HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 221 -----.. OR! INANCE No. ~.. 7.. 2;"- - - ( ,1- ....-. _.. 1'<lt.f ~_ \ AN OHDINANCE DECLARU:G TL~ _I!JrrjJ\TION OF THE Crl1Y OF OCOB:C, FLORIDA, TO ANNEX A CgRTAIN r:i:RAGT OF l1\!LJICRPORATED LAND LYING CON'rIGlJOUS TO THE nmnC1PAL BOUHDiiJU3S OF THE C:,1'Y OF OCOEE AND SITUATED IN ORANGE COUNTY, I"LOHIDA, TO-\HT: Lu-e 1r-(, Plc,Je H..: II ():T J~sttlel~ i tSL tJ_C:(~;::)l) lJ8.f;e S::), P"l11Jl:L c Tlo C>-~)l~C~S :plCtt t ."le l')OO:~' .L.' II, . 11 u , '0 '~J.:r: , l~O C'~:;l"(j_eC.. l"iCiB... 111lliRLAS, tho above described unincorporated land is lyinG contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Oeoco, F'lorida, and \'J rll~:REl\.S , und said tract of' land contains loss than ten (10) i..tgistel,>ed votor :'" , LJH:E:REAS, tho said land is susceptlble of receivinG municipal benofits of the City of Ocoee, and ~JHEnEAS, the Cit-y- of Ocoeo desires to annex the said land to its present mnnieipal boundaries in accordance 1dith the provisions therefor in Sec- tion 67 of the CharteI' of the City of Ocoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, :z.'lorida Le~islature, 1925, and Section 171. 01.~ Florida Statutes, not-I ther 0- fore, BE IT ORDAINED BY Tlli~ CITY COUNCIL OF Tlill CIT[ OF OCOEE: Scetion 1. Tho City of Ocoee hereby declares its intent to anne;~ the f'ollolrJing described unincol"porated land lying contiguous to the muni.. cipal uoundaries of ttle City of Ocoee and situated in Ol~ange County, Florida, to :l,t s present :rnunlcipal boundaries, thereby extending it s torri torial limits t,:) incluo, e the said larn Hit hin said tel"pi tOl'ial 11nli ts and to exercise full pOHep and authori ty over said land in ac- cordance uith the Charter of the City of Ocoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida LeGislature, 1925, and the General LalJs :Jf tho State of Florida, said lal~ beinG morc particularly described as follows: t 17, il1 Plat H-:-"g .0 lIell , :.)1" ~;~st;h.G:C' i:.':~tl.GS, D~ccc}rld.i.p<,"~: tC) lJlo.t; thereof roc,crcleu FD~c;e (?.s~, Pub13=c ~i.e ccrcls o:c (~)1~aT1Ge Cr~Yl.ln t':r, Ill1'.JI~j~cla. ij() Ol: Section 2. The City of Ocoeo hereby doclares its intent to enact an Ordinance at its first regular meeting held aftep the next ensuing thirty (30) &ays from the effective date of this Ordinance, thereby ord[dning too t the said land descpibed in Section 1 hereof be annexed to t~le tcrri torial lim5. ts of the Oi ty of Ococe, and ordaininc; tl1a t tho ti..n"ri torial limits of the City of Ocoeo be extended to inc1udo the said land as described herein, and. ordaininc; too t fl"om and after the effectiv':~ dC;.. te of said Ordinance th.a t the City' of Ocoee shall exercis e full pOtrJel' and. authori t;/ OVGl' said land in accordance t-J'i t h the Char'ter of the Ci tJi of Ocono, Chapter 109.51, Special Acts, Florida Lec;i81ature, 1925, and the GenGPal Lm-IS of the State of Florida. Section 5. Copies of this Ordinance shall be posted as provided for bJi lau and the Charter of the City of Ocoee. Soction L~. 'l'his Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its bGcoming a lau. Ser::tlon ;;. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinanc es in co nflict heretr.ri th arc hereby repealed. Section 6. Should any portion of this Ordinance be held invalid, then such portion as are not declared to be invalid shall remain in full f01'C (; and effect. Done in open session, at Ococe, Orange County, Florida, this ~~ day of ~~ ,1955. Attest: (>",. ,,---C c.5?~~~ Clel'k /' - -"