HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 112 i~;~:"< "~'~~;:'l::c'c~"7't~~~T~}Y~-':~:T'~.}'i"'!;:""~:7m,~",__,]'''l~"'':t",< hr~~~,,7,."""~<.,__, _" _..._;t~'..,,''f"'''' ~ .'- I J~ .. .A.lL ,ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AN ORDINABCE OF THB CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA NUMBERED f6, SAID OR- DINANCE BEING AN ORDINUCE DECLARING THE IN- TD'fiON OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA TO ANNEX A CERTAIN TRACT OF UND LYDG CONTIGUOUS TO THE BOUNDARtSS OF s.uD CIT1, PARTICULA.RI,y DES- CRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Lets 9 and lOot Block 4 ot Town of Ocoee. Plat Book "A". page 100, Public Recorda of Orange County, Florida. Whereas, a certain ordinance nuabered 96, was heretotore adopted by the City Council ot the City ot Ocoee, Florida, and Whereas, it appears that said ordinance was not adopted in accor- dance with the or.inances ot the City ot Ocoee, nor the Statutes or the State or Florida, theretor provided, Now theretor. BE IT ORDAINED BY ~lHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Ordinance nuabered 96 be and the same is hereby re- pealed. Section 2. That an Ordinance numbered 96.be and the same is hereby declared to be null, void and ot no ertect. Section 3. That all Ordinances and parts ot Ordinances in cont1ict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent ot such conflict. Section 4. That shcu 1d any portion of this ordinance be held invalid the such portions as are not held to be invalid aha1l remain in tu11 force and efrect. Section 5. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its becoming Law. Adopted this.2. tf' day of July, A. D. 1953 in open session. #;~~IL Attest: ~~~ CLERK (Corporate Seal) I certify that the foregOing is an ordinance of the City ot Ocoee, Florida, duly adopted in open aession and the same is hereby submitted for year approval. ~"'_. .~ CITY CLERK (Seal) Approved by the Mayor this ~ g day ot JUly, 1953. ,\1'*'" ~~~~~ XU.ti -'h',;.'", '~ I , -~~