HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 45 ;"";, ":'(:!",\'(t~:;i~~,,;.~?J)f.k!":<'i;i;~~;~::';;:'51:~.j~q7)~~,~"tl~~~~~ ' ; r .......;..,;. MAYOll .. E. A. M_,. .. CITY . IOCOEE ~II'" ,{ "~:~ ., ""I, I' I I ......-~-'_.~. .. COUNCILMEN \ ~.a ~:c.,.-'""'; ~ W'.---v r ('In The Heart of Orange County The Garden Spot of Florida" Ordinanoe number I}s:-. "I J. M. Arso H. R. BeIu J.J.Roberuoa L. C. Windham H. B. Flewe11ins ... "" r- CLERK. TJlEM. 1l.A.. / ( An Ordinance re~;L.a..t1-ag and defining the date of.__ Qualifioa.tlon of oandi,<ia..taa-o-for election to off!ge in"tlle--cIty gove:rnment of'tliEf:"Ofty'of Ocoee,i'lorida.. Sec.l All oandidates for election to office 'in the oity government of the City of Ocoee, li'lorida,sball,on or before ten (10) days previous to the next City ~~ection,in which they expect to be a. 8&nd1d$te,file written notioe with the 01ty Clerk,stat1ng the1r 1ntention of seek1ng offloe _ad spe01fying the off1ce. Seo.2 Th1s ordinance will becoae effect1ve immed1a.tely upon adoption by the Oi ty Ocnmcil and approval by the Jlayo r. . r Done in open'sess10n of the C1ty Council of the 01ty of Ocoee,OJ:8.nge County)'lorid&, thi.~qIL" of Ootober 1933. Adopted 00tober~933. ~~~~ ~ ,den 0 0 y COunoil. 1 ~ ~ ~~ . City 01 rk. .. Approved Ootober~3a- ~,~ ~\ II I ~ l "i~ ' " ,--,,: " ::'", ','-vL-'e__' .,.,,,,111", - -' I - -- '........... .