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Air ORDINANCE, prO~~----'f{}-1!--~h-e--_c~~llng _!l~-,-an-e-le at ion
l- the Town of Oooee, Orange County, Florida, for the pur-
pose of authorizing the issuing of negotiable coupon bonds
ot, the<said Town of Oeoee, in the following amounts and for
!h:'. fOlloWing purposes, to-wi ~': Fi ft een Thousand Dollars
for aoquiring and improving a waterworks plant
the said town.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Tovm of Oooee.
Sectionl. That it is deemed ad.visable and to t;he best
interests of the Town of Ocoee and its inhabitants to ao-
quire and im~rove a waverworksp1ant within the corporate
1i.lts of said town and for the ~urpose of paying the oosts
thereot, to issue negotiable coupon bonds of the said Ton
to the amount of Fiftee~ Thousand Dollar.. ($15,0-00.00) to..'
paying the said cost.
Section 2. The bonds pr~posed to be issued ahall b.
denomination of Five Hundred Dol~ars ($500.00} and One
~~Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or either as the Town Counoil
;:J~ay hereafter det ermine by' 0 rd inance and sha 11 mature
.:aaually after the tenth year within a period of t....:nt7-
trom date, in suoh amounts as may herea~t.r be
by ordinanoe. · They shall 'bear interest at the
rate of six p~roent (6~) per annum, payable semi-annually,
an.d the interest and prinoipal of said bonds as they ma-
ture shall be due and payable at the Bank of Ocoee, Oooee,
Florida, or Bank of America, New York City, New fork, a~d
for the p.ayment of p.\~OiPal and the interest thereon when
due shall be le,vied and oolleoted an annual spacial tax on
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February 5th, 1925.
An eleetion held for the purpose of authorizing the
Town Council of the Town of Oooee to issue negotiable
bouds of the said Town for the purpose of acquiring and
improving waterworks plant in said Town.
Each voter shall express his preference for or
against the said proposition for t~e issuing of bonds
cross (X) before the affir'lative or negative
~ ~ ~ - - - - - -
Against ~ssuing bonds in the sum of ~15,OOO for
watvrworks plant.
- - - - - - - - -
Seotion 6. The Town Clerk is hereby directed to open
Town Registration Books at his office on January 20,
A. D. 1925 for registering the qualified electors for the
election and shall keep them open for that purpose
days prior to the date of election.
,. "The abeve Seo'1Q. ~ is made 'or the ex-
,~:~~'~~lM?;~,~"t..' ~a.~~~s lss}l,e 'is oon-
wi thin tohe
'0 give notice by
in said Town as designated
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