HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 163 c~ (YP'ITY'i"'c\~\~'-C: "'J',' / L ? '-/.L-J-/_,_"-,~.l.J.., ..J--..... _';~). ~.....> l ~ ..... AN ORDIlJAECE DECLARING T nTT~N'IICn OF' 'I'HB CITY OF' OCGEE, F'LCRIDA, 'I'C ANIT2X A CERrrAIN 'l'RAC'T 08' U!:JnTCCHPUI:u~r.r"w LAND LYlEJ COl~~CIGU()US TO TBJj HTJNICIPAL BOUNDAHIES OF 'Tn::':!; CrEY ()P CCGEj;; AJ:TD 8I'I'UATED IJ{ CEI.ANGE COUNTY, F'LORIDA, TO -vH 'T : Lot 1, Block E, in Seegar Subdivision in Ocooe, said plat recorded in Plat Book L, Page 122, Public Records of Orange County, Florida .-,. .,. .~ .JHEH:SAS, the above described unincorporated land is lying contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee, Flor.La.a, and Whereas, said tract of land contains less than ten (10) registered voters, and \rJHEHEAS, the said land is susceptible of receiving m.unicipal benefits of the City of Ocoee, and \iTHEREAS, the City of Oeoee desires to annex the said land to its present rr:.unicipal boundaries in aGcordanc e vrt th the provisions therefor in ,Sec- tion 67 of the Ctulrter of the City of Ocose, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida Legislature, 1925, and Section 171. Ol~_ Flor'ida Sta tubes, no\t-J ttlor'o- fore, BE 1'1' CRDAINED BY T8:E CI'l'Y C01J1~CIL CF rrUE CITY OF OCOEE: Section 1. 'The City of Ccoee hereby declares its intent to annex thrj following described l..mincorporated land lying contiguous to the rnuni- eipal boundarles of trIe Oi ty of ()crJee and si tllated in Crange County, Florida, to its prosent municipal boundaries, thereby extending its terI'itorial lirni t::; to includ e V'3 s::dd land wi thin said tel'ri torial li:cnits and to exercise full power' and authority over said land, in ac- cordance with the Charter of the City of vcooe, Chapter 10951, Special Aets, Florida Legislature, 1925, Clnd tl1e Geru3PB,1 Laws of the State of Florida, said land being more partIcularly described as follows: Lot 1, Block E, in Seegar Subdivision in Ocoee, said plat recorded in Plat BO<:Jk L, Page 122, Public ReGords of' OranGe County, Florida. Section 2. The City of 6coee hereby declares its intent to enact aD Ordinance at its first regular meeting held after the next ensuing thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Ordinance, thereby ordaining that the said land described in Section 1 her>eof be annexed to the terl'itorial limits of the City of Ocoee, and ordaining thR. t the territorial limits of the City of vcoee be extended to include the said land as described herein, and ordaining that from and after the effective date of said Ordinan~e that the City of ~coee shall exercise full power and authority over said land in accordance with the Charter of the City of Ocoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida Legislature, 1925, and the General Laws of tl18 State of Florida. Section 3. Copies of this Ordinance shall be posted as provided for by law and the Charter of the City of Ocoee. Section )!.. This OrcUnance shall become effective immediately upon its becoming a law. Section 5. All Crdinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 6. Should any por~lon of this Ordinance be held invalid, then such portion as are not declared to be invalid shall remain in full foree and effect. Done_)-n_ ~per~__~9s3ion,_at Geoee, Orange Count:;, Florida, this day of #~ , 19>Y. '/~ Attest:~~~'5;: Clerk :/ JZIA/C~~/ of Council " Approv~ b-y tho l'layor> this l~ daJi of~~Q.e,J , 1~ 1/ ~? ", if8.::1 /:.:>'/,.. , /,,1 /",1)' ":~','," - '/ h ~/? /7-'" . , ",~/'" ,,~~_ , J>Iavor - ,.'/ " '/ L."^"'~ . J