HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 215 --- -- ORDINANCE No. 2- /..1 -............-.......... \ AN OHDINANCE; DECLARllTG Th'"E IWfENTION OF THE Crry OF OCOEE, FT.lORIDA, TO ANN~X. A CEHTAIN 'rRACT OF tJNINCORPORATED LAND LYING CONTIGUOUS TO THB llIDTICIPAL BOUHDARI:2S OF TIill CI'I'Y OF OCOEE AND SITUATED IN ORANGE COUNTY, II'lJOHIDA, TO..VJrT: L'J-G 10, in Plat Block :tAll P'''o.!~ II ,~\ll J..l oJ.h. v, of Esther Heights, accordirg to plat thereof recorded Page 95, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. \-lHERLAS, th0 above described unincorporatod land is lying contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocooe, Florida, and UHl~aEAS, said tract of land contains loss than ten (10) l'ogistered votel',s, and UHEREAS, tho said land is susceptible of receiving municipal benefits of the City of Ocoee, and ~!I-IEn:EAS, the City of Ocoeo desires to annex the said land to its present municipal boundaries in accordance 1tIith the provisions therefor in Sec- tion 67 of the Chc'1.rtor of the City of Ocoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida Legislature, 1925, and Seetion 171. 01,~ Florida Sta tl.l.tes, n01tl thoT'(:;- foro, BE IT ORDAINED BY TFL'S Crry COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' OCOEE: Section 1. The City of Ocaee hereby declares its intent to annex the f'olloltJing described unincol"porated land lying contiguous to the muni- cipal uoundaries of tile City of Ocoee D.nd si tuatod in Orange County, Florida, to its present municipal bounda.ries, thereby extending its torritorial limits to include the said la.rd Hithin said territorial li.mits and to exercise full pOH61' and authority over said land in ac- ccrdance uith the Charter of the City of Ocoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida Legislature, 1925, and the Genoral LaHS ~f tho State of Florida, said land beinG moro particularly descr'ibed as fo11ovls: Ilot 10, Block nAil of Esther Heights, accordin,g to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1I011, Page 95, Public Records of' Orange County, Plorida. Section 2. The Ci tJT of Ocoec hereby declaros its intent to enact an Ordinance at its first regular meeting held aftel" the next ensuing thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Ordinance, thereby ordaining that the said land described in Section 1 hereof be annexed to the terri.torial limits of tho City of Ocooe, and ordainine that tho territorial limits of the City of Ocoee be extended to include the said land as described herein, and ordainin:~ tha t from and after the effectiv~) date of said Ordinance that the City of Ocoee shall exercise full po1tJel' and authoritJ" oven' said land in accordance Hith the Charter of the CitS of Ocoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida Leeislature, 1925, and the General LaHs of the State of Florida. Section 3. Copies of this Ordinance shall be posted as provided for b: law and the Chartor of the City of Ocoee. Section L~. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its becoming a lat-!. Section ;;. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinanc es in co nflict hereTrJi t~ are hereby repealed. Section 6. Should any portion of this Ordinance be held invalid, then such portion as arc not declared to be invalid shall remain in full fOl'CO and effect. L~ Do~o in open session, at Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, this day of .'.-7~1 ~ , 1955. /1 / Attest: .<e.:~~,5:7c7'C<../~( Clerk resident of CouI1cil ?...-^-o (~ . - Approved by the 1jlayor ~ 1-----.. th' ';'~day of-/;'~'<4 ,1.:';:;:. ~1' ~ j Hayor /~~ V~