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AN ORDINANCE Granting a~u~licFranchise.
\) Be it Ordained by the Council of the Town of Ocoee:
Section 1. That for and in consideration of the benefits
to be derived by the Town of Oeoae and its inhabitants from
the plants, facilities and services herein provided for and
the fulfillment of the conditions hereinafter contained the
Town of Geoee does hereby grant unto T. C. Hawthorne, his
-heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, a franvhise,
right, or privilege to erect, construct, operate or maintain an
electric plant or system in the Town of Oeoee, Oran8e County,
Florida, for the production, distribution and sale of eleotric
energy for all 9urposes, together with the right and privilege
to occupy and use the streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, and
public places of said Town of Ocoee for the purpose of such
system, subject however to the terms and conditions hereinafter
set forth.
Section 2. That the franchise hereby granted shall be
for a term of thirty years from the date hereof; on the con-
dition nevertheless that the Town of Ocoee reserves the right
to purchase and the said T. C. Hawthorne shall give and grant
to the muijicipality the right at and after the expiration of
such term to purchase the electric plant or system or other
property used under or in connection with such franchise or
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select a third electrical engineer to compose a committee to
est ima te the value of the property to be purcha sed by the
Town of Ocoee and to make any other and further recommendations
as they see fit.
Section 4. That it shall be reasonable for the
said T. C. Hawthorne, his heirs, executors, administrators, or
assigns, to refuse and the said grantee, his heirs, executors,
administrators, or assigns, shall not be required to run lines
or wires for oonducting electric energy as aforesaid for a
greater distance than two hundred feet from pole or line
eBisting at time of such demand, and the said grantee, his
heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, may require as
acondition to making such extension that the consumer pay all
cost of such extension for more than two hundred feet from
existing line or pole, but in no case shall the holder of this
franchise be required to extend lines or wires or to place
poles or cables on private property, such extensions to be
made by the consumer.
Section 5. That during the term of this
franchise, the holder hereof shall not charge more than ~.n(.lr)
teen cents per kilowatt hour, provided however that a minimum
charge per month may be made, such minimum charge being not
more than two and ~/lOO dollars for lights.
Section 6. That the holder of this franchise
may require a deposit of not more than five dollars from each
austomer or consumer upon each installation of service to said
customer; said deposit to be known as meter deposit and to be
returned to the customer aforesaid at the time of discontinuing
service, at which time the grantee herein may remove the
meter, it being understood that the meter is to remain the
property of said grantee; and should service be suspended on
account of non-payment of bill, the holder of this franohise
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may require payment of restoration charge of one dollar in
addition to payment of bill in 1ull before service is restored.
Section 7. Tnat the said T. C. Hawthorne, his
heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, shall have the
right to make and enforce such useful, reasonable and lawful
rules and regulations as are or may become necessary to the
proper conduct of its business; and the Town of Ocoee will
pass all necessary and suitable ordinances for the protection
of this franchise, rights, privileges and property of the
ho14er hereof and to enable the holder to enforce the useful,
reasonable and lawful rules and regulations for the management,
operation and control of the business as aforesaid, and further
will pass any ordinance or ondinances that may be necessary
or may become necessary in order to fully confirm to the said
T. C. Hawthorne, his heirs, executors, administrators, and
assigns, the rights and privileges herein and hereby granted
or intended so to be.
Section 8. That should the said T. C. Hawthorne,
his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, violate or
fail to comply with any of the terms , conditions or provisions
of this franchise, then and in that event the said T.C.Hawthorne,
his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall be
deemed to have forfeited said franchise under the provisions
of law applicable thereto.
Section 9. That in case the Town of Ocoee wishes!
to install or~aintain street lights it will install and maintain
not less than t*enty five in nu~er, such in tallation to consist
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of modern and econ ical eqUipmen~, and will at
a reasonable rate to agreed upon~ the Tow of Ocoes and
the holder of this franotl'se, or ino~~o agr~ment as to
rates can be reached, then the Town of Ocoee will pay such
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amount s as shall 'be determined by ar'bi tration to be a reasonabl,e
charge for
services r~ndered; and the Town of Ocoee when
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number of s\teet lights ~ill not require that
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any light be in aIled at a gl'~ater dista ce than four hundred
feet from a light maintain~~ to be time
of the installation of the additional lights.
Section 10. That in case any section, sections,
term or terms of this franchise shall be held to be invalid,
the invalidity thereof shall not be construed to affect the
validity of the remaining sections or terms.
Section 11. That all ordinances or parts of
ordinances inconsistent or in conflict .arewith are hereby
Done in open see
I day of
, at Ocoee, Orange County, Florida,
, A. D. 1924.
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Approved, this
day of ,.:; ~/..Lou.. "-; , A. D. 1924.~
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