HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 219 "'------- ---" C,. ...: (4 ORDINANCE No. .-#- 2:- t" ,.L -,,~,-,- AN OHPINANCE :Jl,;CL[i.RIlTG THE IWrENTION OF rrHE cn.1Y OF OCOB1~, FLORIDA, TO ANN.D::X A. CBRTAIN 'l'HAGT OF UNINCORPORATED LAND LYING CONTIGUCJUS TO THE hUNIC1PAL BOUHDidn.2~S OF TIm CrIIY OF OCOEE AND SI'llUATED n.r ORANGE COUNTY, FLORII~, TO-WIT: l~<)t 13, ~3:LOG1':= tf~~:)1i c< D....' nG'" r.("'l ~"~(-'-1 v',.' II '1 :': c~l:".:.''''', ..!c .~-,:;l.~r~ J...-;.: i.','. :._,.'~). c ;: ~ _"~') ('~L' ~,:' !~~ ,-,'. - _;1.. 1--; J.. Q t ~,>=) c]< (,", j:"'G.[jO , _ _ ,",. ~ -' ,,-...' "-' l:~C'.~' ":,,JC _'._a "\~ t~ '" '",'1 :, ,." ",:..I..". ;/' )1"8 1"1\,::) C,Ol'~ ~'l"):;" U}ffiR~AS, tho above described llDincorporatod land is lying contiGuous to the l1lUllicipal boundarie s of the City of Oeoco, F'loriaEl, all.d HRU3.EAS, said tract of land contains loss than ten (10) registel"'od voteN?" and lJHEREAS, the said land is susceptible of receiving municipal benofits d:.~ the City of Ocoee, and :JI-IEHEAS, the City of Oeoe3 desires to annex the said land to its present municipal boundaries in accordance VIith the provisions therefor in Sec- tion 67 of the Chc'1.rter of the City of Ocoee, Chapter 109.51, Special Actr, F'lol"'ida Legislature, 1925, and Section 171.m~ Florida Statutes, nO~l the?:"- for'e, BE I'l' ORDAINED BY THB CI'rY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE: Section 1. Tho City of Ocoee herGby declares its intent to annex the follovJing described unincol"'porated land lying contiguous to the muni- cipal boundaries of tbe City of Ocoee and situated in Orange County, Florida, to it s present rnun:i.cipal boundarie s, thereby extending it s territorial limits to :i.nclucl,e the said land, Hithin said terx'itorial limits and to excl'cise full pOHCr> and authc>l"i ty over said land in ac- ccrdance uith the Charter ')1' the City of Ocoee, Chapter' 109.51, Special Acts, Florida LeGislature, 1925, and the General Laws ~f tho State of l"lorida, said lalld beinG morc particularly des cl"i bed as follovJs: L)-[; 1.3, J?la,Jc 38 -""-'1 '1 H.:--dl ..,n ""', +' ,-"'" . ,.., 1 J t' -. .1 -I l.)_..OC:i:: i) :=;1. ~8 vrlCl~ JlOlGCll:'8, aCe-OrCllI),r-; 'CO 1)...~8.G C.OI')ecj~ l^)CC~~'l~(J.OO l~L} 11 ,-,II J Paso sS, PL1,bJ.il~, LLG>~'l'ds 2';1[;8 C~:'c.ntj, :l,'lCJr:i,cLa. Section 2. The City of Ocoeo hereby doclaros its intcnt to enact an Ordina:nce at its first regular meeting held after the next onsuing thirty (30) days fl'om the effective date of this Ol"dinance, thereby ordaining that the said land d.escribed in Section 1 heroof be annexed to the tel"ritorinl liml ts of the City of Ocooe, and ordaining that the terr'itorial lirnit.s of the City of Ocoeo be extended to include the said land as <iescribed herein, and ordai.nin,':; tha t from and after the effect:iv'::.l d~l te of said Ordinance that the City of Ocoee shall exercis e full pOvie!' anci author-it;}' OVG1' said land in accordance H'ith the Charter of the Cit-y of Ccooo, Chapter 10951, Speci.al Acts, Ii'lorida LeGislature, 1925, and tl18 General LEniS of the State of Florida. Section 3. Copies of this Ordinance shall be posted as provided for b'y lal1 and the Charter of the City of Ocoee. S8ction L~. 'llhis Ordinance shall bocome effective immediately upon its becoming a 18.1-1. Section :;. All OrcLinanees and parts ef Ordinanc es in co nflict herevJi th are hereby repealed. Scction 6. Should any portion of this Ordinance be held invalid, then such pOl"tion as arc not declared to be invalid shall remain in full fon:;c and effect. ./ at Ococe, Orange County, Florida, this ~~ d::~Id~~ Approved by the 1/1ayor J~ ~... ~h' /-.Jf"da-.r of ~41'""'""'1' '! ('<C..' I -= JI~ k~ -'/l~. / Hayor "p.,.;aA ~ Don~ in. opW1 day of ~F/I aAA!4 session, , 1955. r Attest: /L L::'F?~~~ - Clel'l{