain in full foroe and effect. Done in open sossion. at Ooooe. Orange County, Florida, this day of i1 , 19 ~~:;' ..., , , .>T:;r.l -- ./ / ., ~c.-~__/ Attest: re.:: ,- ---- ~.C1e rk Approved by the Mayor this Sthday of -~ -I , 19 ~::S /4~fJ~~ / . ayoT , f ~ \ I