HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION March 17,2009, at 7:15 P.M. I SWEARING IN OF COMMISSIONERS The City of Ocoee General Election held on March 10, 2009, was canvassed, certified and audited on March 11, 2009, resulting in Commissioner Rosemary Wilsen and Commissioner Joel Keller (unopposed) being elected as District 2 and District 4 Commissioners for three-year terms. Prior the regular meeting tonight, they took the oath of office. I REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the Invocation and Commissioner Wilsen led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation by Police Deputy Chief Goclon - a. Ella Wisecup - Civilian Employee of the Year b. Rose Randall- Volunteer of the Year c. Jamie Byrd - Officer of the Year d. Dominic Chiuchiarelli - Officer of the Quarter (4th Quarter for 2008) I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Ms. Linda Allen, a resident of Ocoee for 4 years and a Winter Garden resident for 20 years, uses the Lynx bus (route #27) to and from work. She does not drive. She has discovered that the bus route will be cancelled as of April 26th which will make her a jobless statistic. The Lynx staff told her that the City of Ocoee has to spend a certain amount of money to subsidize the bus and that the city does not think it is worthwhile. She asked what is going to happen and why since there are hundreds of folks that depend on the service. Mayor Vandergrift advised her of the flex demand service which is a program whereby one can schedule the bus to pick you up at your residence for $2 per trip. The pick up must be scheduled a week in advance according to the Lynx representative that spoke at the last commission meeting [Edward Johnson]. Putting the route back in would cost $63,215.34 through May, 2009. It would cost $400,000 to carry it all year. The mayor added that the City has a meeting with Lynx and Orange County on April 6th. He then solicited the rest of the commission for comments. Commissioner Hood said the City of Ocoee does not control Lynx. It was Lynx who decided to remove that route because they are losing $200,000 on the route. He explained City Commission Regular March 17, 2009 that she could use the flex service. Ms. Allen said that they [Lynx] said she had to be handicapped in order to get the flex service. She said she is visually handicapped. Commissioner Hood said Lynx would come to his house and pick him up if he made arrangements for it. He stated that he did not know who she had spoken to at Lynx, but that they had given her bad information. Mayor Vandergrift asked Assistant City Manager Croteau to look up the matter in the last meeting's minutes because Lynx had not expressed such information at the last city commission meeting. The mayor pointed out that he had asked specifically about the matter. He added that Lynx had sold the idea of the flex service to the city as a substitute for the removal of the route. Ms. Allen stated that she had gotten an application from Lynx [to document her disability] because she is visually impaired. Commissioner Hood stated that the City had sent a letter to Lynx asking them to prolong the route since many high school students used it. This is why the Lynx representative came to the last commission meeting. Mayor Vandergrift said that Ms. Allen is safe now until April 26th. He reiterated that there will be a meeting between Ocoee, the County and Lynx to discuss the matter further. Commissioner Hood referred Ms. Allen to the assistant city manager to get the contact information of the Lynx staff member who spoke to the commission. Mayor Vandergrift requested a transcript of that portion of the meeting. Commissioner Keller recalled that Lynx had said that the school kids need only call to schedule a pick up. Commissioner Keller recalled Lynx saying that one only needed to call 24 hours in advance. The mayor concurred but noted that it was not clear if one needed to call everyday or not to schedule daily pick ups; Lynx had said that the matter would have to be worked out. He expressed the commissions concern about the issue and that Ms. Allen was just one of a number of people who had expressed concern about the route cancellation. I D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Frank asked to pull Items 9 and 10, to be brought back at the next meeting. He asked to continue Item 11 at the next meeting as well; however, the attorney would still be announcing the item tonight. Mayor Vandergrift said to go head with Item #11 now. litem 11- Approval of Annexation and Rezoning of West Colonial Parcel City Attorney Rosenthal stated in regards to Item 11 - Approval of Annexation and Rezoning of West Colonial Parcel (aka Walia Property), that the annexation agreement was not finalized in time for tonight's meeting. Therefore, it was agreed by both parties that the hearings will be continued to the next meeting. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance for Annexation of West Colonial Parcel (aka Walia Property), and stated that the second reading and public hearing has been continued to April 7, 2009. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance for Rezoning of West Colonial Parcel (aka Walia Property), and stated that the second reading and public hearing has been continued to April 7, 2009. The public hearing was opened. As nobody wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Page 2 of 13 City Commission Regular March 17, 2009 W-iii0~Y'W8IWi"Yiiii0"T1i!n~_ee:r!",e7MRR1i!IV$ ~Jlmm!l~o.n~fjl1J!etiij.S,g!! - I) said he agrees with Commissioner Hood and would like to utilize the building that he spoke of previously as a fire house until they can get something done. 2) announced they have the entertainment lined up for the Founder's Day event. They will be bringing a list to the Commission at a later date. Dates for Founder's Day this year will be October 9 & 10,2009. f!qliilD;sl~IK}m - 1) reminded everyone that Ocoee High School chorus concert will be on October 20-21, 2009. The theme is Country and cost is $IO/adults and $5/students. 2) said April 11th is the Easter Egg Hunt at Bill Breeze Park from 10 am - 12 pm. 3) announced HRDB has openings and if anyone is interested they are looking for volunteers. 4) congratulated Commissioner Wilsen on winning the Election, 5) thanked Commissioner Anderson for his 13 years of service. ~ - 1) acknowledged Boy Scout [Alex] from Winter Garden Troop #210 who was here to earn a badge 2) said we have been named a Tree City USA, and thanked Parks and Recreation Director Hayes for his work making that happen. He added that he would like to see signs posted around the City showing us as a Tree City. 3) said he received a letter from Senator Constantine wishing him a Happy 69th Birthday. 4) read a letter from Senator Mel Martinez regarding our letter asking for support for city projects. 5) read a letter from Ocoee Middle School FF A regarding a Red Angus Steer that will be for sale. 6) announced that we now have GovQA which is an interactive website for complaints and comments from the public. I F. CONSENT AGENDA Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. Members of the Citizens Advisory Council for the Police Department (CACOPD) serve three-year terms. Currently the CACOPD has ten (10) members and their resolution allows no more than fifteen (15) members. We have received an application and resume from Ms. Wilda Schoeppler Pickett expressing her interest in serving on the CACOPD. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. On March 18, 2008, the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approved a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Chateau Reserve. The subject property is approximately 8.76 acres in size and is located on the east side of Tomyn Boulevard approximately 255 feet south of Patriots Point Drive. The Preliminary Subdivision Plan allows for a 20 single-family residential lot subdivision. On February 13, 2009, the Development Services Department received a letter from the developer/owner of the property requesting a one (1) year time extension of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan approval due to current economic situations and lack of construction financing. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. Page 4 of 13 City Commission Regular March 17, 2009 Eagles Landing Phase II & III are the last two of three phases of the Eagles Landing Subdivision, which is 46.35 acres and is located on the west side of Ocoee-Apopka Road approximately 2000 feet north of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway on the west side of the road. Eagles Landing Subdivision consists of 105 single-family homes with associated amenities. Eagles Landing Phase II & III consists of9l single-family homes. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. The Fully Involved Program was created in January 2004, providing home repair, handicapped access, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers to the residents of our community. The program has been restricted to the named projects by virtue of the establishing language of the original staff report (Item VII F, Agenda 01/20/2004). The program has expanded in its scope since 2004, creating an opportunity to return the donated funds of the program back to the community in different ways. The program could be funding fire prevention programs, such as supporting poster contests, etc. by purchasing materials and awards. Operation Santa, a popular community program could also be funded by the program. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. The widening of Maguire Road from Mercantile Court to Geneva/Story Road has been a project that the City has planned for some time. The project scope was to include a five-lane section from Mercantile Court to Marshall Farms Road and a four lane divided section, with turn lanes, on to Geneva/Story Road. The project started in early 2001 with an alignment study and conceptual design. Detailed design has been on-going on and off over the past eight years. Additional services for this change order include redesign of a portion of the project to utilize the site on Marshall Farms Road for the stormwater pond, resubmittal to the St. Johns River Water Management District for permitting associated with the new pond site, and design and permitting of utility relocations on Marshall Farms Road. The changes in design due to the new pond site were not included in the previous change order because staff and PEC wanted to see if the new pond site would be usable. The project was originally designed to utilize a portion of the Roper property for the stormwater pond. When land and construction costs increased it was determined that if the Marshall Farms Road site was usable approximately $500,000 could be eliminated from the project cost. The cost for these additional services is $66,252.49. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. Orange County has constructed a new tower site at 475 Story Road, Orange County Services Building, and has agreed to allow the Fire Department and the Utilities Department to locate antennas on the tower. The Fire Department antenna will provide radio communications and the Utilities antenna is needed for the FlexNet meter reading system. The Interlocal Agreement will formalize the conditions to allow the two antennas. The County will own and maintain the grounds, while providing access to the City. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. Page 5 of 13 City Commission Regular March 17, 2009 Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve Consent Agenda Items #1 through #7. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. I G. PUBLIC HEARINGS The Marshall Farms Business Center Site Plan consists of an office/warehouse and retail facility. The total project is proposed to be developed in two phases. Phase 1 will consist of the office/warehouse building and Phase II will consist of a strip retail commercial building. The total combined building floor area will be (26,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse + 10,000 sq. ft. retail building) 36,000 square feet which are within the allowed intensity. Principal Planner Fabre gave a presentation of the item. He stated the item had been previously continued while some last minute changes were made to the Developer Agreement. A copy of the Agreement has been distributed to the commission on the dais this evening. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the Preliminary Site Plan for Marshall Farms Business Center as recommended by staff. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve the Development Agreement Marshall Farms Business Center between Heico LLC and the City of Ocoee, authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk. Motion carried 5-0. I H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES The City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to control loud, unnecessary or disturbing noise within the city limits. Implementation of an enforcement program will promote, protect, and improve the safety of the citizens, consistent with the authority of and limitations on the City pursuant to the Florida Constitution and Florida Statutes. Item #9 was pulled from the agenda. The second reading and public hearing will be held on April 7, 2009. Page 6 of 13 City Commission Regular March 17, 2009 In December of 2008 the City Commission discussed the need to regulate smoking on and around recreational facilities in city parks. The Parks and Recreation Department was tasked to develop an ordinance to address the problem of individuals smoking around athletic fields during youth activities. Park and Recreation staff researched what other communities in the State of Florida have done in terms of developing ordinances that regulate smoking in parks and recreation areas, and found that several cities and counties in Florida have taken measures to protect their residents from secondhand smoke exposure by adopting ordinances that restrict smoking in outdoor areas, including recreation areas used by youth organizations, and other places where people congregate. Cities, villages and towns in the State of Florida that have adopted ordinances that prohibit smoking in parks to varying degrees include: Apopka, Chipley, Coral Gables, Dania Beach, Deland, Holly Hill, Marco Island, Miami Lakes, Newberry, North Port, Ormond Beach, Oviedo, Palm Coast, Palm Springs, Parkland, Port Orange, Port St. Joe, Sanibel, Seawall Point, St. Cloud, Sunrise, Tavares, and Venice. In addition to these cities there are several counties that have developed ordinances to prohibit smoking around recreational facilities, these include; Brevard, Hendry, Hillsborough, Nassau and Sarasota. Item #10 was pulled from the agenda. The second reading and public hearing will be held on April 7, 2009. The subject property is located south of SR 50 and north of the Florida Turnpike in unincorporated Orange County. The applicant is proposing to develop a three lot commercial subdivision on the subject property. a. Annexation Ordinance b. Rezoning Ordinance c. Preliminary Subdivision Plan d. Development Agreement Item #11 was moved on the Agenda and heard under staff comments, where the Public Hearing was opened and the item was continued to the April 7, 2009 Commission Meeting. The property is located on the east side of Ocoee-Apopka Road approximately 1,800 feet north of Palm Drive intersection. The subject property consists of two (2) parcels fronting on Ocoee-Apopka Road. The northern parcel is improved with a nonoperational (Collison Carey Hand) Funeral Home facility. The southern parcel is vacant and undeveloped. Both parcels are consistent with the adopted City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. I a. Annexation Ordinance City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the annexation ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Keller, seconded by Mavor Vandergrift, moved to approve Annexation Ordinance No. 2009-004, annexing the property at 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road as recommended bv staff. Motion carried 5-0. Page 7 of 13 City Commission Regular March 17, 2009 The annexation ordinance as adopted on second reading carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO. 2009-004 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ANNEXING INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMA TEL Y 1.84 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF AND ADJACENT TO OCOEE-APOPKA ROAD AND APPROXIMATELY 1790 FEET NORTH OF SILVER STAR ROAD; PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, SCI FUNERAL SERVICES OF FLORIDA, INC.; ANNEXING ADJACENT PUBLIC ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE CENTERLINE THEREOF; FINDING SAID ANNEXATION TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE OCOEE CITY CODE, AND THE JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CITY CLERK; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I b. Rezoning Ordinance City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the annexation ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve Rezoning Ordinance No. 2009-005, rezoning the property at 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road from Orange County A1, General Agriculture to Ocoee C-1 Neighborhood Shopping as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. The rezoning ordinance as adopted on second reading carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO. 2009-005 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM ORANGE COUNTY A-I, "GENERAL AGRICULTURE" TO OCOEE C-l, "NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING" ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0.91 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF AND ADJACENT TO OCOEE-APOPKA ROAD AND APPROXIMATELY 1790 FEET NORTH OF SILVER STAR ROAD; PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER; FINDING SUCH WNING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE OCOEE CITY CODE, AND THE JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 8 of 13 City Commission Regular March 17, 2009 I I. REGULAR AGENDA ~~w~EII:eIStatiqn_aria:rh~Fire.IJNsi/~lfiie,nt:,F.~e,.,;X~ssiS:tanffClh_Mi@g~crtteai)l'0~~~1 Last fiscal year the City of Ocoee took the steps necessary to develop and implement a non-ad valorem assessment program to fund fire services. These steps included adopting a Resolution of Intent to Use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments, adopting an Ordinance authorizing the imposition of the assessment, and adopting both a preliminary and final fee resolution. The City set the fee at zero. As the City starts to prepare its budget for Fiscal Year 09/10, it needs to determine if the fire fee will remain at zero for the coming year. Staff is seeking direction on implementing a fire assessment fee and the Commission's direction on moving forward with implementation of the fourth fire station. Assistant City Manager Croteau gave a PowerPoint presentation highlighting background on the fourth fire station, the fire assessment fee, the cost for the new station, some preliminary fire assessment rates, and the next steps in the project schedule. Ms. Croteau explained that the City did a Resolution of Intent in December 2007, indicating our intent to put the assessment on the tax bill. The City of Ocoee readopted the ordinance in December 2008 because it did not appear on the tax bill and we needed to maintain our right to place it on the bill, if necessary. She stated we also adopted an ordinance that authorized the imposition of the fire assessment fee, and adopted the rate at zero. She added that during the budget process, there was extensive conversation about funding fire services through a fire assessment, especially in relation to a new fire station on the north side of town. The city placed funds in the budget to fund a temporary station for approximately four months. The operating and facility cost on the temporary station at the Rogers property for the first year would be $750,000; each additional year would cost approximately $670.000. The permanent station, if placed on city property, would cost approximately 3 million, with annual operating cost of 1.5 million. Ms. Croteau said the City can assess any amount up to 100% of the assessable budget which is 3.7 million, which does not include cost for new facilities temporary or permanent. We would have to re-notice all property owners again this year stating the maximum that can be assessed and the assessment amount being considered by the City. She reviewed the assessment rates for residential units: $147 @ 100% would provide 3.1 million dollars; $88 @ 60% would provide 1.8 million in revenue; $59 @ 40% would provide 1,250,678; $44; $44 at 30% would provide $900,000 in revenue; $37 at 25% would provide $782,000. She said we also have commercial (calculated by square footage), industrial, and institutional categories included in these assessments. She discussed the timeline which lead up to the deadline of adopting a final fee resolution and transmitting the rates to the Property Appraiser by July 15, 2009. She said staff is seeking direction from the Commission as to whether or not they should prepare a preliminary fee resolution to move forward with funding the temporary and permanent station through a fire service fee and to engage the services of GSG to assist us through the process at a cost of $23,500; approval to move forward with the temporary station at the Rogers Property. Discussion ensued with regard to the design concept, placing the temporary station on the Rogers property with a Mobile Home and Pole Barn for parking, original proposal of placing the fourth fire station on the Coke Property. Scott Delany, 800 Center Street, said they pay property taxes and pay for garbage, water, and sewer, and he is against imposing any new fees. He does not feel that people that have lived in Ocoee for many years should pay for a fire station for part of Ocoee that did not used to exist. Page 9 of 13 City Commission Regular March 17, 2009 He discussed the issues in his neighborhood with undersized and aging water lines and felt that the city should not build a new fire station if they can't afford to fix water lines. R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., clarified the location of the Rogers property; said he thought the city should consider consolidating fire departments, clarified that Winter Garden is the first responder to our residents in the north section; asked why growth has not paid for service and infrastructure improvements to which Commissioner Hood said that we are behind at collecting enough money and impact fees to pay for all of the services. Commissioner Keller added that cutting fire stations right now is not a good idea because our response time is much better than other jurisdictions. There was discussion that the Winter Garden station that is currently servicing our residents in the north section is moving to a location farther away. Commissioner Johnson suggested that we look into leasing that building once it is abandoned. Commissioner Hood said that those residents deserve the same services as everyone else in the city; we annexed them into the City and we are obligated to provide good services to them and not depend on a sister city to provide those services. Commissioner Johnson said he wants a fire department, but he would be more likely to support a millage increase than a fire assessment fee. He added that he would like to see where all the fire impact fees are going for all of the new development on the north end. City Manager Frank said the majority of it is going to the debt service on the current three fire departments that we have. Mayor Vandergrift said the state is considering a bill that would allow the county to have a 1 % Fire Assessment fee. James Kelley, 563 South Bluford, Ocoee Firefighter, said he actually lives in Winter Garden near the station that covers northern Ocoee residents. He said Ocoee needs to take care of their own people and provide the high level of service standards; we cannot count on another agency to provide that same service. He addressed consolidating fire departments and said that would cause a decrease in service. Commissioner Johnson suggested that a committee is formed to determine other ways to come up with the money before we decide on a fire assessment fee. Commissioner Keller clarified that there is $320,000 in the budget to fund the temporary fire station for four months. Commissioner Hood stated that we could get through a few years at $670,000 at the temporary station. Ms. Croteau said yes, but we are early in the budget process and we anticipate close to 1 million in revenue reductions from the state. City Manager Frank said that is in addition to the million we lost last year, and the year before that. Mr. Delany, clarified that he does not mean to say that the City should not build a new Fire Station, they should just find another way to pay for it. Ms. Croteau said if we use the budgeted money to fund it for this year, we would have to be able to continue funding it or we would have to create funds to keep the temporary station going, possibly laying off other employees. Commissioner Keller said he agrees we should not implement a Fire Fee if we can find another way to fund the fire station, however, we do need to start the process rolling in case we find that we fall a little bit short and need to assess at the minimal amount. He said he is ready to vote to get the temporary station going, but does not want to close it down in four months when the funding doesn't get approved at budget time. There was discussion with Chief Firstner about the minimum amount of manpower needed. He said it can be done with three, but that would reduce the ability to perform at the scene; the standard is four men per truck. There was discussion about the mutual aide / automatic aide agreements. Page 10 of 13 City Commission Regular March 17, 2009 Mayor Vandergrift read an email from Martha Lopez Anderson with regard to removing money from the general fund if we adopt the fire department which she compared to education and the lottery. Commissioner Keller said many cities adopted a fire fee to make up for the money that was lost from the new legislation. City Manager Frank said that it was not previously proposed that we would reduce the millage if the fire fee was adopted. Commissioner Wilsen said if we create a temporary station we have to project the funding further on. Neither fire fees nor an increased millage will be popular with anyone. Commissioner Johnson said he would rather do it from the millage rate. City Manager Frank reminded them, we may not be able to accomplish that with the millage rate, unless they are anticipating a unanimous vote of the Commission. Boy Scout [Alex[, said you are talking about paying for something that could save lives, he does not think people would have a problem $50 - $85 per year when they pay several times that each month for the cars they drive. Commissioner Wilsen asked if it would be prudent to adopt a fire fee at a minimal rate such as one dollar just to get it placed on the tax roll. Mayor Vandergrift said he feels we should do as Commissioner Johnson suggested by having a committee look at this. Commissioner Keller said that could be a problem if the committee causes us to miss the deadlines, we need to move forward with the process for the fire assessment fee. Ms. Croteau said the fire fee process has to be completed by July 1,2009. Commissioner Hood asked if they still have time to come back with some numbers. Ms. Croteau said we can move the timeline back by one meeting which will give us two extra weeks. Commissioner Keller, seconded by to approve the temporary station and the personnel for it on the temporary station at the Rogers Property that we have already placed in the budget. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift opposed. Assistant City Manager Croteau clarified that the direction of the Commission is to bring back budget numbers and work with Commissioner Hood and staff and a union representative to look at Fire Station through the budget process. City Attorney Rosenthal clarified that the option to adopt the Fire Fee is still on the table. The consensus of the Commission was that that will be one option if money cannot be found elsewhere. IT.;i.f!isciiSs:mi1fReg'iirdin1tWfai:qmg~~i;lighwa~(MJ1Y9:r Viii.d]fgmt)~ ~'Bz~~..~\!*YI%j~ Mayor Vandergrift discussed the widening of Highway 50 and a large amount of money that we would have to spend to move our utilities out of their way because they don't want them under their road. City Manager Frank stated that we have been in negotiations regarding this for a long time and at this point we have not signed off on their Subordination of Utility Agreements because we have several easements along State Road 50 that our pipes are in or close to, therefore if they need us to move out of our utility easement, they would be responsible for those portions of the relocations. It was originally a multi-million dollar project, now it is estimated around 2 million with portions that FDOT would be responsible for. The schedule for widening Hwy 50 has been delayed because they will not get any stimulus ready because this project is not shovel-ready. He said may have changed in the last few weeks, but not to his knowledge. Page 11 of 13 City Commission Regular March 17,2009 Mayor Vandergrift said he is on a MetroPlan Advisory Board and one thing that has come to his attention is that Winter Park passed a policy saying they do not want to widen the state road that runs through their city (Aloma). He said he feels that our engineers and planners could make some of our intersections more user-friendly such as Blackwood and SR50; he felt that removal of the concrete median would help traffic flow better and not back up. He said an option would be to tell them [FDOT] not to six lane the road but to make engineering changes to make the road better. He said we should tell them "thanks but no thanks" unless they want to pay for it. Commissioner Johnson asked if they could allocate money to enhance the side streets and take traffic of SR50. City Manager Frank said we have discussed that with them; asking them to allocate funds to widen Story Road or Old Winter Garden Road rather than widen SR50. City Manager Frank suggested that staff could give a presentation that would address all of the issues, including concurrency issues affiliated with this. Commissioner Hood agreed if there is an opportunity to work with them, we should go ahead and try to do that before we make them angry. Mayor Vandergrift also discussed the school board authorized a new school to be built right up next to the turnpike. The large walls that are being put in place to block turnpike construction may not be placed in the area of the new school and he feels the turnpike and the school board should share that cost and not risk a bad accident. IT75L~RPojdl~n(Qf'[Com.nitsiiQn Ciiii.~n~tp ~l(rjP.u.~~Bj)1itds.-':{~ff:f:]lerI{~Eik{nb_eTry)~~ .'.i) This item was postponed to the next regular commission meeting, April 7, 2009. irn'EleCii~~f~M3y.iir:~1~()T~ni1:(~..tx@lerk'EiJ{en6'~J~" ' Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to appoint Commissioner Keller as Mayor Pro rem for the next year. Motion carried 5-0. I J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS ~1!!miSS1b"I1~~~Kefi~ - 1) Reminded everyone that Ocoee High School chorus Concert will be on October 20t & 21 st. 2) March 28th is 4th Annual Spring Fling at Bill Breeze Park. 3) April 11 th is the Easter Egg Hunt at Bill Breeze Park. 3) HRDB has openings and if anyone is interested please contact the City Clerk's Department for an application. t'ommisS'itloer:Jolliison - 1) Big Orange Game Golf Tournament is April 3rd and cost is $60/per person. 2) Congratulated Commissioner Wilsen. ~~rP\Iliss{a~t1!.HQQ.d - Congratulated Commissioner Wilsen and announced to hopefully serve with her another term since he does plan on running for re-election. He further congratulated Commissioner Anderson for his 13 years of service. Page 12 of 13 City Commission Regular March 17, 2009 ~Ji)nmiSiioneJ;~Wfisen - inquired about the Charter Review Committee and is concerned because citizens spent a lot of time working on the issues. Mayor Vandergrift said he called the chairperson about two weeks ago since he finally received a ruling from the Attorney General. Jean Grafton is the Chair for that board and her sister Ruth Grafton has just passed away so she is busy with services but they should be able to start meeting again. Commissioner Wilsen inquired if they could put the Charter Review issues on a future agenda so they could start the process. Mayor Vandergrift said he would rather wait and have staff get a hold of the chairperson. City Clerk Eikenberry said the board was waiting for the Attorney General's response. She further said she would contact them. Mayor Vandergrift said they passed the deadline this year but can they can have a mail-in at anytime. ~D;dhissi01ieI::t1Joli'hson - said that he had a citizen ask him about the letters they sent out regarding the garbage collection. Mayor Vandergrift asked staff to bring back the results of the survey under staff reports at the next meeting. May.onv,-artdergrift said he received a nice letter [from Lesley and John] thanking him for doing the Proclamation. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 13 of 13