HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 110 v ", ..~~~tE"lI"""~'~;";"\}:~' r'::~,-,"'~"":,';r7'''.'JIF:,,ff''r.Yl!'?~''''-r' l"."" -j{",'!R1!>,,"-=-,,,>_'n."-""~'~' "';!;ri;"t;-.rc:,:':i,et~~).i!" <'b-'J'M;''':'':''_~''.,:.,~~'P,-Ji;~'~1\~';'~~''f"''''''''',""~''''''''H",,,,_~\~E,_)t,;,,;~:,''7';'':;':;'''TIr!~>:,.,:..t;~'b-~,,;~':'\':f;'i'~~;?,!,~ ~1i.;,;"F;Tl:73;,"E ~ .~ ll~ \ AN ORDINAlfCE 'f0 REPBAL All ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF acOD, FLORIDANUMBEBED 94, SAID OR- DINANCE BEING AN ORDINANCE 1>BCLARING THE II.. 'fENTION OF THE CITY OFOCOEl1 FLORIDA TO ANNEX A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND LYINu CONTIGUOUS TO THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY, PAR'l'ICULARLY DES- CRIBED AS FOLLOWS: r ~t 6 ot A. M. Clark'. Subdivision Plat B.ok "H", page 20, Public Records of Orange Ceunt,., Florida. Whereas, a certain ordinance numoered 94, ..... heretofore adop- ted by the City Cwna11 of the City et Ocoee, Florida, and Whereas, it appears that .aid ordinance was not adopted in accor- dance with the ordinances of the 01 ty of Occaee'"_ nor the Statutes of the State of Florida, therefor provided, In theretore BE IT ORDAINEl> BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OOOD, FLORIDA, .A.8 FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Ordinance numbered 94 be and the .ame is hereby re- pealed. Section 2. That an Ordinance numbered 94 be and the .ame is hereb,. declared to be null, void and of no eftect. Section 3. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the ~e are hereby repealed to the extent of such cenflict. Sectien 4. That should any portion of this eroinance be held invalid the such portions a8 are not held to be invalid shall remain in full ferce and effect. /....,,#' Section 5. That this ordinance ahall become effective immediately upon its becoming Law. Adopted this z;,f da,. ef Jul,., A. D. 1953 in open session. ....], JI~.~ ,. I};, - ""-~.--,~-. s:, Attest: ~cr --~ CLERK lCorperate Seal) I certify tba t the f ..egoing ia an ordinance of the Oi ty of OCHe. Florida. duly adopted in open session and the aame tor ,.our approval. '~if ,Approved b,. the MIl,... thi s ~f da7 of July, :""'~ ~ l.~)- 195~~\ ~ JlAYO.t( ~.dIr -.