HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 56 'jJ s10 >.. ;t;., ............ ,..~ , --i.d..., (,'6 _t.J .- ~...' ",::,_~i"...~ ~"" AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, FOR THE TAX YEAR BEGINNING ( ,NOVEMBER 1, ~9~O, AND ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1941. , !' , jiHEREAS, the City Tax Assessor has heretofore prepa~e~,ltllassessment roll of the taxable property of the City'of Oooee, Florida, and the respective value thereof, and as tar as practicable the owners thereot, and WHEREAS, the City assessment roll has been sub- m1 tted to the City Couneil after due and. proper notice to the property owners whose property has been increased or correcred as to values, and WHEREAS, a revie. and equalization of the.asse~s- ment roll by the City Council has been concluded, arid WHEREAS, a millage of 783 mills is necessary t,o produce a fund sufficient to defray the actual operating and debt service requirements of the municipal government of the City of Ocoee tor the tax year which begins on NOT- ember 1, 1940, and which ends on October 31, 1941, now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF OCOBE: Section 1. That a levy of 783 mills on the assess- ment roll of taxable property in the City of Oooee, Florida, be and the same is hereby levied by the Oi ty of Ocoe., Flo- rida, on said property. Section 2. That a levy of 777 mi11a on the ass.ss- ment roll of property no. excluded from the Oity limits ot the City of Oco.e~ Florida, but sub~ect to debt service re- quiremen1is, be and the same is hereb,. 1eTied b)' the Oi t,.. of Ocoee on said propert,... Section:5. That this ordinance shall become ettec- tive immediate1,.. upon its becoming an ordinance. Section 4. That all ordinances and parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith be, and are, to the extent ot such oonflict hereby .,pea1ed. Passed by City Council Ju1,.. 28, 1941. ~~~ " '" , .1J ~ (SiAL) -.# _ ",..$i.'!'" ""., '" ~ " ~ ~ ~~tt Clerk, city of 000... Approved by the Ma,or, July 28, O?~::: ~. 1941. "-I" 4'",,", 'A'1'TE$~: ." I", Ie p..,.,.~-._____._._____~_c_.____..., , ,_~~..fi", _,