HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 127 .. .. '" -~.\.cc, ~.jJ /;.'7 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATDW pJJD ALLOCATING ALL REVENUE AND FUNDS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, FOR THE TAX YEAR BEGINNING ON NO\iD:1BERl, : 1953, AND ENDING ON OCTOBER 31, 1954. WHEREAS, the total amount necessary, as detennined by the City Council of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to defray the actual operating expenses, debt service requirements, and improvement expenses, of the municipal government of said City for the tax collection year which begins on November 1, 1953, and which ends on October 31, 1954, is the sum of $27,122.14, and WHEREAS, the total debt service requi~ents of the said qity for said year amounts to the sum of $6835.62, all of which sum is levied and is now allocated and appropriated to the payment of the principle and interest upon said City's' Bonds and interest, and WHEREAS, the total amount necesllary for the op~ratingexpenses , of said City for said year is the's-qrn of $17,436.52, and '11" WHEP.EAS, a tax levy of 15 mills has been levied upon all prop- e:rt.y wi thin Vie said City for debt service requirements, and a further tax levy of 4.9 mills has been levied upon all property wi thin the said Ci ty which is not exempt fram taxation according to the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that there will be available for use and disbursement from the genere~ fund of said City, revenue and funds from the following sources and in the following amounts: Ad valorem tax Cigarette tax Water collection Rents ' Fines & Forfeitures Licenses Miscellaneous Utili ty tax $ 1,221.52 2,850.00 7,000.00 480 ~oo 1,400.00 785.00 200.00 3.500.00 $17,436.52 and, WHEREAS, it is anticipated that there will be available for use and disbursement from the interest and sinking fund of ~aid City for satisfaction of the debt service requirements for the said year, theStim of $6,835.62, framthe aforesaid tax levy of 15 mills, and, WHEREAS, it is anticipated that there will be available for use and disbursement in accordance with the tenor and effect of Section 2l0.0:3(5) -":J . \ , . ~I . I I . i'~:" }: .~ "r ~ ~... \ from the Cigarette Tax Ftmd, the sum of $2,850.00 from Cigarette Tax Revenue, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COillTCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE: . Section 1, That the sum of $6,835.62, or such portion thereof as may be realized from the collection of the tax 1e~ed for debt service as aforesaid, be and the same is allocated and appropriated to the full satisfaction of current debt service requirements for the year beginning November 1, 1953, and in f'Ull confonnity witbtbe . tenor and effect of that certain resolution of said City a\1.tb.CII~'f'", thtt i'lIUnce of its as may be realized from the collection d( "" above Bonds of all issues. Section 2 . That the sum of Uq,>' set forth be, and it hereby is allocated fand Fund of said City, for disbursement in conforma.",>',,: the Charter of said City during the tax colle'ction yeath~'(lg General of "'- -~~~-....... November 1, 1953. Section 3. That the sum of $2,850.00, or such portion thereof as may 00 realized . from the collection of Cigarette Tax Revenue, be and it hereb;Y is, allocated and appropriated to the Cigarette Tax F\md of saia Cif.ir, for disbursement in accordance with the tenor and effect of Section210.03(S) Florida Statutes during the tax collection year begin- ning November 1, 1953. Section 4. That this Ordinance shall beeame effective immedi- ately upon its becoming an Ordinance. Section 5. That all ordinances and parts of o.~ees in con- . nict herewith be, and are, to the extent Attest:~~"H ~ ~ CLERK (Corpo~e -Seal)- I certifY that the foregoing is an ordinance of the C' ( <;, .~ \ Florida, duly adopted in open session and the same is hereQy submitted for your approval. ... -,. , .\ ~~~:.e_t ...~ - '-.......~ CITY CLERK' '. ..... (Seal) ,::> Approved by the ~or this (Q da;y or<OC-t..,~e{:D,.~~;,,,- . 'K~~~~H MAYOR '. \ . . . ~ .