HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 36A "---- - i '''';,::t " . ~' -I', I ~ ". .t/:':.t.'.....'....... ; ..,......~. '. ... _. ......... _. ...... ", ..'. _: ...... .......'. . ....._..~'... ......1'.','.),.. '., '........... ..................'.. . ...,~~__.~.l', '.'" ", ".:.',__~F...:.,..~ .,1. ,i;':_~ ,..' :r"',.t,_w' .........W'.........,........i ....' _.t ...., tal ....HI"4)1.. ......'" t.,. .....a.... .~'. . ..t.j;,' , .-/""- ", . ' . ,/,-;/', ' '~K.(.': ". . .-'..'1 It ..,. p.r... .r ..r..'~l ... tr,. ..-<~.. ~;,,> :~...I .....Il.,. J..f"..&'''. pJ"~..., ~.~_ htal._ I'~' . ." ~,:.,~:b"; ,,'\.::,."''''\ ".t.,. ....rk. .t. 'he Cl \y .t c~.,.,. ~ '._. "'-. t!r"S~,t:;i::" "'......<< ,A!'- ., r.' ...... ...r b,.~.. .' . _ ....t .' '.~..........f.:.'.'.,..,..r.:7.............;.. ~:. ,r:~. :r.:'..J-~'t. .~~._..~..~......... ,"~....'~......~..',..:;.:.,.. i'd, .'.'.' ;'7".'.... ...,,. p.r... .~.. ...... ...'.'.'.... ,',;/~;" ... .........r 1.... . '}',,--.lr >>r.c.. ..,. .t -. ...... ..! 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'hi. t;---..., .t 1\47. .J.~.'. j r .. '''I ''''/, \{.~~. .. '. ~'~...\ \~ ! /, \ j , .. .~ ,. " _.,.r. J ';;!--, ~ o', ;;'tlI~', . . . " j\. ORDINANCE #36 (USE OF WATER) the Water System, now built or to any new house or store or other property to be built without first notifying the Superintendent or other authorized person and getting.a permit tor the same under a penalty of Ten ($10) Dollars for each and every offence to be col- lected according to law. VACANCY PERMIT. Section 6. That no private Hydrant for do- JD,estlc use shall be allowed to be erected on any public street or highway where it may be- come a source of supply to any person or per- sons who are not entitled to the, use of the I18me. The Corporation Cock and Lead Goose- Neck at the Main is owned and controlled by the Town of Auburndale and is not to be re- moved or tampered with except by order of the Water Department. ' No vacancy permit shall be granted except by the Superintendent or other authorized person and then only upon Ten (10) days Dotice of th" intention of the owner to vacate the premises or to discontinue the UBe of any fixture. PENALTY FOR MAKING CONNECTIONS WITHOUT A PERMIT. Section 6. If _ any person shall, without a permit from the Superintendent or other per- son duly authorized by the Water Committee, introduce a ferrule into any public or private pipe or form any connection or communication whatever with said pipes or break ground for that or any other similar purpose, or if any J;lerson or persons shall introduce or use a fer- rule :of larger diameter, or make any attach- JIleDt 'or do anything otherwise than is .>>eel- .fiedi.i1 his or her permit, he or she so offend- ing shall forfeit and pay tor each and every '6 " 11 .~ JJ I I I L-- Ilffence a fine of Twenty ,($20) Dollars. UNA.UTHORIZED SUPPLY Section 7. - No person or persons shall sup- ply water to others except by special permis- sion from theWater:'iCommittee or Superinr tendent. Of every person so otfending the supply of water shall' be stopped and the rent already paid forfeited; the person or persons so otrending shall also forfeit and pay a tine of Twenty ($20) Dollars. PRIVILmGE OF SUPERINTENDENT Section 8. The Superintendent or other per- sons authorized by the Water Committee shall, at al' reasonable hours, have free access to all parts of the premises to which water is sup- pHed, for the purpose of inspection, examina- tion of fixtures, etc., and any person who shall resist or refuse to allow such access shall for- -'fc,feit and pay a tine o~;nty ($20) Dollars. , Sec 0 . If any person, shall us permit to be used his or her prem! any water 'for any' putpo withOUt fi aving paid a rent for such Pll se, o' any person shall use or permit to be n his or her or their premises any of d water, contrary to any of the Or said Town or any of the rule regulations ting to the use of the s water, every perso persons so otfe shall forfeit and par ach and ev o!fense a ftne of Ten ($10) D lars. CONTRACTS SectioD 10. Every Contract that mayor shall be made by the Water Committee with any person or persons for a supply of water by a private pipe shall be deemed and considered' a permanent Contract, unless either party de- $ir9 to make a DeW Contract at the termina- tion of any year, in which case the Water Com- '1