HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 48 ,It. - ''c,~"f.;1C-q;~._ . TIlBAS. ~ "r'" R. A.-. . ~. . r --,.1/ - 'L- , I ",,\ COUNClLMIIN J. M. Ar80 H. R. BeIu ~ ... J. Roberaon L. C. WIadham H.B.PIewe\1ins i.~ tJ~:~TY OF OCOE~ .: O:\. .'" , "Ia The Heart of ,0ranIe County The Garden Spot of Florida" .- t~ ,. ,; " ~;' I ~ f ORDINANCE NUMBER 48. AN ORDINANCE prohibiting the unauthorized discharge of firearms within the lints of the CitY' ot Oeoee, Orange County Florida. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE SEC 1; It shall be unlawful tor an,. person or persons to discharge firearms within the limits of the City ot Ocoee. SEC 2; Nothing in this aet sball prohibit the dischaCle ot firearms within the l1m1ts of the City ot Ocoee when same is done as.an emergency or distress signal. '. . Sec 5; Any person or persons viillating this act shall'upon conviction be subj~ctto a tine of not less than.one dollariand costs or one day in jail and not more than one hundred dollars and costs or sixty days imprisionment. ... Done in open session of the City Council,City of Ocoee ,Orange County Florida this l~ day of March A D 1934. . "- At~~: J1;~ 1r l ~;k. ~~Re~ tJU~~t. Approved thiiL9th day of Jlarch A D 1.934. - / Mayor. ~, ( . \