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Ordinanoe number, 1// .
An ordinance,requiriag the inocula.tioD of all aoga,for rabie..
runn1D.g ..t large within the lill1t. ef the City el Oooe..
Be it ordained by the City Counoil of the Oity of Oooe.
Seetion I, All doga running at large within the limits
of the Oity of Ocoee are hereby required to be i.ooal.tea.
Section a, All dogs.running at large, within the limlts
of the 01ty of Ocoee,witbout proper lnoculation will be
prollptly killed.
SeetioD 3. 10 person ahall be legally liable,at law,for
killlng any <log runnlng at large,wlthin the limlts of
the City of Oooee,that has not been inoculated.
Seotton 4, Any persoB,owning,or baTlng in his possesslon.
a dog that has not been properly 1nooalated for rabie.,
and shall permit same to run at large,within the limits
of the Clty of Ocoee,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not
.ore than twenty fiTe dollars la5.00 or imprisonment for
not more than twenty fi Te 25 days.
Sectlon 5, All ordinances,or parte of ordinances,in
oonflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 6. !his ordinanoe to take effect immediately
upon it. pa.sage.
Done in open session of the Oity
Ooo.e,Orange County,Florlda,this
A.tt.a~il )~Ad
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Oouncil of the Oity 01
second 4&y of February 1931.
ApproTed, this ;)~daY of February 1931.
)(ayor of the Oi ty OfoOcoee, Florida. c::/'-"