HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 224 f3.'~''<,'- ~';'i-~J~~"'~"-:-:-'-'~-~',~'-:;T" ---- OHDINANCE No, -~ AN OHDINANCE DJ,;CLAT:UlTG Tfffi INll'ENTION OF TIlE creY OF aCOE','::, FLORIDA, rro ANNEX A' CgnTAIN r:I.'HACT OF 'UNINCORPORATED LAND LYING CONTIGUOUS ~e() 7iU.'fiJ1 bUNICIPAL BOUi~ni.nL~;S OF' TIill OrI'Y OF OCOEE AND SI'I\Ui\TED n,r ORANGE dOm~TY. It'L01~nI>A, TO-'~lIIT: Lot 6, H. Ao Howis' Addition to the Town of Ucoeo, aGccr:.ling to plat thereof' recorded in Plat Book II Hf:, Page 109, l'ublic: Hecor':.,s of O~:'ange County, Flol~ida. HHER1:AS, tho above described un5.ncorpora'tod land is lyin3 contiGUOUS to the municipal. boundaries of the 01 ty of Ocooe, F'lorid.a, and UREl1BAS, said tract of land contc..ins loss than ton (10) l"cgistol""ed voters, and lHIE:REAS, tho said land is susceptible of I'eceiving municipal b enofi ts of the City of Ocoee, and :JHEHEAS, tlle City of Ocooo desires to annex the said land to its present municipal boundaries j_n accordance vlith the provisions therefol" in Sec- tion 67 of the CharteI' of the Oity of Oeoco, Chapter 10951, Special Actis, F'lorida Legisla tnro, 1925, and Section 171.04 Florida Statutes, noVI the3PS- fore, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIm OI'rY COUNCIL OIi' THE CITY OF OCOEE: Section 1. Tho City of Ocooe he!'eby declal'es it.s intent to annex the follol,ling described unincol"porated 10.1'10. lying contiguous to the muni- cipal uoundarios of tlle City of OcoeG and si tuatod in Ol~ange County, Florida, to j.t s present mUll:lcipal bounds,rie s, thereby extending it s territorial limits to include tho said 18.n1 Hit-hin S3aid terl"'itorial lim.i ts and to exel'cise full pOHer and authol"'i ty over said land in ac- ccrdallce llith the Charter of the City of Ocoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida LeGislature, 1925, and the General Lal,Js :Jf tho State of Florida, said la!m beinG moro particularly described as follows: Lot 6, R. A. Rewis' Addition to the Town of ucoee, according to plat thereof recol"ded in Plat BGok HHIl, Page 109, Public Records of Grange County, Plorida. Section 2. The Ci t~r of Ocoeo hel~eby declaros its intent to enact an Ordinance at its first regular meeting held after the next ensuing thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Ordinance, thereby ordaining tm-1. t the said land described in Section 1 hereof be annexed to the torri.torial limits of the City of Oeooe, and ordaininG that tho ti.;lrri tori-al limits of the City of Ocoeo be extended to include the sale land. as uescribed herein, and.' ordaj.nin,~ that from and after the effective date of' said Ordinance that the Ci t:y of Ooooe shall exercis e full pOvJGr anci authori t:J' OVG1' said land in accordance lvi t h the Char'ter of the Ci tJ of Ocooe, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida LeGislature, 1925, and ttle Gel1<:n~al LaVIS of the State of Florida. Section 3. Copies of this Ordinance shall be postod as provided for bJ Imr and the Charter of the City or' Ocoee. Section 4. 'l'his Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its bGcoming a lau. Section;;. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinanc es in conflict hereTrIi th are hereby repealed. Section 6. Should any portion of this Ordinance be held invalid, then such portion as arc not declared to be invalid shall remain in full fOl'GS and effect. Done ~n 0 en session, at Oc08e, Orange County, Florida, this L~ ~..".... C ' day of- ,-r , 19~5. \ Attest: ----"" ~~~~ J~J3~ President of Council 1>.....-'Ld r:::--, Approved by the Jilayor ~ I~' tfi1s ~day ~f-7-1~ ~.1955. - ~,y frf:.A-~~ I Hayor ~ I~ Clel>k