HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 10 -..,: / f .--, '-\ An ord1na.Ilce granting to the Lake Oourrliy Telephone Company, e. .Ello rida Corporation, its suoaessors and assigns, a franchise along the streets, alleJII and public plaoes of the IJ!OWIl of 00.0 ee, Urange 0 ounty, .l!llorida, for the purpose 0' constrctlng, maintaining and operating a telephone system in said Town of Oooee, and perscribing the conditions under whioh r suoh franchise sha11 be exeroised. - BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUlmIL OF THE TOWN QF OCOEE: ,~, Seotion 1. That the Town Council of the '.rown of Om ee, in Orange OountYt-_ Florida, does hereby give and grant unto the Lake Cpunty ~elephone Com~n:rt A .I10rida Corporation, its suocessors and assi~ns, the rtght to construct, mai.ntain ani operate a telephone system within$ the corporate limits of the Town of Oooee t and along and across the streets, alleys and public places belonging to theTown of Oemee,. for a period of twenty (20) years. Seotion 2. This franohise is granted upon condition that after expiration of twentl (20) years, the Town of Oooee shall have the option and right, at its eleotion, to purohaSe the said telephone system at a reasonable valuation fi..d by disinterested awraisment oommittee of which the said 'J!ovn of Ocoee shal.leleot one, ahe said Oom:pany one, and these two shall select a third. Should the Town, however, elect not to exercise the option and purchase, then and. I1n that event, the said Lake County Telephone Comrany, its successors ana- assigns, is hereby given the right of renewal and ext ent ion of this franoh18e for anI addi tiona1 period of ten (10) years on th e same terms hereby grahtedo Seotion 3J The said telephone system shall be constructed, maintained ant. operated in acaordanoe with the rule., regulations and ordinances nn in foroe or whioh may hereafter be adopted by the Town of Oeoee; and the lOcation of all poles shall be made with the approval of the street committee o'! the Town of Oooee; such location shall be so made so that there will be no interference with the public use of the said streets ,alleys and publio p1ao_ within the Tcmn. of Ocoee. Bection 4. The ll1id Lake COunt7 Telephone Complny, its successors and assigns, shalLl be.~ll t :imes during the term of this franchise, hold the ~0W':n of Oace., fr~e and harmless from all liability and. 4amages to perone' 0; property on account of the construction, maintenance and operation of said ~elephone system. l Ordinance 110..10' '-s Ordinanoe lio. 10 l'age 2. Section 6. The said T~ of Ocoee shall'be allov7ed the free 'llSe of said telephone pOles fo r the ereotion and maintenance ther eon of a ~ire alarm system, at a11 times during the term of this franchise, - Si,~tion 6. 1'he rates charged for service within the cor:porate limits of the J.:own of Ocoee shall be under the control of the ic'lori4a Hailroad Oommission, as provided by 1aw, but in the event of future legislation sha1.l release telephone companies from control of the said j/lDDida Railroad Commission or some other state commission, then and in that event, the rates charged for service shall noj, be higher than the average rates oharg~ in other towns in J!'lorida of approximately the sam e population, with the same olass of telephone service. Passed at a meetl1ng of th-e!own Council of the 'i:OVJn of Oco ee, on the 9th d8l' of January A. D. 1924. /? j "-'i</-:ft;;// // / G /;~'{' {/ VI {/ (L t c: L. '._- President of Town' l) oullcil .J .Atteat; ~~ , Olerk AP.tr:- oved by me as Mayo17 of th e Town 0 f 0 co ee, t his 9th d8J' o:f January A. D. 1924. / I { - Mayor \ /