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I.:~I~~.C} })I30}(Dl;::~-CLY (;OlJDUCT
A.JD .i',iWVIDL1G A ?BllaI/.CI J'O.;.", SAl:,",,~.
Section I. All persons villo shall make.aid.countenance or
in makinG any improIH3r noise. riot, dist ~lrl)arlCe .breach of the;
,or disturbance or diversion tending to a breach of the peace.
,.. .
within the l'imits of the City of Ocoee ; all gorsons v;ho shall collect
in bodies or crowds for unlawful purposeB ,or for any purpose to the"
annoyance or disturbance of other persons;all persons who are idle v
or dissolute and go abo;:,tbegging;all persons who use any juggling
or other unlawful games or plays;all persons who are found in houses
of ill fame or gaming houses; all persons lodginG' in or!(liho are found
any time in outhouses. barns. sheds, stables ,or unoccu'f'ied buildings.
underneath buildings .or sidewalks ,or 1.411n8 in the open air a1')d
Jot giving a. good account of' themsel vas; all :persons who shall will-
."fi~.Y aasault in said City or be engaged in or aid and abet.in any
'>;'~'. or
,,'lIht . quarrel,.} other disturbance in said city;all persoms 't",ho shall
lo1ter,stand or stroll about in any place in said Oity.waiting to
or seeking to o"btain money or other valuable things from others by
triCK or fraud or to aid or assist therein; All persons that ,engage
in any fraudulEmt schdrl1e. Cl.~vice or trick to obtain money or other
-., .. -;.
valuable things in any p'laco'in said City,or ''tho shall aid or abet
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or in an:l manner be cdlnc:!3rned therein; all touts. ropers. steerare.
Cappers,so -ealled.for any gambling room or house,who shall ply
attempt to ply their cailing on any public street in the (Jit;sr;
persons found loitering about in hotels ,block .bar room. dram fIlOT) ,
ling house or disorderly house.or wandering about the streets,
er by night or by day Yvithout any known lawful meaYlS of sun)ort.
ithout be~ng able to give a satisfactory account of themselves;
IHI~r~ons wb.~ shall aave 6r carry any pistol .knife ,c.irl:::.knucl::1cs,
or other dangerous weapon concea.led on or aoout their
persoll;and a.ll persons who a.re known to be theives.burglars,pickpocket
ion or other-
or confidence IDen; oither
by having been convicted of larceny, burgl.~.'r other crimes
the laws of the state of Florida,or any 0"'.... state or :-3tates
~:r~e:t:'ritory of tho Uni te~ States. who aro found 1~8~ng in or :prow-
;.$,01' loitering around any raili'Oad depot .banldq ltlstitu11ion,
}.ee of public amusement . church. tabernacle ,aInus..... room.auction
llD,hotel,store.shop,thcirofare,car.publie oonveJl_.,public gath-
f'~rlng .public assembly, court room,public building"ri:re,te building.
:tuthouse ,house of ill fame . gambling place or any oth.r public place,
\"ho are unable to give a reasonable excu.se for bling so fo Ul'1d ,
be deemed guilty of disorderly conduct.and 'ting c6nvicto~ tho>>
sub ject to a fine of not l,'e than One Dollar.
land One Day in Jail,nor more than Sixty Doltars.($60.00).or
D~s in Jail for each offense.
Section 2. All Ordinances or parts of Ordiriahc.e in conflict
the same are hereby repealed.
Adopted this.!. day of April.A.D.I9Z,5.
President,Oity Council;
City of OQO",Oranse County;
AFproV'ed thisSO day of April,A.D.I9;35.
Mayor,Cit7 of Ocoe~, ~
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Attost ;__c~~__,;q~~.:e. )
City Clork,City of Ococo. ---1