HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 115 F" I I ...,.......^-'""",,, .",^^ .. -A C""'(':,,:,'i,l,""'.o<' '., ~, h'" '_'. {'"'''' ~,," ( 1 "'it~> " ''''''\', .:-:~.;.,;., " ',' "-.:P~F,"~I'::!~-."'~:"ir',,,,. ....,',.._.., ;...~....:...~"- '>>._,:4i.....:'x ,";-..t,f':;il.. .. AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL Ali.ORDINANCE OF THE C:D:TY QF acOD, FLORIDA IIlbmERED 99, SAID OR- DIlUNCE BEING AN OIWINANCE DECLARING THE IN- .,TEJ,TION OF THE at TY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA TO ANNEX A. CERTAIN TRACT OP LAND LYING CONTIGUOUS TO THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY, PARTICULARL~ DES- CRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Lots 1 to 12, inclusive of Clark's Subdivision, Plat Book "A", page 118, Public Records ot Orange County, Plerida. Whereas, a certain ordinance numbered 99, was heretotore adop- /' ted by the City Council of the City ot Ocoee, Plor1da, and Whereas, it appears that sa1d ordinance was not adopted in accor- dance with. the ordinances ot the City of Oeoee, nor the Sta.tutes ot the State of Flor1da, therefor provided, Bow therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI TY COtJNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOD, FLORIDA, .t.S FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Ordinance numbered 99 be and the same is hereoy re- pealed. Section 2. That an Ordinance numoered 99 be and the same i. hereby declared to be null, void and of no ettect. Section 3. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herew1th be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent ot such conflict. Section 4. That should any ;ortion of this ordinance be held invalid the such portions as are not held to be invalid shall remain in fUll force and etfect. Section 5. That this ordiance shall become ettective immediately upon its becolll1ng Law. Adop'ted this 2- f day of July, A.. D. 1953 in open session. ~~ Attest: ---C~-- - I certity that the toregoing is an ordinance of the 01\7 ot Oc..e, Florida, duly adopted in open session tor your approval. and the aame is herqy aubm.1:tted -/_~<-- V ~ ~ - --r W'" CITY CLERK (Seal) Approved by the Mayor thi s 2 ~ day of July, 1953. - ~~~<~~vJ lU.YOR - 0;....,---............., \ I