HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 50 f ;j'~- - , F ~~~<' ....'<, t:,,' \ilI" , ~ ..,.;; Ordinance No. 50. ,> \ An Ordinan4.;Q to R.~ulate and Lic~ne* t ~ Sale and . or, Fur- nishin..; of SpirituoU15 Liquors and. or Win.sam B..rs having an Alcoholic Cont.nt of more than a% by Volum. and Preecribin" a Plinalty for thG Violation of Cortain of its Provisions" and Re- pealin. all Ordinances in Conflict ThGr~with. Be It EnactQd 'By the City Council. of thCl City of Oco~.. CountY" " of Oran~.. stat. of Florida. . SQ.ction I. No plireon. finn or cqrporation ehall .n,a~'o in or ma.na.~ a busin~ se for the salG of Spiri tuoue Li quare and, 'Qr Win.B and Bil9rs J::w:.vin... an alcoholic c~)Dt.nt of a%. by volume in thi CitY" of OOOIiil. unh.f:13 a city licens" (annual) of th,~ Ci ty of Ocoee, fIlhall first have bsen had. Said a.nnual. lic4fnse fih:ill Ue fixed in tht? eum of 100.00 dollars and rnuet b0 paid in full before a.ny of tr. above commodities t'h&ll b/i aold within thG City Limite of tho; City of Oco~., Oran;e County, Florida. Said license and or licensee eh.ll be non tx'a.nsfflrrable and can be ;w.d only for one t)U~;in"EI8 s.ddrise within thlil city limits of th' City of Oco.~. Section 2. It shall b. unlawful for any p~ rson to eell epiri- tuoue liquors am or wines and biiilre havin~' an alcoholi c content of moria than aro. by volum., bfitweiin th~' hourf' of 10 o'clock. P.M, and 6 o'clock A.M. S4i:otion 3. It shall be unlawful for any pG reon to eell Spirituous Liquore: and or ,iTlfi ~j and bGere h&vi~ an alcoholio content o~ more than a%. by voluIDI. on Sund~ and or on ~~n~ral, sp~cifll and primary *lection daye. Scction 4. It shall b~ unlawful for gny p$reon, k~~pi~ or I carryini on 81thGr by hime:Glf or by fU'loth~r, fA plaoe wh~rein Spirituoue liquor6, and, or wine e and b.erlll hav1ni an alcoholic content of more than ar.6 .by volume, aI''' Bold by reta.il or \"ihole- elale, to ~loy a minor in hi e place of buein. SB. .. ~ :F_ .. ~ - . ..~ .. :--.' .tfI" . ,\)l) .. . Sectiol;l 5. No p....rso n woo i s ~, dlil alG r in Spirituous liquors. and or ydn~s ani bldflH'c havin~ ~m a.lcoholic contQnt of man than 8~& by volume ehall furnieh said commoditi€H:: in any quanity to an habitual drunkard PQrsonally known to him; of whoEl' intem- p~rat. habits such PQrson has bQ~n notifi@d in writin. protwstini aiainet thli siWllin..; or furniehln;.;; of' said C ommodl ties. by the wif.. father. mother, brothGr or sister of eaid drunkard. S~ction 6. Ho pii'rson vho it'! a deal.r in Splrituotl.e Liquors and or Winee and Biitire, havin~ an alcoholic contGnt' of maN than 81~ by volUllie. by hlmsGlf or by anothQr. shsll e:ell or eaure to be sold by anoth..,r. or furnif!~d or ptirmit any pGreon in hie employ: to Elell or furnish any minor, or &ny person wh~ ie at the tia intoxicated or drunk. th~ a!oremanttoned commodi ties in e:ny quan1~Y. Section 7. That no blinds ehall bi Sit up on a prop.rty and or room i;iven over to the BUIi of thQ above mention. d commoditiQs so 61.3 to cloe. the vie.. into eaid building, from thli f\tr'i~t; tllitt at all hour8 durin~ thii ni~ht a Ii ~t shall bii }tept burnin~ in said prOpflfrty a>>dor room and no doors, ecrG,lenfJ or oth~r thinie ehall bfi allowed to pre,ent pClr150ne on th~ outside of eu.ch place of busin€ss from alliin" inside thereof at 5.11 hours of the day or ni~ht; and no si de room or rooms ehall b.. set up in a.ny such place of DUBin. se. \ S.cti on 8. It ehaJ.l be unlawful tlor any p. rElon. firm or cor- poration to deal in and or eell Spirutuoue Liquors and or WinGe and Beere, havin. an alcoholic content of more than 8% by volume by himself. themsalvee or by others. within a distance of lfZE',e I than thrle hundred (300) f.lt of aTIT churoh and or echool within the oi ty limit e wi thin thQ City of 000'. ,Orani' County. B'lorida. Slctio. 9. A.ny pereon violating any of the foreioin~ Provis- ione of thie Ol:'dinanoe. ehall be a.l.eel iJuil ty of ..,. mieaemeanor and upo. oonviction thereof, hie licene. f1hall be forfeitQd and h. shallb. fined not more than one hundred (IOO.OO) dollars or imprieonQd in the Olt, Jail for not mort than 60 days. .~ ~-- ~ L ~ ~ Section 10. All Ordinanc.. or parte of Ordinanc~8 of the City of Oco... in conflict wi th this Ordinance ar{i hsrliby repealed. Section II. Thie Ordinance E'hiil.ll i;O into ~ff.ct ~,. _t.~~. A.D. 1935 at midni~ht. -' Adopt.d January 7, 1935; APproV.d~ f1. 1935; -?Ci 4~ _!j:_-~-------~----- ~ City Cl. rk. 0~- -- . ~/A -------------~~--~--~- Preed. dent City Council. --t--4--- .Mayor, .\ I l 1 II 'I I ,1