HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 33 "" J. J * I .~ A r~', ~- ~ (), "'"~"-/. -..L, f./'; . ~,"" ,"" ."-',,", ~ 1 f' \..~- _,,.v.. All ORDIiIAlfCE PIW'l!fJPro ?OH 'I'IE CC';I/~:'1fU'~~IOI'f BY ~m CI7Y ('IF 000;:'13 OF ~r.D U'LHGHT!.Y. DAT!G"~~lnU3 AND Dlr>AnDA~D BUILDl11GS AND.i'raUC1."Uii"'.:g WITanJ ."tt.~ ('<I""." .'1" ""'OHm~ '-"")tO~"I t;'L!'-,'i""{j ~- ~~--"'~ ~,'~ r:;..:~ v ... '1... :'~ .t.: "t "J:! ..L. !'1~ n. '.H\.: } 'I ,,"'\J J: ,fl. --~,.... .~#,.. Jl' r.lS. j} h 0..) ~,;rf;:'j~ U;LlfT OF TH3 COST AGAGi1f'f Tai~ r'ltO:~'::_iTY O:'f VinICH TgS 3.i\.t!~~ .r,:{:'~ ;'.5I'!UtlTBD. Alt}) r(l~(Y'l-IDri':G ?"'Ol" *.ili,~~ OOLTRC'l'IOn OF SAID COSTS. BE IT ORDAIllED By the City Counoil of the City of 000..: i SECTIOll 1. That said City Council is heroby authorized ,'.. pas resolutions providillg for the condemnation and removal flf' old, al1sightly. dangerous end dIpalidated buildings wi thin 't' ~ City ot Oooe. in the following manner: That is to say - ""0 it ahall appear to the Council that any buildin.g or atr\lotur. , J '~,the City of 000.. is wlslghtly. dangorous. or dlpalldated ~.ma7 by resolution provide for the destruction and removal '*'-reof. j I' " ,~ ", 3~CTIO!f 2. Upon the passnge of suoh resolution the ....r of the premises upon which the structure or building is :lfGate' shall be notifIed to remove said building within 8 portod "tfII. ten 4078 from date of said notloe. and that in the event sold .. ,..i08 1s not oomplied with that thereupon the city wl11 remove .l ,.,.. Bame at the ooat of said property holder and assess the eost . '~1nlJt the pr....1ses. /tt .' 5~'fION 3. In the eyon' tho property holde%' 40813 not , ,<it; " /'''0''. said bUilding within the presoribed per1.od of ttm. 'there- , "t ,';"':,. ,~ the City Council shall adTertls8 for b148 for the removal JJ'the building or structure. letting tIlt) contract for aarne \0 - ~ lowest possible bidder. Upon the removal of 8814 building ~ sald contractor he shall be paid for his servlc6a from such .-nas in the hands of the Clt7 ~r8auurer applicable to such ,___poae. and the C08t t.hereof shall be as.es8.4 against the property. 3814 cost to be paid by the propertl holde~ at suen 'imes and in such mannor a~:lmay be provided by the City Co'tL'1011. \ J ,; ,I ,,,~.:i ..d "---~"-'-"-'-'-'-"-'---'-'. '~ I \'" * S:mCTION 4. -2- In the event said property bolder shall fail to pay sucb assessment within tbe time prescribed that then the City of 000e8 may prooeed to foreolose the lien created by said assessment by a bill in chanoery. in whioh ease the property from which said old. unsightly. dangerous or dilapidated building or buildings. structure or structures have been removed shall be oharged with. in addition to the amount of said assessment. a reasonable attorney's fee. THIS ORDINANCE shall take effeot on the c2 7~ day of May A. D. 1926. ADOPTED the ... c27~ day of May A. D. 1926. / '-----I , ,." ,,-------.:.,.:.t:' I , I ~? ',:-,: ' .;. , , ,