HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-1978 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 19 SEPTEMBER 78 II II II Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were comm. Lyle, Crawford, Whitehead and Stinnett; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. 5 SEPTEMBER 78 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Comm. Whitehead moved to accept minutes as presented, seconded Commissioner Stinnett. Unanimous. 12 SEPTEMBER 78 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Minutes of 12 September 78 Zoning Board meeting were read into the record for infdrmation only. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE-2ND READING-PUBLIC HEARING-DAVID SIMPSON PROPERTY ZONING ORDINANCE-2ND READING-PUBLIC HEARING-SIMPSON PROPERTY-TO BE ZONED R1A FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION REGULATIONS-2ND READING-PUBLIC HEARING Comm. Whitehead moved that City Manager read ordinances by title only, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager read the ordinances by title only. No one wished to speak for or against the ordinances. Comm. Stinnett moved to approve the three ordinances, seconded Comm.Crawford. Unanimous. The three ordinances were adopted. ZONING CHANGE ORDINANCE (FROM Rl TO C3) 1ST READING-SANDERS PROPERTY ZONING CHANGE ORDINANCE (FROM Il TO Rl) 1ST READING- PETITION #78-6 Comm. Whitehead moved that City Manager read ordinances by title only, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. City Manager read the two ordinances by title only. Public Hearing and second and final reading will be held on 3 October 78. ~ SOUTH SPRINGDALE SUBDIVISION - JEFF FUQUA Mr. Fuqua presented copies of South Springdale plat to council and requested that the Letter of Credit be reduced a dollar for every dollar dispersed. City Attorney had no objections to the Letter of Credit. Mr. Fuqua agreed to deliver the deed to the city to "tract A". Comm. Whitehead moved to approve the sub-division plat subject .to receiving deed to "tract A", seconded Comm. ~i~~~d. Unanimous. NORTH SPRINGDALE REVISED SUB-DIVISION PLANS-WALTER KUHRT Mr. Kuhrt presented copy of revised preliminary sub-division plans to council. Building Inspector recommended that the set-back requirements be 50' from the center line of Wurst Road. Council agreed. Mr. Kuhrt agreed to change the set-back to 50'. Comm. Whitehead moved to grant preliminary approval to the preliminary plans, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. PLANNING & ZONING BOARD APPOINTMENTS I I II CITY COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPT. 19, 78 CONT: PAGE TWO PLANNING & ZONING BOARD APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED: Comm. Stinnett moved to reappoint Mark Hall to the Zoning Board, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Comm. Stinnett moved to appoint Vard Hager and Douglas Busch as alternates to the Zoning Board, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. PETITION-PUBLIC NUISANCE 612 BANDERAS Ray Wood appeared before council as spokesman for the Banderas Avenue residents. Mr. Wood listed several complaints against the family living at 612 Banderas Avenue. Council was unable to offer a solution to the problem but requested that the City Attorney study the situation and see if perhaps he could come up with a solution. PROPOSED EASEMENT AGREEMENT-SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD City Manager explained .that Seaboard Coast Line Railroad was requesting that the City sign an easement agreement with them, where by the railroad grants to the city an easement or right-of-way for maintaining and improving Bluford Avenue crossing. Council instructed City Manager to ignore the request. TAXI CAB OPERATIONS - JAMES MOORE City Manager explained that Mr. Moore had requested that the city lower their insurance rate requirements for taxi cabs. City Attorney was in- structed to update council as to what the State insurance laws are for taxi- cabs at the next meeting. ESTABLISHMENT OF MILLAGE RATE FOR FY 78/79 Comm. Stinnett moved that the millage rate for FY 78/79 be set at $4.94 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, seconded Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. FORMAL ADOPTION OF FY7B/79 BUDGET Comm. Stinnett moved to adopt the FY 78/79 Budget as presented by the City Manager, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. CITY MANAGER/MAYOR/COMMISSION REPORTS & INFORMATION City Manager reported the following: Shop paving project is underway. County is to begin Center Street paving in three months Unfair Labor Practices Hearing 28 & 29 September. Auditor has started preliminary work of audit for FY 77/78 year. Comm. Crawford moved to charge $275. for water connections and to change the water rates from $4.50 for ten thousand gallons of water to $4.00 for ten thousand gallons of water. Comm. Crawford withdrew his motion and requested th~t the City Manager be prepared to make a recommendation on the water rates at next meeting~ I II I CITY COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPT. 19, 78 CONT.: PAGE THREE ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:16 P.M. ATTEST: ~~~- CIT CLERK 'I c I - ...-. " /' AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY & CONSULTANT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, her~inafter known as the City, and BRILEY, WILD & ASSOCIATES, INC., a corporation chartered and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, duly licensed to practice engineering and provide planning services, hereinafter known as the Consultant. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the covenants and promises to be carried out ~y each party herein, and the benefits flowing to each, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: WHEREAS, the City requires the services of. a Consultant as hereinafter out I ined, and WHEREAS, the Consultant is staffed with Professional Engineer(s), registered under law of the State of Florida, and qualified Planner(s), who serve as Planner(s) in Charge of Comprehensive Planning Programs; NOW, THEREFORE, the. City does employ the Consultant to perform and the Consultant does agree to perform, certain planning and other consulting services as follows: . To provide professional planning services in the development of the City's Comprehensive Planning Program, as funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 701 Planning Assistance Program administered by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), in accordance with the Scope of Services described in the attached Exhibit A, (Appendix B of the DCA 701 contract approved by the City in August 1978). Thirty-five (35) copies of the final report and six (6) copies of each summary abstract will be provided. In addition, six (6) copies of each preliminary and final draft k.. l\1 1 of 3 '\ / " Q!lf .... r I -r element and three (3) copies of subsequent modification to those drafts will be provided. Copies of the planning study, its individual elements or graphic material over and above the copies requ ired to be furnished under the terms of this Agreement, shall be made available at cost of reproduction. , j':,.. ,.-- I /~. \ " For services enumerated above, the City agrees to pay, and the Consultant agrees to accept, the sum of eleven thousand six hundred seventy-three dollars ($11,673), with the City contributing four thousand one hundred fourteen dollars ($4,114) as share. The remainder, seven thousand five hundred fifty-nine dollars ($7,559) coming from the 701 Comprehensive Planning Grant. Progress payments from the City to the Consultant are due from the City, upon receipt of the elements from the Consultant in accordance with the . progress schedule attached as Exhibit B. Failure of the City to receive these funds shall term inate the City's obligation for any remainingservices and shall terminate the Consultant's obligations for any remaining services to perform. 7{ ~ c9 J7 (), [) u I The Consultant will.be required to attend the four (4) quarterly meetings as scheduled with DCA and four (4) public meetings for purposes of expl anation and discussion of concepts and alternative proposals. In' addition, the Consultant will participate in three (3) workshop meetings to insure coordination of project studies with other groups and agencies. Any additional meetings required over and above those specified in this agreement will be billed, individually on a cost basis. In the event that this agreement is terminated, paragraphs thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) of the contract between the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs and the City Commission of Ocoee shall determine the amounts due to the Consultant. The acceptance of this Agreement by the City shall constitute the authorization to the Consultant to initiate services. I 2 of 3 {et~ Fay- C-rAr\\- I ". ....,,-... ,,- " ., - I I IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed the Agreement on the day of August, 1978. BRILEY, WILD & ASSOCIATES CITY OF OCOEE , / Harry E. Wild, Jr., P.E. President . Mayor Attest: Attest: Wilena M. Thayer Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 3 of 3