HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 15 . - TOWN OF OOOEE n....wmi..__ [ , it. . "}IX.. PHIDB. OIl' OOUNOZL "",0. ,A..RllIlER :r. W'Jn:TAXJIIR O. R. ::I'LaWELLING . OOOEE. FLORIDA. .1 Ordinance No. 15 All ORDINANOE Regulating trdfic and pa.king on McXII' street between the Atlantio Ooast Line Railroad aDd Bluford Avenue. Be it ordained by the Oouncil of the Town of Oooee. Seotion 1. That all automobiles or vehioles on McXay street between the Atlantic Coast Liiae Railroad and Bluford Avenue shall :rar~ off the br iok 88 follows; automobiles or ~ v6hicles of any kind parking on North s ide of said street shall park parallel with the side-.lk, and ill oars .". ~. " 'Vehio1.. of aD1 kind parking on the South sid. of s'14 street ./"i~ Isbal1 ~2;rp~n4iOu1al- 'to the 8id.walk. . . ~tion 2. .AnI person violating this ordiDS.aOe, or an)" part hereof, sha11 be punished by impri8o_ent not exoe.ciing ten dqs, or by fiDe not exceeding :riftl Dollars. . Done in open seesion, at 000.., Orange 0 ountJ', Florida this 31'd dfW of Maroh, A.. D. 1924. . ~A---7~~~--7- //~ V,/./ Pre81denOC. Attest: ~ ~ cr~~~ o er . ( Approved this 281;h dSJ of April A. D. 1924:. ~~~ .,.or. ...--""" I