HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 82 .. ,-.... ...... - .;- t ,> JUi C'::mUAlWE LEVYIN"G A TAiC upon ALL , CITY OF oeOEE, FLO~IDA, FOR THE T.~: 1951, A1TD EITDnTG OCTOB3R 31, 1952. ., TAXABLS ?RO?3J.TY WITHIl':rL;1 YE1L~ BEGnnrrUG IJ{)VB1d3ER ~, . '.llElIEAS, the Citylta:x:oaasessor has heretofore prepared an assessmen t roll of the taxable property of the City of Ocoee, :::i'lori- da, and. the respecti 1)e values thereof, and as far as prac ticable the owners thereof, wld ';'i1IEREAS, the City assessment roll has been submi tted to th.e Ci ty Council after due and proper not ice 'to the property owners r whose property has been increased, or corrected as to the values, and WHEREAS, a review and equalization of the assessme~t roll by the City Council has been concluded, and Whereas, a millage of 15 mills is necessary to produce a fund sufficent to defray the actual debt service requirements of t4e City of Ocoee, for the tax year beginning ITovember 1, 1951, and VIT1EREAS, a millage of 4.9 mills is necessary to produce a fund sufficient to defray the actual oper.ating expenses of the City of Ocoee, for the t~~ year beginning November,l, 1951, NOW TlIEREFORE. BE IT ORDAr:r::rn:D BY THE CITY OF OCOBE; Section 1. That a tax in the amount of 15 mills upon the Dollar assessed valuation be, and it hereby is, levied and assess- ed upon and against all property wi thin the corporate linli ts of the City of Ocoee, Florida, including property exempt from tax- ation for other than debt service; the said 15 mills tax hereby levied is levied in full accordance and compliance with a certain resolution of said City authorizing the issuance of certain bonds designated General Refunding Bonds, mssue of 1945, and the pro~ ceeds of such 15 r~lls shall be used solely and exclusively for the payment of interest upon said bonds ~~d the retirement of said bonds in accordance with said resolution. Section 2. That a further tax in the amount of,.9 mills upon the dollar of assessed valuation is hereby levied and assessed upon all property within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, Which is not exempt from qnnioipal taxation of the said City under and by virtue of the Qons~itution of the state of Flori- cla. Section 3. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be, and theN are. to the extent of such conflict \ , 'hereby repealed.. Section 4. This Ordinance Shall become effective immed.iately upon it s uassage by the City Council and a1.)proval by the 1'l2.yor. Passed by the City Council. . this /~~daY of ~~, A.D. 1951 fo'~ir~Ht}~ Approved by the Mayor thiS.lFday of~ A.D. 1951. ~..-:: (( ~ ~jh · -"..v or Attest: ~~ r \ ~ City GI~rk 1;I.LI~' ! rJI I , ___J