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Ordinance 26
~' . - .~......-..... U f1' v" \. , "p~l r - '-,"~~.~~'- ~TC. ".,'" ~'$~. - . :) .. .(~~ ~~~- An OrcU..uance pro'V'1db~.t tor the u.11~~ of 0.11, el..1Jion V1NJ 1ntroducod by C-.l1.J..raa:& O. 11. POWlda. dUab. orilnallCe 1. ~ toU..._ An. Ol"dltit\lwe pnrtd1nc tfJ71 "b. oe.U,hlg of $1 .lec~i08 1n trte Ot...,. or Ocoee, O~ , couaV. Florida, to vote on the question 'Of tp$~ the 1~ecot1a'ble eoupon bOD;lS of tI18 City o:t Ocoree in the ~t of ')~lty Tho'USrJd (~O,OO.OO) ----~.... :Oollars for the PUI".P080 of acquiring wld iJIl:l?l'Ovl~'l(1 a. vltt.terworks plant bl said 01'y. JI If' O1IDAls:JED By tt-. Oity OOUDCll of the Oity of Oooee. ,,'. Section 1. ~t it is d.eem84. a.d.vl_ble Blld to tho 'best 1nte1"EulIt. of the Oity otOoooe ar;d Us 1nll.&bi.rda, to acqu.ire aa4 improve Q.' _terwofte plant witl'W:l tht oOJr.i>Ora.te l1m1ta ot sa1t1 clV and tor the ~8e of Par- ll~ the ooata thereof. to 18_ ~tS&bl. 0(mp<:J1'1 'bondll ot "'~$&1d al'ty .. the atsIJWlt of ~ "~ (120....01) DOllar. tor ptVlnt; the 1&14 ooet. Sect!.2. !be 'boa. PO"" .. ,. 1__ .11 .... in dCJ,Qmh'w.tf,Qa of 0Ue Ij,\b~ >>oUua .......... _.ball _taft $1,000 in -..11. of the year. beg~ .. Uth JIIU', ,.. .M ....., ~ ant U1cludSa8 "he 30th ~ from date thereof. ... 811&11 t..r ~... at tbs -tt of aU: par oon' *"1 per a.m_, ~le ._~lb'. I.n4 tbe into.... and :PrinCtPal of fm14 bondu ~!J thQ' t'I.~. 8hal1 'be 4. .. ~. at .~, the :8ank of Ocoee. Oooee..Florlda. or:Ba.nk ot Aal'_. Bw YOlk 01iv. !G'\"l York, an4 tor the ~"amt of prinGt!,)8l tmd the m.""~"'" <1_ Gball 'be lwied end ooll-=ted au ~ ~iAl _ ... aU the ... altle ~:r vd.t1dn tIle said cltyemf'tiQient to pe;f the tnt.." u ...- beoom. due ant ~~le. e.nd to.;;rovide a 1Sn."llIg f'1m41... 'he~_ and p~t o.t prillclD&lat the me.'t;urlt.7 ....t. aeotlon 3. An electIon ot tb.regI....ft4 ,.... of \118 OSitr ot Oooee nuJld1n€ th8l'eln, vlho own real estate t~t and ..... pU.4 tn. c lty tax.. tor the year b.,t due thenoa, as -U at JOl1 ...' .e PJQvld.ed bV 1e.w, .ball be held on the 10th dAy or JUne, A.. h 1'., * at _14 elec- tion thO _i4 pnpo.itlon of 1~ 'bonds tar the lI,'bon _l~1AtG4 '" \ /. f~:'" . -;""~(:,~~'I\;i''E~;"~DiI~f:~~C:''"-'?';,~:::';!r:':<~-;,~,.,',};';;' (- ~-':":;:'2:'lTi':::',;r15-;:~W~':'::~h,,;;:m-~21;1ffl~!~'j.,~~~~:;~';';,':-'''~:,~:"}:-'~:'-'7ir:7f~~:-,., Gf ,',.. . "J....nr"-~l*i.U ...-' ...,.... '.l.bta of'" Wit.. ........... W'....,.. MlIe at at.4 .....1. ... tn __ fl.. II. ... "'.. '-II, .14.... lhaU be 1...... 1>>. , to_'" f1 Inn,.... ...... ."'In.... ....... .. MIll." u....U' ~ ... 41..... to 1.. .JIW1-t.......... .....' awl. ,. ,111ft .. _Sa tbNI ...... ,~... 1fltJda ,.. ..... Ot.,.. 1I1IdcIh ,",1lt~t1oa ah&\1 ... 111 t11a ,IoUQW"'..... r... . . . . . . . . . . awlte.. ...s.u.. -..u '" ..-W as ot'b.c' 81t7 e1eot1om1 .,..........,.1' tIhall ".lMI\4.' "CU.., JIII.l1 in.sA. Ol:ti. I!m.d 'Nt "u. .--.u be .~ .. _. '.... ot . ."I4M A. -., &'ad aba11 nlSla ....u1...... .,.... ..... J." .. ..tlag.u.u 'b. lq'bl!l.J.1ot, "'W~.u" sa .Jt~_.. ~,~~ "'. '............. 'T . " ,," .- -';,--," ,.;-, , =",,:~.~~r. :';'.l"~;_lJllj.j~'f ~ '>_"":,~:': ", :", ' ,",'~ \~__::)-, ":.:;' ;>_',,:."; '- ".'i . '~.,:._..' ,':;, ~~~,.~;;'-.:( );~"~, .-,;<'~l'.;: - '.,' . ..mlll~:', "+, _.. .... ;..:_~- . ...... lleU .. .. ..,...., ...... ... qt._ Oo1mot.l ot .. ,tV., .... to .........s.w...... of .. _14 Oit: for tho ..... .f .....&nc M4 _,"lac .,,>>wo_ plau' 1n ..... alt,. .---... '.... --.11...... h1l ~ to.. OJ.' ~ .. 88J.4 ,....l.. ,. .. II.'" fIf -...._ _~ ...... (X) w.. .bJ ~ '. -; - .' .';- - ,,- , , ......"", ......... ........... -....'. .. - - .. .. '. .'lr\JJW .... Sa .. .. __.... ,. .'II.~,..J~I.... . lr"," I.'............. .......... ...... plant. . t "~",,,,,,,,~.,,,,:;,:;..,. ".1<T?I?"P."*;,.I1i,,,,<--'~""",1 .t n~ '< ...__ ,. AU. .111.".._. ... t4 ~ In Mnt11o\ .1 _1. ""I'" .1IJ11~". ...... .. ,t., .,nlt .. .......11.... to g1. MU. by ..... 'Sa '.... _1. plra.... ..... "" .. _S<<ate4 t01/ ,poatl>>c' " _1M. In"', ., .. .,. ......'.....[jjltt. ... ."1nB of the said lQl.tlldl.,... .'._....u ,.lI...,'..... "'q,-.l1(~ , , _... .........,. .. ............ 1 12"1......... I... a\\'Oh an .-tl-. ...... .. I It 'S;a ,... .~ .... i. I. ......... 1'. 1.. .. .. .... ... Ai .""'" be, .... .., an b.H,_ .......... J~ of tho .,.... aII4 It ,.... ... sa btI..appo..... ~ of .. 81...1011 110 ..,.. ..... ....... Sa ....I.~ .. ... .,.W ....... ot the 01,'" .t .....1 ...... ......... ."r~"''' flv",U.r-.14 :.(___).[I'''',.''',.''_~'' .....~l~~,..., -".... ot.1aolt ,. ---,' "'" ,..' .... .., '. ," -. . . , :.~:"" 11M ft'lnwne ot , . . - . :...... 11. "'.IIII'."U"- ,... .. Ml r... ad ....t ... .... .,.. ... '.1. .. ~.. ...,.. In opa ___ .,.. "_a ot .. ""'f oCt... the , ' .. .,.., _. .... >>. ,lte.... ..,.~ ...~ ...."..d't" ..... ....~ , ' . J, ". .' " ' ., ", , ".1111 P ~ .J .taIW4_...... ...,.d_. .. R.~, .", ' ," , n. ", ',' ,"',' . . ", , ' , 1