HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 109 ~f ' ('- 1111 ~ i-".' ~~ .. 'I,,,,~ &/~~~-' .. :;;.'Ot;ih':; ~~:.\,:_,--~.".,. - ,_~"Ii'-::: Ii:> " li_ f ,r ';.7 j ......, .:~ "~ ,- " /')fY - /'" ;l...'-"' .i'1:'). - __~ t~;::""::'----' .....-..- .... ~ .AN ORDmANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA, REGULATnm AND PRESCRIBING THE METHOD WHEP.E8Y A PERSON DESIP.ING TO RON FOR PUBLIC OFFICE IN THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, MAY HA'VE mS NAME PLACED UPON THE BALLOT AND FI1'TNG · *' A FEE TO BE CHARGED THEREFOR: WHEREAS, the holding of General Elections in the City of Ocoee ,Florida causes a considerable expense to said City, and WHEREAS, there has been no time previously specified for Candidates to have their names placed upon the Ballots at a General Elect:i,on, and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to charge a fee for placing a Candidate's name upon the Ballot, and to require a Candidate registering to have his name placed upon the Ballot not less than 30 days P"pr to a General Election, Now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That all persons who are otherwise qualified to run for public office / in the City of Ocoee, Florida, deSiring to bavetheir D8ID.eS placed on the Billot at any General Election held in the City of Ocoee, Florida, as a Candidate for any public office shall do so by registering with the City Clerk not less than 30da:ys prior to the date of said e1ec~ion, and by paying unto the Clerk the fee hereinafter provided. Should the last day upon which said registration be made fall on Sunday or other day upon which the Clerk's office is not open for business, then said person must ~gister on the last regular business day more than 30 days prior to the date of said election. Section- 2. That before registering any person to place his name upon the ballot as a Candidate, the City Clerk shall charge and receive a fee from said 'person as follows: a. If said person is a Candidate for Mqor, then the fee shall be $25.00. b. If said person is a Candidate fo Councilman, the the fee shall be $15.00. c. If said person is a Candidate for any other office, then the fee shall be $15.00. Section 3. That all fees hereinabove provided shall be placed in '. special fund to help defray t..lJ.e expense of holding the General Election at which the persons paying said fee are Candidates and shiuld any surplus in said special f'und arise, then the same shall be transferred to the General Fund, upon a motion duly made and carried by the City Council. Section 4. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to pay from the aforesaid J !ll"H'';, ..JLJT'r;;:~:;',' , ;. _m,y_~ ,-, ':;'~;:;"!i~~1:~,l\-" ~:t-tf."1i;.,;;_;.il!"<~'l!::' "-.('('"",, ;,. ;.,,~~-!~_;_t:4l: '-;;", 1~ . ,,,~:.~ ';.f;;~J:.,d(~~~.. r'~~ ~ ~---.J ] special f'm1d the costs and expenses of holding the General Election, in so far as the funds in said fund are sufficient. Section 5. That the City Clerk shall have the name of each person who has ,r complied with the foregoing provision placed upon the ballot of the General Election for which said registration was made. Section 6. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herem th, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 7. That should any portion of this ordinance be held invalid, then such portion as is not held invalid shall remain in full force and effect. Section 8. That this ordinance shall become effective innnediately upon its becoming Law. ADOPTED this c,;:' day of July, A.D. 1953, in open session. Attest. ~~ CLERK JIJ~ PIT OF COUNCIL (Corporate Seal) --1 I certify that the foregoing is an ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, duly adopted in open session and the same is hereby submitted for your approval. ~---..\ CITY CLERK (Seal) APPROVED by the Mayor this ~(( day of July, 1953. ~~r(~~ MAYOR . ~ I JI lo.....- - ''-