HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 161 .~'- .... ORDINANCE No.L~_ . ---....-,,- AN CHDINANCE DECLARH'G 'I'M INTENTION OF ArTNEX A CERTAIN TRACT OF lJ1HNCORPOHAT:E:D ETJNICIPAL BOUNDABT8S OP TIm CITY 'CF C FLCRIDA, TO-lH'r: TI-m; CITY OF' OCOEE, FLORIDA, TJ LAND LYING CONTIGUCU3 TO T:O::F: AND srrUATED IN CHAiT COUNTY, T r.t ':lu0 l.J \..1 1 ~ , in Plat Block Lj., of t~le '-'bil ,- K' II.~ It ""r n (J'e s . - ,J .tel., 0, C) Town of Ocoee, according to plat therecf recorded 100-101, PubLic Records of Ol~a.nge CoVnt;X, Floridu. ,;';f''''''~,'r,~"'C'''' ifliHEHEAS, the above described unincorporated land is lying contiguous to the mcmicipal bcundarL3s of the City c)f (lC(;<38, Florida, and vvHER.i3.;AS, [~aio tract of land contains less th.9.1) ten (10) registered voters, 811(1 WHEREAS, the said. land is susceptible of receiving municipal benefits uf the City of Ocoee, and WHEREAS, the City of Ocoee desires to annex the said land to its present municipal bounc.u;u'ies in accordance wi trl the provis ions th'c3refor in Sec- tion 67 of the Charter of the City of Ceoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida Legislature, 1925, and Section 171.04 Florida Statutes, now there- fore, BE IT ORDP.Il\jZD BY rrrn~ CITY CC:TJl\TCIL (j}l Trill CITY' OF ()COEE: Section 1. Tho City of Ocoee hereby declares its intent to annex the follovJinF deseribeci unincorporated land lyinr)' contip'u.ous to the muni- cipal boundaries of the City of Gcoee and situ8ted in Crarc;e County, 1:j110ridR, to its present municipal boundaries, thereby extendinrJ' its tsrritorial limits to include the said land within said territ6rial liInits and to e)cer(:~isE:) full p(j~-JeI' and authorits over saio lend in ac- cordance with the Charter of the City of Ocose, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida Legislature, 1925, and the GeneI'al Laws of the State of Floriua, said land being more particu]arl~ described as follows: Lot 28, Block }+, of' tl18 rrow,n of Ocoee, aCGording to plat ther-eof recorded ill Plat Book 1IA", Pages 100-10J., Public Records of C)r'ange County, Florida. Section 2. The City of Oeoee hereby declares its intent to enact an Ordinance at its first regular meeting held after the next en8uir: , tr}irty (30) da.ys from tb,e effecti vs date cof' ti~.:' Ordinanc u, the-rGby orJ.8ining trlat the snlr:; 1 'rId desr;r:Lr)(~,1 'i.1~1 ":",,,.L.:~ n 1 n')1'ccf be 8.nr>e,<:ec: to the teI'J:'itor:J,l Jirrit.s of tl16 Cit;;- Cccree, and ot.'o)'irire:; that tb.e terri tot'L:2. '1 its of. t Ci ty of Oeoee be extended to inGludo the said land 8.S described herein, and ord8ining that fr;)!'i iTO after the effective oe.to of said Ordln2.nr~o that the Cit~i of Oeuee shaJl exercise full povJcr end a,uthori i,:y ever saicL land ix F' ccordance wi th the ChE,y-ter' of the Ci t~1 of Ceoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Flol~:V[; Les;if1J8ture, 1925, and the General Laws of the State of Florida. Seetion law and ') .). .t,f,1 e Copies of trds Cherter of the Crdlnanc e shaJ.l CitJ, of Cccee. be posted as provided for by Seetion Lf.. Thj.s CrJ.inanc,e shall beCcni''l effe(;t:l ve imllle6 j.B tely upon its beeoming a laH. Section 5. All Crdinances ana parts of Ordinances in confJict herewith are hereby repealed. Seetion 6. Should any portion of this Ordjnance be helo invalid, then suell pert:i em as are not declared to be invfllid srJall rernair_ in fuTl force ami. e1' foe t . Don)fe in open..W' s ,ssian, at Ocoee, nr'JIIP'e COU~lt\l 1<'J nri r'" t~l'; s Za .... v. c. '0 u' ... .~.... .........tc.., L ".l,., _ d8.J of ~' , 19~-Y. Attest:~~ Clerk P6d~~~ ApJ?rove~by the M.~or ~.. J th18 7~uay of ~ ' /. / /3{'" IJ.l ;'~1/1 ~~~'7d'~',A"/'I;{~~~/ J:lmyor / y 19~ y. .s {