HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 73 __ A"'. 1 '" '" ~.\ \~ .J""" ..jl> ,- -'....".~... ~'l~ "," . I ~ ~~, <..,.,.'"..~' ~j .t)~ '"' dt" 1 :5 AN ORDINA1WE LEVYING T A;.,\.'"ES OF THE CITY OF 0C}EE, FLOlUDA, FOR TYE TAX YEAR BEGJ-n'IFG F:rJE~'f::ER 1, 194~ A1-mEl:,DIFG OCT0"3ER.31, 194". r-- 1,(/ WIIEREAS, the City tax assessor has heretofore prepared an assessment roll ofth~ tUable property o~ th.e City of Ococe, Flo~lda, and the respective values thereof, and as far as practicable the owrters .thereof, and WHEEEAS, the City asoessmentroll,....J.ias been sub- mitted to the City Council after due and proper notice to the property owners Whose property has been increased or corrected as to the values, med \ ~flH.2;::::'EAS, a review and equalization of the assess- mopt roll by the Ci ty'Jouncil has been concludeo" and ~tnIEREAS, a 1"'1111ase of 440 miD.s is necessary to produce a fund suff:tcier:t to defray the 8ctual OPerating aJ"!d debt service req':.:dre'ments of ther,,;Llnicipalgove:rI'lJ.1Jent oftha 01 ty of Ocoee f9r the tax year which begins on lToveLl'.ar 1, 1912, aXld which ends on 'Je t.:;.'] ,,'1' 31, 194a1 no'ii'!, ref0re~ " . ""\T" IT )RDAINED 3Y IrBE CITY OF OCCEF.: . Section l~ That a lovYJf 440 mills 00 the asse'ssment roll of tf:.xahle prope:::'ty l.n t:he C:tty of Ocoee, Florida." be ftr~c. t1'le same is 1le'r~eby levied by the Clt:r of Occee, Florida, on said property. " . ,,~..,cT""$ection Z. Tha.t a levy of 437 1111l1s on the , ' .'asseasm$nt roll, of, property now excluded from the City, limits of t;b.eGityof ~coee, ?lorida, 'Jut subject to debt sorvice requ1.rementsl be and.. the sa.~e is heI'e~)7tr levied tryche tjity of Ocoee ori,saidproperty. Section ,3. That this ordinance shall become effec- immedj.&tely upon its bSCoinil1C; an ordinanc.e. Section 4. Tha.t all ordinances al1d parts of ordin- os in conflict herewith be, and are, to the extent of conflict.~ereby repealed. . I l'a~sed by City Council, geptember 6, 1943.. ( C:!;::'l, c ~ I ,) \, i..../"'-lQ.,J l::)'~l the r.Ta-yor, September,tJ ATTEST: . ~.7nt L.:.&. .c,; ,; y C erk. City of Ocoee.'