HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance XX ..-'~.-' ....-..._~-" .f ,~ "'_~ ~-_.~-_._-----_.- ;.... \;... AN ORDINANCE VACATING A CERTAIN ALLEY HE.l~LEINAF'l'ER DESCRIBED IN THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUN'l'Y, FLOJ:i.IDA. ~:~~::*~:')~ BE IT OHDAINED BY crEE CITY COUNCIL al" THB CITY OF OCOEl:.:, iLOJi ill A : Section 1. That the i'ollmving described alley- way lying and being within the Corporate linlits of said City according to the Plat of said city recorded in Plat Book A, page 100, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for Orange County, Florida, be and tne same is hereby vacated, discontinued and abolished: "That.certain alley bounded ~n the West by Lot fl 27, Block 3; on the North by IVIcKey Street; on the East by Lots 47, 4S, S4 and 85 and on the South by a continuation of the South line of Lot 85 in a westerlv direction to the Southeast corner of Lot if 27, all-in Blodt J of' the 'I'ovm of Ocoee, accordL:.g to Plat Book A, Page 100, as recorded in \;]le office 0 f the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for Oranr:e County, Floridaff . Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect im.mediately upon its passage, after posting a copy of said Ordinance at the door of the City hall of said City and one copy of tids Ordinance on the premises of the above described alley for a period of r vmeks. 0ection 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Passed by the C . . ~~;:Z!1948' . OITlIi11SS10n. . . . ..... . . ~J.. '. City- tJh.t , "'.' 1" J '. T-~ ~ ~;!.--I 19' c> .h.PI!rovea by ene ~'~uyor ................ ~ . . 40. ~ /} /1f~/) ././ ~ ~t/T_~C--;( kayor, l,ity 0 f Ocoee, Florida ~~ C:U::, y Clerk, City G.I' Ocoee, Florida " ........ ..~ :;;O:T::ir__-,--' o~-"",-~~ '-~""""...;..-~~'""""""'"'.,;.., ........ ~ ,.~,~ ~. .... ,'....\<J:rJ'_':Ait',.. ""."'~_.~ l L ~