HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16 \ ,<'.l, ;,.1: ;;F)i:, :,} ,1!i' illli lli ", -ORDINANCE ~NO.16. AN 0RDnrF~CE Regulating Registraction and Elections. Be ir ordained by the Council of the Town of Ocoee: Section 1. An election shall be held on the second Tuesday in ~ovember of the yaer of 1924 and on the second Tuesday in Hovember f each '0hereafter. at which shall be elected Llayor, Clerk, Marshall d such aldermen a8 necessary to, fill vacancies created by expi- atiov. of offiae- on 22nd of November of year in which eleo"ion ! s held; :Mayor, Clerk and Harshall so elected shall hold office I or one year from 22.nd of November following election or until uccessor is qualified, and aldermen zkZk so elected shall hold I ffi ce for a term of two year-so i , Section 2. The ~hayor shaJ.l issue his proclamation announcimg yregular or speciall election and appointing the judges and the lerk of such election at least four weeks before date of a regular I lection, and at lease three weeks before day of any special electio,n d a proclamation shall be posted in three public places within he Town of Oeoee, at such places &3 perscri'bed for posting of rdinancea at least three or four weeks before as the sase msw be ior to any regalar or special election. Section 3. The Ci tJ Clerk shall be the re gistration officer of he town. He shall keep the registratipn beck which at the top f each p age shall have print ed the oath to be taken by the town lec.tors at the time of registration, whch book shall be ruled n columns with proper headings so as to indicate the name, age. olor~ occupation, the date of registration of each elector and e number of the certifieate that m~ be 'issued to hilJ; also olumn on the right hand side of each line for remarks and such otes ani entries as may become necessary from time to time to ut opposite each name. The registration offieer shall sign his sma opposite each person registered, and this shall be prima acie evidence that each person registered has taken oath of lector before being registered. Before registerinf any person. he 0ity Clerk shall require him to take the followlni oath: I do solemnly swear ( or affira) that I will protaet and defend he Constitution of the United states and of the state of F1orida; hat I am twenty-one years 0 f age and haTe been a resident 0 f the tate of Florida for twelve months, e.nd of thi s Town for aix ontha; and that I am qualified. to vote under the Constitution nd .ab:ilur. laws of the state of FJ..orida". ;)eation 4. The Clerk shall..,open the r egi stration books at east thirty days before' any regular election, and at least wenty days be~ore any special election and shall keep the same pen until ~~n da~s prior to such election for the purpose of egistering tho se qualified to voteo Provided t that if any oli tieal party;)or organization ,by its executive com:ni ttee. ctify the Clerk that it wil~ hold a primary election on date ore that twelved days prior to any regular election, the Clerk shall open the regi stration book. twenty days pr'ior to ~x the- date set for t,he primary, and shall keep the saae open three daya prior to such primary t andir..'::e diately after the pr im.ary shall reopen the bookli, and keep' them open until within ten days prior to such eleetiono .And prOVided furthER"" t that the Clerk ahsJ.l open the registration boak im.ediate~yupon passage of this ordinance and shaJ.l keep the same open until the 30th day of June tl 1924, for the purpose of registerini the qualifi ed voter s in the Town o~ Oeoee. - " " '..'~J~t~ . '-..- \ ]; - I .... .. 't, " \ P~i8 ao Ordinance No. ~6o Section 5. The Council of the Town of Ocoee at its first regular meeting in October 'of each year shall revise the re~istration book. erasirr~ therefrom the names of such persons as have died or removed from the Town. or who are otherwise disqualified to Tote. Such revision shall be compledted within five days and as soon as practical *hereafter the 6lerk shall post in three publiC places; in Town of Ocoee at places . designated for posting of ordinances a liest of the names so erased alpahbetically. Any person whose name improperly erased may haTe it restored upon making the fact appear to the satisfaction of the Cmunci~ at any time not lesB than five days before the holding of the election. Section 6.ThBre shall three judges and one clerk f~ each election and if any of those appointed refuse to serve or otherwise do not perform their duty, Mayor shall fill such vacancy by ~ther appointment. The judges and clerk shall hold the eleetion on the appointed day at Di'!:"(H..itOIrS "S oom in the Bank ot OCO$e build.in~ during the hours for stac;e elections filed. Thay shall receive)! Totes from those only whose names ar" on the :cegistration book.,A..t the closing of the polls they . shall iunediate1y proceed to lR"all'-lII:"tx.JJlu. count the v.tes cast for each candid.a.te for each office ,ma.ke out a list of all of those voted for with the number of votes cast for each and certif~ such list in duplicate, and shall hand one of such certified list suurely sealed to the Mayor and the other to the City Clerk. Section 7 . The council shall ~l1eet after any election as soon thereafter as practical ana. shall canvass the returns and certify the results of the election, which results shall be entered in the minutes. ~ectlon 8. All ordiaances or partg of ordinances in conflict or hereby re~ealed. Section 9. Any sectio~ or provision of,se~tion of thi. ordinanee which may be held unconstitutional or contrary to the Laws of the United Statea ar State of Florida shall be considered aa aevera..le from the remaining portion; and such invalidity shEill not be held .. extend to any other s..tion. I II II II i/' I I I /