HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-21-1978 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 21 FEBRUARY 78 I I I Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and the meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Pinson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were Comm. Lyle, Crawford, Stinnett and Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. 7 FEBRUARY 78 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Comm. Whitehead moved to accept minutes as presented, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. ZONING BOARD DID NOT MEET - THEIR LAST MEETING WAS 7 DECEMBER 77 OBLIGATE ANTI-RECESSION FUNDS-PARTIAL PAYMENT RE-SURFACE MAGUIRE ROAD City Manager reminded council that some time ago Anti-Recession Funds had been obligated for the purchase of two (2) new police vehicles, however he has recently received notice that these funds cannot be used for this purpose, therefore he is recommending that $11,352. of the funds be obligated to partial payment of re-surfacing Maguire Road. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept the City Managers recommendation, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. REQUEST TO PARK MOBILE HOME IN R-l DISTRICT TEMPORARILY James Hardy came before council requesting permission to park a mobile home temporarily on his property located at 306 Rewis Street for his 85 year old father. Comm. Lyle moved to grant request on a year to year approval basis, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. PROGRESS REPORT - "701" PLANNING ASSISTANCE GRANT Mr. Donald Wanstall of Briley, Wild and Associates gave a progress report on the "701" Planning Assistance Grant. Mr. Wanstall reported that he had also made application to the county for boat and water funds. CITY MANAGER REPORTS AND INFORMATION The Old City Hall sale closing was completed on 10 Feb. 78. Payment schedule as follows will commence on 10 March 78: 24 payments @ $150. each 25th payment =$9,500. A total of $450.00 has been deposited to the city to date. Old Fire Station abstract is being brought up to date at a cost between $150. - $200.00. Fox Fire sub-division lighting is complete. Comm. Crawford moved to hold the New Fire Station dedication on 4 March 78 at 2:00 P.M., seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Senator Chiles representative will be in City Hall on 15 March 78 from 10:15 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. Received only one (1) bid to date on re-surfacing Flewelling Street. CITY MANAGER REPORTS AND INFORMATION CONTINUED: I City Manager briefed council on total construction cost: 7% Construction Supervisor fee 5% Architect fee for a total of fire station building construction cost: $84,673.74 5,927.16 4,233.68 $94,834.58 Comm. Crawford moved to pay Construction Supervisor $7,000.00, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm. Stinnett moved to pay Architect $5,000.00, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. With the above changes the total construction cost is $96,673.74. CITIZENS REQUEST AND COMPLAINTS Several citizens from Center Street came before council complaining about the condition of Center Street. Council explained that Center Street was owned half by the County and half by the City and for several years the City has tried in vain to get the County to pave Center Street. The Mayor and several Commissioners stated they would go with the Center Street residents to a Public Hearing being held by the County on 23 March 78. Reverend Pinson requested that the City temporarily close the City right- of-way adjoining the church property on West Street. Council agreed to the temporary closing. Dean Richards, Ocoee Lions Club reported that Ocoee had won the Presidents Trophy at the Central Florida Fair. I MAYOR/COMMISSION REPORTS AND INFORMATION Comm. Crawford stated he felt the city should get started on the sidewalk project and instructed the City Manager to obtain cost for contracting the work out and of hiring two (2) men temporarily to do the work. Comm. Crawford moved to hold a Special Meeting with the Zoning Board on 28 February 78, to discuss the "701" Planning Report, seconded Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. Mayor gave a report on the Florida League of cities Seminar he recently attended in Tallahassee. Comm. Stinnett stated that the "Welcome to Ocoee" signs at the East and West entrance to the eity on SR50 needed painting. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. j~j~ <<~ MAYOR ~ ----- ATTEST: I s~~ uC~ CITY LERK A~~ "lUte '9~ AFFILIATED WITH AFL-CIO .- CLC .1 t..~; ... .m:' .:Jt .,~,ti~' " 'i 'l. ,... . J It: . .. ,.... . ..,; ":i:"'1I8 CENTRAL FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION If l' Dannv Miller. President PRESIDENT Patrick Allenp Sp~rPt~rv SECRnARY Local No. 2057 1516 E. Hill~rest Star Suite 300 ADDRESS Orlando, Florida 32803 l'iHi E. Hi"~rp!';t St., Suitp 100 ADDRESS Orlando, Florida 32803 CITY STATE CITY STAT. February 27, 1978 DAT. Mr. John Vignetti, City Manager City of Ocoee 150 Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 32761 Dear Sirl The Central Florida Professional Fire Fighters Association pursuant to Florida Statute 447.305 is a registered Labor Organ- ization Registration #OR-766-1128. I In accordance with Florida Statute 447.307 we are requesting Voluntary Recognition of the employees of the Ocoee Fire Department, to include only the rank of Fire Fighter. Failure of the City of Ocoee to grant Voluntary Recognition, this Association shall and will under the law file the appropriate petition with the Public Employe Relations Commission for certification of employe organization. This Association is in the possession of signature cards from a majority of your employees holding the rank of Fire Fighter. Upon your request we will provide proof of such signatures. We are requesting if City Council action is necessary on this matter that it be placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the City Council. Should there be any need for further clarification, please feel free to contact me at 894-1381 or 1382. Sincerely yours, ~~:~:tt!!J~ent Central Florida Professional Fire Fighters, Local 2057 DM/bh CCI Honorable William Breeze I 1"5 ~9'V- )59/ ,,~f~ WilLIAM A. BREEZE MAYOR COMMISSIONER TELEPHONE 656 2322 JOHN L. VIGNETTI CITY MANAGER ] COMMISSIONERS . RAYMOND CRAWFORD, JR. " ROBERT l YlE WilLIAM STINNETT lEWIS WHITEHEAD CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA 32761 BEAllTI! UI lAKES GOOD fiSHING GROUNDS NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS Ma rc h 8 t 1978 WflCOMf TOURISTS Danny Miller. President Central Florida Professional Fire Fighterst Local 2057 1516 East Hillcrestt Suite 300 Orlandot Florida 32803 Dear Mr. Miller: I I am writing to you in connection with your letter to the City dated February 27t 1978t in which you allege to represent a majority of certain of the City's employees in the Fire Department. This is to advise you that the City has a serious and bona fide doubt as to whether your union haSt in factt been designated or selected by the informed and uncoerced majority of the employees in a unit appropriate for collective bargaining purposes. Alsot since the signing of an authorization card is recognized by many persons as being an unreliable indication of an employee's true intentions with respect to whether or not he wants the union to represent him. the City sees n6 point in accepting your offer to check the cards. The resolution of the question of the desir~s of the employees in this matter can best be determined through the processes of the Public Employees Relations Commission prior to a secret ballot election. That way. questions of the appropriate unit and the eligibility of persons to vote can be re- solved in advance of any election. Since you are aware of this process. I assume you will pursue this procedure. For these reasons. the City must refuse your request to recognize your union as a representative of the employees in the unit described in your letter. Very truly yours. , John L. Vi gnetti City Manager mjg