HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 74 ~'"."~ 1.1./_&" . .:~ ''', '-r .' ,~"".' -. . ~ :,;,~ ;r '.i:. ,,,1' r-, 1"'"1'" ~;"." \, "" 11i1117~ _:,._e , . AN ORDINANC~ APPROPRIATING AND ALLOCATING ALL HEVENUE AIiD ,FUNDS OF Tlm CITY OF OCOEE, FLOl~IDAJ 7l\T.;' '-'r:r',!, T^~T ,rr;\,~'Q PTj'~I~."lt~lT("i'\~T 1ITiJ"'m1\T -''''0 1 19.1'11, - v.!.. J. .<.1..'-..1 .t*~ So. _l i:J....,.l.c-'J-au ".... J J~~,....1 \,~ h 1\' "-.;.';.L,''-''~.l.l.., ~ ArD ENDING ON OCTOBER 31,. 19.. ; W1IEEEAS , the total amount necessarYJ as determined 1):1 the C1 ty Council of the City of Ocoe8# Flor:'Lc,a, to defray the actual operating and debt service requirements of the r'1unicipal govArnY"'.crit of s~id City for the tax collection year which begins on November 1, 19~ and which ends on October 31,19411.11 is the sum of ~IIO,677 ~OO,...,~nd . " 'i'LE=-~EASJ the total debt service requirements of sa:tdOityfor said year am~unts t'J the sum of ~109,560.00, )' all of which said su:m is levied and. is now allocated and appropriated to the payment of the principal and interest u.p.on said City's Bonds and Interest, aEc1j; 10\',; ~NHEREAS, the total amount necessar~r for the opera- ting expenses of said City for said year)s the sUJ':'! of 'J;110,677.00, and WHEREASjI a tax' levy on all taxabler real property within the said City is necess~a.rily to be made in the a!l1.ount of 440 mills on the .properties within the present boundaries of the City of OCQee and 437 rnil1s ~n thr property excluded from' the present boundaries of the ~~i ty of Ocoee j. and ~1mREAS, said .tax levy will beprdportionately set out and is nOVi allocated' as follows: Brown Grummel" Jud'grae;tj;tQnd:~ interel;Jtt 4 rrereaI~h, Rodgers & Martin judgment and interest 430 G. D. Rowell judgment and interest 3 Operating expens~s 3 Total millaee - - - - - 440 WT:EREAsJ it is anticipated that 'there will be avail- able for use and disbu,rsement from the general fund of said City revenue and funds from the following sources and in the following amount::';"-i Fines and forfeitures Licenses Rent )l, 50 00 <.i' ..' 100.00 120.00 Total - - - - - - - -I 270.00 and v'VlrE.REAS, the expenses of the operatiori said City to be paid from its general fund is expected to be a.s follows:. Administration, all departments $ 1,117.00 now therefore, BE ITORDADTED 3Y THE CITY OF .OCOEE:. Section 1. That the sum of $109,560.00, or such portion thereof a~ may be r,ealiz.ed from the collection of the ta.x levied as aforesaid, be and. the same is allQcatedand appropriated to the fullsa.tisfaction of cu.rrent debt service (' \ " !\ ~ ~ ,- c ", .' requirements for the year beginni.ng November 1, 194~ and in .fu1l conformity with the tenQr and effect of that certain resolution of said City authorizing'the issua.nce of its Bonds of all issues. . , Section 2. That the sum of $1,117.00, or such portion thereof as may be re'a1ized from the collection of anticipated revenue as above set forth be, and it hereby is allocated and appropriated "to the General Fund of said City" for 'disbursement in conformity .to the provisions of the Charter of said City during the tax collectiCHt, year beginning November I, 194& Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effec- tive innnediately upon its becoming an ordinance. Section 4. That all ordinances and parts of ordin- ances in conflict herewith be, and are, to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. ,Passed by l1he City Council, September 6, 1943. -~,.:.. roved by the Mayor, September 21 ~ 43. f. ~?o~~. , . .1,'1 ( SEAL),'~:2 ~;,~--;:<) MnrJ'l.r,i.~'~" ',"',../:'-' AJ;i~,~~'*'~.!'" .., ,,' ~ i~~~ ,.~ ~ ~ . ~ ;/1,7.- tj er-,; ty ot-eoea. ...