HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 72 .1 ""! -..... -. \; ~ 1~" r" -:it. L'./ -If ?~ '" N{~ OST.:.IN rT? TEE 'j I'rY'~=.' B"SGIITTTD'G r ?I"{Il7G T~~I~ E~~T~ f".)? C~)B:~, FL')J.'LII:;!~, T "3R 1, 19 ~:~ AIT') 31, 1945. TAXATION m f11;,'ffT ~7'I:j":\P , ..i.. ..:.., \. _.L.u..r,..,t... " c." () r' r:: -J~' ~.~~ ':J1IEEEAS, The City assessment roll }J.as b30n s',lb- mitted to the City Council after due, and proper n')tice, and a review and equalization of said assessnent roll 1J" t:Je City Council has been concluded, and r. 'iVHEREAS, it has been ascert8.ined that the sum of i::aI0,677.00 is necessary to defrB.'JT tl:..e act'ual operating and debt service requirements of the mun5.cipal goverrunent of the City of')coee f!)r the tax collection year which beg:tns on I:ovembe:r 1,' 1943; and ~1hich endsi,ol1 0ctob\?r 31., 19114; now ~,~o~e~n~e . .J ...~_'-"':" .l _'..L , '33 IT'jRDAnmD -'J,Y P1"tTt"j1 .L ,.,,~..l~ CITY OF CCOEE: Section 1. That the millage of 437 rilills is neces- sary to :;.Jroduce a fund sufficient to defray the actual debt service requirements of the rmnioipal gov~r:nm~nt of t}le City of Oooee for the tax year which begins on Novemb$r 1, 194:.)., and whicll. ends on Octo>er 31, 19.. . Section 2. That a mill.age of 3 mills is necessary to produce a fund sufficient to defray the actual operating service requirements of the municipal government of the Cit;T of Ocoee for the said tax year. Section 3.. ,That tb,e tax ~atG for the said City of Oeoee:'~:1:"br the said fiscal year shall be 43'7 mills on the so-called excluded properties and 440 mills on the prop- erties remaining withln the present ~i ty bouno.ar5.e s. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effec- ti ve iW:1edlately upon its becoming an ordinance. Section 5. That all ordinances and parts of ordin- ar:ces in conflict herewith be, 8.l'c) ;",1'8, to the extent of such conflict h~reby repealed. Passed by the Clty Council, September 6, 1943 ~, -.< - by tb"s T:ayor, Septe:C:l1)er :z.l, .:-~~, ."$-E~f)!' ATTEST ~ t ~ ~-Pty~ S:,ty ~ler I Ji Y 0 Ocoee.