HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #09 First Reading of Ordinance for Silver Ridge Crossing - Rezoning . Meeting Date: April 7,2009 Item # q Contact Name: Contact Number: Antonio Fabre, AICP 407 -905-3100/1019 Reviewed By: , Department Director: City Manager: . d(}#&i,c r~ -- Subject: Silver Ridge Crossing PUD Land Use Plan / Rezoning - Project # RZ-09-02-03 Commission District # 2 - Rosemary Wilsen ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the PUD Rezoning Ordinance and Land Use Plan for the Silver Ridge Crossing? BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The Silver Ridge Crossing property is located on the northeast corner of Silver Star Road and Ridgefield Avenue, The subject site is approximately 1.7 acres in size and is currently undeveloped, vacant and sparsely covered with a mixture of Golden Raintree, Palms and Oaks. The future land use and zonino classifications of the surroundino properties: DIRECTION: JURISDICTION / FUTURE LAND USE JURISDICTION / ZONING North City ofOcoee / Low Density Residential City of Ocoee / Single-Family Dwelling "R-I A" East City ofOcoee / Low Density Residential City of Ocoee / Low Density Residential "PUD" South City of Ocoee / Low Density Rcsidential City of Ocoee / Low Density Rcsidential "PUD" West City ofOcoee / Commcrcial City of Ocoee / Neighborhood Shopping "C-(" The property is currently zoned Neighborhood Shopping (C-1), The Future Land Use designation for the site is "Commercial" which allows for a Floor Area Ratio of 3.0, The existing adjacent land use is single- family residential with the exception of commercial (proposed "Crystal Business Plaza" development) to the west. Further east and west fronting on Silver Star Road are various commercial uses (Winn-Dixie Plaza, LA Fitness, Blockbuster Video and convenience stores with fuel operations) in close proximity, DISCUSSION: The ApplicanUOwner requests a "Planned Unit Development" (PUD) zoning in order to create a mixed-use commercial development. Therefore, the applicant/owner has submitted a Land Use Plan for the PUD rezoning and a Small-Scale Site Plan for construction of a 13,515 square feet commercial building, The Land Use Plan proposes a mixture of uses which are: Uses Permitted for C-1 Zoning, Commercial Retail, Gallery/Museum, Liquor Store (No on-premise consumption), Appliance Store, Furniture Store and Music/RadiolTV Shop, All other uses are proposed to be prohibited, The City requires buffer zones to protect new and established residential areas adjacent to new and established non-residential uses, Buffer zones were identified and defined in the provided Land Use Plan, The oak trees at the rear of the property are scheduled to be preserved as reflected on the Land Use/Landscape Plan. 'i; The Small-Scale Site Plan (as stated above) proposes construction of a one-story commercial building with a total building floor area of 13,515 square feet. The major off-site improvement for the project includes an eastbound left-turn lane at Ridgefield and Silver Star Road (SR 438), There is also a 20-foot right-of-way dedication proposed along Silver Star Road, Accordingly, water, sanitary sewer, reclaimed water (if available), solid waste and police & fire protection will all be provided by the City, Because a Small-Scale Site Plan is administratively reviewed, the P&Z and City Commission will not be acting on the site plan approval. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on February 25, 2009 and reviewed the PUD/Land Use Plan and Final Site Plan for Silver Ridge Crossing, There were minor technical issues to be addressed from the Planning Division, Engineering Department and the City Attorney's Office that were identified in written staff comments and presented verbally, There was also discussion on the proposed use of the property. All of the changes were discussed and agreed upon by the Applicant. Furthermore, there was discussion on separating the PUD Land Use Plan from the Final Site Plan to better facilitate the process since small-scale site plan are approved administratively, The Applicant agreed to this and will submit a revised Land Use Plan accordingly. Finally, the Applicant felt confident that a Development Agreement and Title Report will be finalized and executed by the applicant for presentation to the City Commission. When the discussion was finished, the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the PUD Land Use Plan, subject to making the changes agreed upon at the DRC meeting before the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed Silver Ridge Crossing PUD/Land Use Plan on March 10, 2009, City Staff presented a brief overview of the project. City Staff and the Applicant answered several questions regarding parking, site lighting, outside patron sitting areas and off-site improvement proposed for the small-scale Site Plan, All of these questions were addressed adequately in the P&Z meeting. There was only one person from the public to speak regarding this PUD/Land Use Plan proposal. His main concerns centered on increase of traffic, widening of Silver Star Road and commercial market condition of the area, After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Silver Ridge Crossing PUD/Land Use Plan as date-stamped received by the City on February 27, 2009, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendation of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve Silver Ridge Crossing PUD/Land Use Plan date-stamped received by the City on February 27,2009, Attachments: Location Map; Future Land Use Map; Zoning Map; Aerial Location Map; PUD Land Use Plan for Silver Ridge Crossing date-stamped February 27,2009, \ Financial Impact: None, Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing X Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A X N/A N/A Silver Ridge Crossing Location Map [I\ 1 I ~)C~t 'Cj;U( /Il,,~ \\ I - I' /l <U :e- ,v I (,. '\ ~. EEEEEE =-~ ,.. PI S iJd~'k Q!Sl 1 1 J f-G>-I =-; o I-- -~ --- 1 I ~ 1,1_ I \~nter St e~~ =:1-3 ~ - -.sa f\/r~lI, ~ ~ \...--- - ;::; ~ .C:;: '1;' ",_ =~ >-- ~ ~ 1---/ ~ "'l~f';; I-- 1'1'\ _ -w c: ~ - ~ - -/ ~ ~- ,:e ~ .L - - I -- I-- f--- I <l. - f. Q- ~ - - "'" IT I ~ ~ =~H .f---.I--- - '---- - -t ~~ =c-cn III c-~ I '+- :J I--- ~ '-------- .-- ~ T Tl Jj: IV) -[) r-- '1 ~~- I- W H I--- __ __ \.-- I- -c T '\~IB:= ft ~:= l- I - L.. - T7 L.. ~ l - E~ SilvAr ~t;:Ir I. ~ ~ I I \ 0 ~ ", D I (~L I .WJ( ~~~) C' ~ ., -- ] ~~~f-! "'t) ~ ~ t- rF= L.. > Q) - I-----, . :r 0 I-- _\t> ~ L---- \~ - 'S \.. \\c - ~G \ 0 LAKE OL YMPIA I e ~ / C>>Q. C CU "ii) :E tn Q) e tn (J::) Q)-e C')c -eCU "- -I ~Q) s.. s.. 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RZ-09-02-03: SILVER RIDGE CROSSING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM OCOEE C-l, NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING DISTRICT, TO OCOEE PUD, "PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT," ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1.7 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SIL VER STAR ROAD AND RIDGEFIELD AVENUE, PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER; FINDING SUCH ZONING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the owner or owners (the "Applicant") of certain real property located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, as hereinafter described, have submitted an application to the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Ocoee City Commission") to rezone said real property (the "Rezoning"); and WHEREAS, the Applicant seeks to rezone certain real property containing approximately 1.7 acres, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, from Ocoee C-l, Neighborhood Shopping District, to Ocoee PUD, "Planned Unit Development"; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5-9(B) of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Ocoee City Code"), the Director of Planning has reviewed said Rezoning application and determined that the Rezoning requested by the Applicant is consistent with the 1991 City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Ordinance #91-28, adopted September 18, 1991, as amended (the "Ocoee Comprehensive Plan"); and WHEREAS, said Rezoning application was scheduled for study and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Planning and Zoning Commission"); and WHEREAS, on March 10, 2009 the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing and reviewed said Rezoning application for consistency with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and determined that the Rezoning requested by the Applicant is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, and is in the best interest of the City and recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that the zoning classification of said real property be rezoned as requested by the ORLA_1 060851 ,2 ~ -~~ Applicant, and that the Ocoee City Commission finds that the Rezoning requested by the . Applicant is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on April _, 2009 the Ocoee City Commission held a de novo advertised public hearing with respect to the proposed Rezoning of said real property and determined that the Rezoning is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been considered by the Ocoee City Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 166.041 (3)(a), Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY. The Ocoee City Commission has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. REZONING. The zoning classification, as defined in the Ocoee City Code, of the Property described in Exhibit "A" containing approximately 1.7 acres located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby changed from Ocoee C-l, Neighborhood Shopping District, to Ocoee PUD, "Planned Unit Development." A map of said land herein described which clearly shows the area of the Rezoning is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference is made a part hereof. SECTION 3. LAND USE PLAN. The following Land Use Plan for the Property . described in Exhibit "A" to this Ordinance is hereby approved subject to the Conditions of Approval and Waiver(s), if any, from the Ocoee Land Development Code set forth thereon: That certain Land Use Plan for Silver Ridge Crossing PUD prepared by Evans Engineering, Inc., date stamped received by the City on February 27, 2009, with such additional revisions thereto, if any, as may be reflected in the minutes of the City Commission of the City ofOcoee meeting approving the same. The above described Land Use Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and by this reference made a part hereof. SECTION 4. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The City Commission hereby finds the Rezoning of the lands described in this Ordinance to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 5. ZONING MAP. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to revise the Official Zoning Map of the City of Ocoee in order to incorporate the Rezoning enacted by this Ordinance and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said revised Official Zoning Map in accordance with the provisions of Section 5-1 (G) of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Ocoee City Code. SECTION 6. CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of . ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and rescinded. 2 ORLA_1060851 ,2 , , . . . SECTION 7. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of ATTEST: Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of ,2009. FOLEY & LARDNER LLP By: City Attorney ORLA_1060851 ,2 ,2009. APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor ADVERTISED , 2009 READ FIRST TIME , 2009. READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED ,2009. Under Agenda Item No. 3 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North 193.00 feet of the South 233.00 feet of the West 1027.00 feet of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida; less the West 180.00 feet; less right of way for Ridgefield Avenue and less that portion of the property lying West of right of way of Ridgefield Avenue. Also described as: Beginning at the intersection of the East right of way of Ridgefield A venue and the North right of way of Silver Star Road for a Point of Beginning; run NOooOO'54"W along said East right of way of Ridgefield A venue, 94.20 feet to the point of curve concave to the left having a radius of 247.48 feet, a central angle of 11 032'14"; run along the arc of said curve, 49.83 feet to the point of reverse curve concave to the right having a radius of 247.48 feet, a central angle of 11032'14"; run 48.83 feet along the arc of said curve; thence run N89059'06"E, 390.00 feet; thence SOooOO'54"E, 193.39 feet, to the North right of way of Silver Star Road; thence N89059'08"W along said right of way, 380.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Official Records Book 7297, Page 1517-1520, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 4 ORLA_1060851 ,2 . . . . . . ORLA_1 060851 ,2 EXHIBIT "B" Silver Ridge Crossing Location Map K\ I: $a~.~ 1", ~~rlW-- \ I ffitEB ,\/1"'r'&rSII~~ ~ ),. ~ Lia)1~ I 0 ~Wf!1 ! ~7 r--- QI I I r: J ,1, I J I ll~~ter Strlef :::~ =~ I I ::. ~r\f1W~' n, =fJ -~ ~5- ~ ~Ym't'~' ~ - lfiJ~~~ t ~ ;= ~ = -- ..../ ~ >< - Q) I~ _~ ~ c::,.., t - / I \ I I r; ~ =g t- ;: r-:m... ~.L/~ _~ -f-{j) \ \ I I-=: Q) IT-: J '+;:7 IV, ~..-- 1 - ~ - ~ I LI L -e IU ~ - r- V) .I ~ ~ __ __ r-- == ~ ~ I \ '" 1.' \ ~:= ~'" ~ : t -;;, '" St"r~-'" ~) ~ ! I \' \ o ~~, JI(~I 1 JJ(~~ ~~ J ~~I~q ,- 8 ~ L;;. ~ W-/~~ l~~~>- [IT" ~ ~c. ~y 0- LAKE OL YMPIA ~ Q~ ~ 5