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A Fj lYRTlH'lHTC-s': nl~(<".LJ.r 1\ "P,Il\TIr::. 'rID", IiFJ....,!=i"1\rrrI\nj,1J,-j' nli' mJ..,pTi' (:Ifl.TTV np U-,("1nTi'r;' Pi (.)":::>-.1.. DIJ fl.'V,
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l-ItJrTICIPP...L BOlTlTD1\.:t1IES (".iF TIlE CITY (}-;:i1 (JCOEI~ 1\11D SI11TJ1\frED lIT C;li.l\lTGE comTrEY~
lTE~ of m1-.~ of IT-~ll":; (Less the Hest 33203 feet thereof) of Seetion 18, TOivTI-
ship 22 South, Ran2e 28 East;
Also all the part of SE-;; of lr:rJ,,,, of' Section 18, 'l\om"lS hip 22 S)uth, Range 20
East, lying South and i'Jest of' the Ucoee-CI'Cllm Faint Public l:toad, fUI'thel'
d0SCri1)oo. 8..S: Boc;iYtYLin.g at the SE carrIer of sCt.id SE'" of IT1{~;~", l~lJn ITo:C'th
270 feet; thence Nkitly along the side of said public road 1536 feet to a
point 15 feet South and 85 feet East of InJ corner of sa:i_d SE:i- of In'J-,"",
.L' - T '1 .L, ." " . " , 1" , n r-' '. , t ' I -" J f'
lJuen ce ~1/es 'G a ong u>le Sl de 01 sald Pl,1.0 lC road U;:J I eelJ 0 lJ:1A 1'lI' corner o~
. said SKt of NlIi.~, thence South along tl.Ie i'Ol"t~Y" :Lille to the SvI eor>ner of
said SE"L 01' IJ1v-4" , thence East aloYl!;': the f01't'"\, line to Doint of' be0'innirH:',.
~ _ __ tl ,l.. - u- -"'t.,:)
Also one/square in lJQe HE corner of 1m"" of m~'T of Section 18, r.co'VJ1lship 22
South, Bange 28 East;
All containing 30~ acres more or less.
~nlliHEAS, the above described uIlincorpoI'ated land is lying contiguous to the
municipal bOlmdaries of the City 01.' Ocoeo, Florida, and
'i'JI-lEHZAS, said tract of land contains less than ten (10) l'egis tered voters,
iJIlliREAS, the said land is susceptible of receiving municipal benefits of
the Cit-y" of C) coee, and
ilJHEREAS, the City of Cicoee desires to annex the said land to its present
municipal boundaries in accordance liJith the provisions therefor in Section
67 of the Charter of the City of ()coee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida
Legisla tUI'e, 1925, and Section 171.04 Plorida Statutes, nm th erei'ore,
Br~ If]: Ol~Dl1.IIJ3L) BY 1II{~ CIT'j~ CC/ul.'TCIL (~:J? TI-g 1~~Irr~[ ~jl~ UGC'EE:
Section 1. The Cit-;T of Ocoee hereby declares :Lts intent to anI18X the
folloi'JinG des c1'ibed unincorporated land lying contiGUOUS to the municipal
bO"LUlciaries of the City of ()coee and situated in Orange CO'Lmt;y", ]?lorida, to
its pI'esent municipal boundaries, thereby extending its terI'itorial lirnits
to include the saici land. Hi thin said tel'ri torial lirnits Ema to exercis e
full pOi-leI' and authority over said lalla in accorclELnce VJith the Charter of
the City of Ocoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, li'lorido Legislature, 1925,
and the General Lavm of the State of Flc1l'ida, said land beinG }1J.ore
particularly described as follows:
.:. 1 n Si T !:"/I ~ .c I ( J" - ,
1\:8.:.,; 01 /'J,; 01 iTl'W.( Less che .'JeS"G
ship 22 South, Range 28 East;
332.8 feet thereof) of Section 18,
Also all the part of SE,l of Nu-L of Section 18, Tovmsl1ip 22 South, Range 20
East, lying South and ~~est of the Ocoee-CrO'lrJn Point ~ublic \Load, further
described as: Beginning at the SE corner of said SK",- of IH'i4' run lTorth
270 feet; thence NWtly along the side of said public read 1536 feet to a
. .... 1 ,-, '" . S ' , ," --'.c> . -., t ,,- o-r J 10" S","" '-" - 'I '
pOlnlJ :J leeL; 'OUlJn and Uj .1.eelJ .':'..as 01 Xlv' COI'Y1er [) sald .c.>," 01 I'lV",;;,
" .-, 1 I-h . ., cD . '1" J "r: 1" I-- t .' "T" ."
-cnence \~J eS"G a ong cu. e s lQe 0.1. salU puo lC roa CL 0::;> _ ee-lJ 0 -cue I'; \'J corner 01
said SE,,- of NlI~, thence South along the forty line to the SH corner of s8.id
SE,~ of mr;, tllence Zast along the forty line to point of beginning;
r 1 . t1.- .~"" '" '-'p ,-, rp' .p S + . 1"")
..\. so one acre squ~re lD ue K~'J COITD er 01 IL:.'..,~ 01 0'iJ" oJ: ec ulan 0,
22 South, Rarlge 2ij East;
III owns hiT)
All containing 30~ acres more or less.
Section 2. The City of Ocoee hereby declares its intent to enact an ur-
din"8:nce at its ilrst regular meeting held after the next ensuing thirty (30)
da;ys i'rom the effective dC.to of this Urciinance, therehy ordaininG that the
said land described in Section 1 hereof be annexed to the terI'itorial limits
of the city of Ocoee, and ordainirlg tho, t the territorial limit 13 of the City
of Ocoee be extended to incluc,e the said land as described. herein", and
ordaininG that from and after the effective date of said Ordinance that the
Ci tv of Ocoee shall exeI'cise full pOileI' and autllori ty over said land in ac-
v '
cordance with the Charter of the City of Ucoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts,
Plorida Legislature, 1925, and trlG General L8Hs of the Stato of l"loI'ida.
Section .3.
laH and the
Copies of this urdinance s hall be pos tod as provided for bJ-
Charter of the City of Jcoee.
Section 4.
becominG a
shall become effective
irmlledia tol-y- upon its
Section 50 All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict hereHith
are hereby repealedo
Se ctioIl G. Should any p;:Jrtion of this Ordinance be held invalid, then
such portions as are not declared to be invalid sellill renmin in full
force and eff'ect.
Done in open session, at Ocoee, OranGe County, Plorida, this 25th
day of IIax'ctl, 195).
, .
C 1 0 l' k
this 25th