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ORDINANCE 10. 11 -
AN ORDIN,ANCE Probibiting Lotteries and ..all Games or DeViCeS\
in the Na.ture of Lotteries) Gamb1lng and Gamlng Housel) and
Providlng for Penalty for Vlolation. I
Be it Ordained by the Oouncil of the Town of Oooee: i
Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any perlon,
persons, firm or oorporation, to own, lease, rent, operate,
haveln pOlseslion, or allow to be on the premiles owned, leased,
rented or occupied by the laid person, perlone) firm or
corporation, any lottery, game or device in the nature of
lottery, slot machine with any element of chance other than
that usually obtained in barter and trade, or any instrument
or device used for lottery or for purpose of gaming; and the
same are hereby prohibited..
Section 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person,
persons, firm or corporation, by himself, itself or themselves,
servant, clerk or agent, or in any other manner to have, keep
exercise or maintain a gaming table or room, or gaming implements
or apparatus, or house, booth, tent, shelter or other place for
the purpose of gaming or gambling or in any place of whioh he,
they, or it may directly or indireotly have oharge, oontrol or
management, either exolusively or with otherl, prooures, wffers
or per.mits any person to play for money or other valuable thing
at any game Whatever, that whoever acts as servant, olerk, agent
or employee of any person, persons, firm or corporation in the
violation of this section shall be punished in manner and to
extent as)li the prinoipal mentioned herein.
Sectt:on 3. That it shall' be unlawful for any person,
persons, firm or oorporation, whether as OWD8r or agent, to
knowingly rent to another a hou.se, room, booth, tent, shelter
or place for the purpo se of gaming.
Sectlon 4. That any pe rson, persons, firm or oorporation
violating thil Ordinanoe, or any provillon thereof, shall be
puniahed by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than
five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty
Done in open session, at
1"' AA-- day of January,
Oooee, Orange County, Florida,
1924. .~"'. ' ~.
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- i Clerk.
Approved, this 4~Jr day of January, A.D.1924.
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