HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 213 ~--=-=...-;. . 7)'~-." ^ -'.r"." 2-/ ;-', }l~.L}ll.1i:..U \_;r~l U. ~ l\~'~ ('Fl.DIITI\ITC:~: 7}~i~I_,Ar1I~,'~ -~"_~...,~ ..L-... ~_J..~'rI,~:~J '- .~;1 -', ~,- rc y (-: ~~ ~:J ,~~},-' : i",/: '...'~ , pL\. C;E:R~r~_ 'r:ii~C~C ()l~ T.JrTI1~:-C:CF{IJ -'RiiTl".<Li I;)\.~.'-~.I) L~!IlIC} C()TTTI(3lTC)~3E; :ru 11~-rc: I.J.TITI C1 F.A.L BC) UI\TrJA..~::1 :",-~~s C? TI-IE Cl'rY U F C COI~I~~.4'!Y.LI ,31 T1TP:..lllr~D IllY C fU\l~ '~.}}i~ C CUI\JI1Y : F'LC,RIDA, 'r:J-'vJIT: Let 1, of A. }'l. Clark's Subdivision of' the 'I'~,-rJ of Ceoon, El.cc.opciillS l;u ~plat thel'ec)f I~ecorll.dd i~l Plat 13001-: ~:I, f:.:;.ge 2(), "Fllljl1(~ Rue r~d.s f' Cl"ltll:1sn C'Ju.nty, ~)ri~,n. ,<T[8R'~AS, th.e abcv8 described u.ninccH'pol-'atecJ land Is l-yi tllG IJlUnicipal bcund8ries of thE) (~it~r -p c ee, Fleri.if:, contiguc)!Js to and iiHEHKil..S, said tract of land contains less tl~L8n ten (10) pec;is'cered VOtH1.:'S, anci. HHEHEA3, trlo said land is s us eeptibl'~ U:L I'(:3Gei ving nru.nieip81 benefl t s of th'3 City of Ocoee, and l,nIEH~~AS, the City of ,)COEH::l desires to annex trle said. land t:; its present, rrn,micipal boundaries in accordaneB '~vi th the provisions i:;ly'; rel'::.p =1. Sec- tion 67 of the Charter of the City of Ocoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida Legifllature, 1925, an.d Secthm 171. Oi~, FL1:eida Statl),t;r38, now ther:-e- fore, BE IT ORD.A.I1JED BY IrHE CIfr)~ COul\fCIL ()1? TliT~ CliTY CfB' ()COET~: Sect:Lon L Ttle Ci tJT of Ocoee hereby declares 5_1~8 intent to annex the lall:)vJing described lUlincorporated land IJ'inS contiguous to the mLLYli- eipal boundaI'i8S of the City of Ocoee and sitllbted in C'panse County, F1or:id.a, to its present municipal bOl1Ilcia:eles, tt:8r'3b~r extrnJdi:'1t; its territorip~l li:nits to include th'3 said land Hithin said territorial lirni ts and to eXi:;C'cise full pCvJC;.C' ani authr)ri tj OV(:3(' said 18.l1d in 8(:- cord_~tJ1c.e with. tC)() Ch[1.rtF~l') (If"\ th.l3 Cit~/ ,')f nC()c:,-~, Cr:Hlr)te.~l J ()C}.:.~J_, ~)p8eln1.. p.~cts, 11'lJl~ida Loe;isl_n.t'llr~e, J.925, an.d tr~l;:~; G-cr~:,-1T~D.l L~~.vJS O}~ the: StEJt?1 of Florida, saId land being more particu18rly dAscribed as follows: Lot 1, of A. 1'1. Clapk's 3ubdivision of the Town of Cicoee, ac:eording to plat thereef recorded in Plat Book H, Fage 20, Public Records of Orange County, }<'l:)rid,8.. Section 2. The City of Ocoee hereby declares its intent to enact an Ordinance a t it s firs t regulal' meeting held after tt18 next ensuing thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Ordlnance, thereby ordaining that the said land described in Section 1 hereof be 8,nnexed to t~e territorial limits of the City. of Ocoee, and ord~1inLng tb,B.t the territorial limits of the City of Ccuee be extended to include the salrt land as described ~erein, and ordaini~g that from and after the effective date of said urdinance that the City of Occea shall exepcise full power and authoritv over said lana in accordance with the Charter of the Cit-y of' Ocoee, CI:I~pte't' 10951, Special Acts, Florida Legi8latul>e, 1925, and the Gener8.1 Laws of tr18 State of FLn"ida. 50 ctic)n 3. law and tl1e Copies of this Ordinance shall be posted as provided for bJ' Charter of the City of Ocoee. Section )~. becoming a This Ordinance shall become effective law. i11!:YJedia telY1lpon i tEl Section 5. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 6. Should any por~lon of this Ordinance be held invalid, then such portion as are not declared to be invalid shall remain in full force and effect. Don~-J .-.L open sessi:Jn,'=\t Q'ay n.f'~ lor:::c') -JJ. _-, ,. /..... . Ocoee, Crange County, FIDrida, this /o~ ., n~~~~~_,/ ~Ident of C01.U1cL Attest: ~k.c-'r4---;~ Clerk Ap:provecL-J:>J' th~.l~ ' tnls /t\~ay 01 -,---<:. ,1st:, " ~'! f' }?f/ ~- ;"z2/~~;o~~ tI:) / /J0//,-t:..-c<.-v{/ I