HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 108 ~., \'~ Y AN OPDINJ..NCE TO JljvIEND SECTION 9 OF ORDINfYTCE NUl'mER 1 OF TI-l'E CI'lY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, - I:FoLl'T- nm TO A,IifD PROVIDING A l,iliTHOD FOR THE: PASSAGE, ADOPTION AND PROHUT,GATION OF OHDurANCES IN THE CI'IY OF OCOEE, FLOT":IDA: Vfuereas Section 9 of Ordinance number 1 of the City of Ocoee pro- vides that all ordinances of the Ci t:l of Ocoee shall be :oromulge.ted by posting the S8me in three places which Ftre today un}movm in said City, emd Vmereas it is deemed desirable to amend said ordin~nce to facili- tate complipnce therewith, Nor therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY rEiE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AS FOLLO\YS: Section 1- That section 9 of Ordinance nurlber 1 of the City of Ocoee be amended to rep,d 8E follows: "Section 9- That all ordinnnces adopted by the City C01ll1cil of the City of Ocoee shall be nramulcated QY posting the same in three conspicuous places in the City of Ocoee, one of which sh.a:n be the City Hall, or othCT place. where the City Coun- cil shall hold its regQlar meetings, for not less than four consecutive weeks end the date of posting shall be not-.ed t'bere- on by the clerk." Section 2- That all ordinances and pa.rts of ordinances in conflict here- with arc hereby repealed. Section 3- That This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon becoming 8 113.'1":'. Adonted in Open Session this 24th day of July, A. D. 1953. / .I <-- , (~i7' J: '/ , ''''7~bJ PP.ESIDENT OF- cOUN-Cir.------- .. Attest: .,,- ~ " ';>..'<~'" ~~ ~ (Coroorate Seal) " CLEPK I certify that the foregoiTlg ordimmce Vlas duly adopted by the City Counc:Ll of Ocoee, in open session this 24th day of July, A. D. 1953. Wi tness :m,y halld ?nd official 6eal this 24th day of July, 1953. ~.. .- - >-~:' " ---&-\; .# -.'.- CLE:FK ~rJ- ApDroved by the Mayor this dc>-Y of July, 1953. (Seal) \~)~ / ',-:-" ..)' '....J ." MAYOR n~\. ) ~ 1