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CITY COUNCIL ()~,.:1'~ :~1:Y' OJf' ()OO~.I!;tORANG!;~
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80ctiom Ii.
All pers~:'~~o;i lJhl>.11 _lte~ s.~d. OOull.tellO.l\al>. "r
improp.rSlO~... ~iQt# disturba.Jl.c.,br8&bh of tho
i>>. making fJ.1ty
::i?\';pei;l.c"~ . or di sturbaaoeQ1' d1versio:Rte1td1ng to a. brea.ch of the pea.ce,
'wi thill the lim! ts.! tJ:le city of OOQeejall parsolls who sba.ll collect
in bQdies or cro1'!ds for unlawful purposes, or for a:AY purpose to the
...oyaace or disturbance of other persoasj all perso:Rs who are idle
.r dissolute aJld .go about begging; all p.~ons whQ use any juggling
'.1' other unlawful galIles or pla.ys; all persoRs who arefQlp1d in houses
of ill fame or gaming hauaesj a,ll persons lodging i. or who are found
&t aaytime im outhouses, bar-as, sheds, stables, ~r unoocupied build-
i~alor :g.Ja.d.erneath buildings,or sidewalks, or lodging 1m. the open a.1r
..daot glv.1ng a good acoount of themselves; a.ll persons who shall wil~
fully .,a.ssaul t in sa.id city or 'be' enga.ged 11'& or a.id or abet, i1\ uy
fiint , q,uarrel or other disturba:ftce 1:asaid city; all persQJls who sha,ll
101'_1', staJ'1d or stroll a.bout ill ~y pla.ce il,\ sa.idOity, wai timg to
1: ora.eking to obta.i. m.oney or 0 thl:r valuable thiJlgs from othel's by
J trick or fraud or 'Jio aid or a.ssist therein; all persolls that engage
scheme, devioe or trick to obta1n mouey or other
luable thiDgs in ~"!tY place in said 01 ty, or who s~ll a.id or a. bet
ill ~y n~nner be coacernod therein; a.ll touts, ropers,steerers,
oalled, for a.ny gambling reom or hous., who sba~l'ply
to ply their calling on 6.3ily public street 1n the EJ.1ty;
. 1. persons found ldi ter1ng a.bout i.1\ hot<tIt8, block ,
shOJ>~iambl:Lng house Qr disorderly h01..1se, or .....i.nd..rhlg a.b01.\t the str~r
e~;tp..rby llightor' by day without a1\Y laWful means of sup.port, or