HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 40 - -, - "'.,..,..,.C'~'----- u ..........~ / t ,I' OITY' Q>F oodEE IN THE HEA~T OF ORANGE OOUNTY ~ OOOEE. FLORIDA ..,... I. Omi_ace number .0. An er4i1laaoe to preh1bl t gat. oraahlas aaci t. proy14. a p."lty for the Tlolatloa thereof. BE IT OKDAllED B! THE OITY COnwClL or T~ OITY 01 OCO~E FLA., aeo.1,- It shall be unlawful for any person or peraons to obtain e.trance by foroe, to any show,athl.tlo gaa. or any publio gathering at whlch a regular a4a1ss1o. fe. 1. charge". Seo.3,- It shall be unlawful for any person or peraons to attend aDY show,athletic pile or any publlo gatherlng, at whioh a regular aclmissllm fee ls cbargecl,without pay1ag sald fee 0* be1ng provlde14 with pzeper pas.. Seo.3,- Aay perBons 01' p.rson. W'iolating this ozd.1Il8l1oe 01' , ..., proTlalo.. thereto,.ha.ll .on arreet ad. 0__ Tiotion, be subjeot to a fin. of act l.a. thaD oae (I) dollar aac1 oeat. or oa. 4&y 1a ja1l anA aot .ore than ..e bUDClreA 4011&:rs<tIOO.00) or thiny tl~s labor on atreets. Done in open session of the Oity Oouncil of the 01 ty of Ooo.e florid& this ,15th day of Deoeaber 1930. , Att..t,/ '~ . v1-, r Clerk. ()"YJ I ((~.~ li-re 8iden t. Approved thl. ./j day of >>ecellber 191O. (" (' ~c:.~ Jla,yor.' ~ ...-"""..,---- " ~ " .... ,- - , I