HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 42 !!' /"~"i , . . t \. , ire._ .... *t. _ .1' OITY OF OOOEE IN THE HEART OF ORANGE OOUNTY r ~ OOOEE. FLORIDA , OP~INANCE NUMBER 43. An ordinance requiring all Railr~ad eompanie. operating within or through the Corporate ltmit. of The City of Ocoe.,rlorida,to prote.t by proper flagging, all pablio street ore..inga,a. hereinafter .peoified in th11 aot, and. to proTide a penal t1 for T101a:tioa th.ereofl Be 1t ordained,by the City Council,of the C1ty of oooee, norida: . Seotion,I,It shall be unlawful for any Railroad oompany operating 11'1 thin or thru the Clorporate 1..1t. of the Cit1 of Ooo..,l1a.,to operate &ny train acro.. Oakland. ATeaue, KoKey street and 1r1nter Garden ro~ without first properly protecting aaid street oroslings by flagging~ Seotion,2, Any person,persons,firm or corporation,guilty of Tiolating thia ordinanoe,or any provision thereof1ahall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollass (,10.00) nor more than F1fty Dollars ($50.00) or by impriaonment not exoeed1ng thirty (30) daya. Done in open session of the City Council,of the City of Oooe.,Orange Oounty Flor1da,th1s 18th day 0' Yay 1931. A~..t~/' J' /, -'l/fqJ~ Olerk. }7 ~ ~~ V p~es1dent. Approved thia 18th da.y of liar, 1931. ..._~--~-~ Mayor. ...---- - ':~. f I