HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 216 ---- OR lJ.NANCE NO.~~ ?./I, AN OHDINANCE D'ECLARIlTG TIffi INT'i:1\ ,nON OF THE crry OF OCOBE, FLORIDA, TO AN"JEX A CImTAIN THACT OF 1JNINCOI .POHATED LAND LYING CONTIGUOUS TO T~ llUNlClPAL BOUHDAIUBS OF TUE CIT'~' OJ.' OCOEE AND SITUATED IN ORANG}~ COUNTY, I,I'LOHIDA, TO.. VJIT : I l T "',"- ill Dl,- ..,1r 111, II ..u _,' v _ '-c , .....) ~'- 'J \__'..Ll:.. .~ P18~t i3c):)}c HUH, of 3sJeh.sr I-IoiS:.'lt;s, aec':>~elJ:1..Y1.;~'~, .i~--, Po..c;o 95, r:l.l~oli(: i:-(e cDr~cls of' ',~:l)C 1) 10__ t t :~lG 11 e [) 1..... l'~ 0 ::..; (; l~ cle 0. C ',1Jn ty, l"lur:Lclae lfllliRJ:AS, the above described unincorporated land is lying contiguous to the IT1UIlicipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee, Florida, and UREliEAS, said tl~act of land contains less than ten (10) registered voter::], and tJHEREAS, the said land is susceptible of receiving municipal benofits of the City of Ococe, and :JHEHEAS, the City of Ocoeo desiros to annex the said land to its present lrltmicipal boundarie s in accordance Hi th the provisions therefor in Sec- tion 67 of the Charter of the City of Ocoee, Chaptor 10951, Special Acts;, Florida Legislature, 1925, and Section l7l.0L~ Florida Statutes, noVI thQ>,.... fore, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIT?, CITY COID1CIL OF TIm CITY OF OCOEE: Section 1. Tho City of Ocoee hereby declares its intent to aThlOX the f'ollouing dcscI'ibed unincorporated land lying contiguous to the muni- cipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee and s1 tuatod in Ol~ange Count.y, J?lorida, to it s present munj,cipal boundarie s, thereby extending it s tC'rl~itorial limits t) include the said land Hith:tn said territol~ial limi ts and to e:.cel'cise full pOHer' and authari ty over said laud in ac- ccrdallce lJith the Charter of the City of Ocoee, Chapter' 10951, Special Acts, Florida LeGislature, 1925, and the General La\-Js :11' tho State of Florida, said lm~ beinG more particularly described as follows: T,yi- l), _.J'-...- u -~"i" ill I)lc~-t II '" 11 Li 11. n \,./ , ~,:'::~stb.el} ~~IeiGrlts, c.C:C()l-'l(t:LrlL~ tc:~ -21 () (:'e C r,~ 7) i"l &1 ~~ n i~ ,',_n, "} ...:.1 Ct ".rl (\"11 J: <-'u ,'/' J. L.O._J,<., ._,el...l.l,(..,) CJJ_,1 1J1D- t .cr1CI}G 110CCI'CJ.ocl C c~~llrl.1GS-, ~:?J_c 11 i (Ie.. 0 Section 2. The City of Ocoeo hOl'oby doclaros its intont to enact an Ordinance at its fil'st regular meot-in:,:;; held aftcI' tho next ensuing thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Ordinance, thereby ordairdng that the said land clescr'ibed in Section 1 hereof be annexed to the territorio..l limits of tho city of Ocooe, und ordainins that the torritorial limits of the City of Oc.oeo be extended to include the said land as clescribed herein, and' orduinini:; tho. t from and after the effectjv':: date of said Ordinance that the Ci tJ" of Ocoee shall exercis e full povrel' anCl authori t;," OVel' said land in accordance Hith the Charter of the Ci t~r of Ocooo, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida LeGislature, 1925, and the General Laws of the State of Florida. Section 3. Copies of this Or'dinanc e shall be posted as provided for b71 Imi and the Chartor of the City of Ocoeo. S)ction 4. This Ordinance shall bocomeoffective immediately upon its b8corning a la~l. Section 5. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herevJith ar0 hereby repealed. Section 6. Should any- portion of this Ordinance be held invalid, then such pOl~tion as arc not declared to be invalid shall remain in full fore e and effect. Do~~ in o~en session, at Ococe, OranGe County, Florida, this ~~ day of "~~I ,1955. Attest: ~~.- ~~ P...A.1 r~ Approved by the Mayor ~~~ ~ddaY of/..../""'-'>4 :. FSS. ~.;?~~ I Hayor ?/'lA r-~ Clel'k -