HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 46 r ; - C :!'>"~ ,'" /' 'l:, .L . <' ... .. ;-. ~.. ,,~ \. ' '".}.f,/ . ';t..,.,~ . ,J , ::t:I:~ ~~ , (J) - AN ORDINANOE BEGULATING AND LAYING THE L+emlSE .~T~D ALL PERSONS,' PIRMS AND OR Co.RPo.RATIONS DEALnlG IN~lfILK ~Hnr THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF o.COEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDHIG FOR \ THE PUNISHMENT OF ANt PERSOB, FIRM OR Co.RPORATION WHO SHALL MA!TUFACTBP$'~~ PRODUOE, DISTRIBUTE A:m o.R SELL MILK WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF TIre CITY OF OCO,EE WITHo.UT FIRST HAVIIIG OBTAINED SUCH LICENSE. BE IT o.RDAINED by the City Council. of the City of o.coee, Florida, that; Sec. 1. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the man- ufacture; production, distribution and or sale of Milk, within ~he confines of the City of ucoee, o.range County, Florida, without first having procured a city license therefor, from the City Clerk, city of o.coee, County of Orange, state of Florida. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the manufact- ure, production, distribution and or sale of Milk, within the City limits of the City of Ocoee, o.range County, Florida, shall pay a license tax aa fOllOWS; (a) Firms, persons and or corporations engaged in the business of the manufacture, production, distribution and or sale of Milk, all of which is manufactured or produced upon the properties of said firms, persons and or cor~ora- tions, shall pay an annual license tax of one dollar (~.Oo.). (b) Firms, persons and or corporations engaged in the manufacture, produotion, distribution and o~ BaLe of Milk, produced in part, only, upon the propertied'of said ~irms, person~ or corporations, shall pay an annual license of seventy-five dollars ($75.0.0.). Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars ($150..0.0.) and or imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60.) days. Sec. 4. All o.rdinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this o.rdinance are hereby repealed. ' Sec. 5. This Ordinance will take effect immediately upon adop~- ion by City.Council and approvaL by the Mayor. Adopted o.otoberkr1933. President, City Council Approved o.ctoberL~~1933. &(~ Mayor, Cit~ of oco~ Attest; City Clerk - \, ( I i~ I I