HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 128 L;;ii'i~"- ';filL' - .:... , .... ~" -c\~>;,~;:;_\<':d~{j~i"~:~""'~'I"VI ~.~;iQ}i0;-;,:;j.;;\;-::; -" " L ',f,<1t ., ,;," ..,.....""" ',"~ r ORDINANCE NO. 128 r" :~ ~ ORDINA'NCE RELATING TO THE SEIZURE OF ANY VEHICLE, VESSEL, OR OTHER CONVEYANCE USED WITH- IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FOR THE TRANSPORTAT ION OR REMOVAL OF OR .,F,OR THE DEPOSIT OF CONCEALMENT OF ANY STILL AND STILL. ING AfPARATUS OR :RAW MATERIAL USED IN THE MANU- FACTURE or ILLIC IT AND ILLEGAL ALCOHOLIC BEVER. AGES, OR OF ANY ILLICIT AND ILLEGAL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR LIQUORS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE FOR- FEITURE THEREOF UNDER THE SENERAL STATE LAW. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ocoee: Section 1. Any vehicle, vessel, aircraft or any animal used in the transportation or removal of, or for the deposit or conceal- ment of any illicit liquor still or stilling apparatus or any mash, wart, wash.:).~.r other fermented liquids capa'ble of being distilled or manutacttf~" into an al<?ohol ic beveraie oontaining more than l~ per cent of ali'ohol by weight, or any a1c;oholic beverage, commonly known and referred to as "moonshine .~1skey"i.;~here seized by a municipal police officer within the corporate ~imits of the City of Ocoee, shall be forfeited, as provided for by the general sta,te law, and all sums received therefrom shall go into the general operatina fund of the City. Section 2. Copies of this Ordinance shall be posted as pro~ vided for by law and the Charter of the City of Ocoee. Section a. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately when passed by the City Council and approved by the ~~yor. Section 4. .All Ordinance and parts of Ordinances in 00 nflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. Should any portion of this Ordinance be held in- valid, then such portions as are not declared to be invalid shall remain in full force and effect. Done in open session, at Oooee, Orange County, Florida, this 6th day of April, 1954. ~~4~. lie::: Attest: B~Jr;fFJ~ President Pro Tem. Clerk Approved by the Mayor fro Tem. this 6th day ot April, 1954 ~~~. Mayor Pro Tem. , L F .S.A. 562 \ Ii II' ~ I