HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 81 ,..: '\:r1Y':".,'f!(<'\,f~~ ~ - ~--::~ , ~ --.-.-.----"----~~-~---~--.------~,r.-.-""~----------~.-~- -', " ~"'~7f .-, - '('1;01 .~.- r... ..r ~tf/ . :'.;''/" -, .{-.;,; , " ,""'." ."..",.. A.1f ORD:DANCE TO PROHIBIT AND REGULATE THE FLAYING OF MUSIC AND DAlfCING IN THE CITY OF QeOEE, FLORIDA, DURING CERTAIN HOU'dS Seotion 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, oorp- oration, business, or business establishment to permit any music boxes, coin operated phonographs, phonographs. or other machine for making musio, oohestra. band or musioal instrument to play or be played between the hours of 12:00 midnight an4 7:00 A.M. of the morning there a~ter including every night of the week. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, corp- oration, business, or business establishment to permit dancing in or on the premises of the said person, persons, oorporation, business or business establishment ,attain the hours of 12:00 midnight and 7:00 A.M. of the morning .thereafter ineluding every night of the week. " Section 3. It shall be 'unlawful for any peron. persons, corporation business, or business eBtab1ishment to permit to be playe4 in a loud, disturbing, or noisy manner during the hours of any regular religious servioe on Sunday, whioh hours shall be between the hours of 9:45 A.M. and 12:00 noon and between 7:00 P.M. and 8:00 F.M.. any of the devices, instruments, or music makers as mentioned in seotion 1 hereof. Section 4. Any person violating any section of this ordinance shall be fined not exceeding $50.00, or oonfined in the City Jail not exceeding 30 days, or both, provided that upon the third con- viction of any person, persons. corporation, business, or business establishment the Judge or City official acting as Judge may in his discretion suspend or revoke the lioense of the said person, persons, corporation, business~ or business establishment. Section 5. Thia ordinance shall be law when passed. Ordained this I~~ of ~ ' A.D. D~City Council ;:...-1i1ie City of -oe - and app~oved by ~(2 t:r~.1J~ ~p~_ J2;~~ 1951 by the Mayor. Aue.~t: ....: ~ i Clerk . I ,) -,~-~._--~----~------ .", .._,. ------~ }Ka,-or