HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-1979 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 16 JANUARY 79 I Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were Comm. Lyle, Stinnett, Crawford and Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. 2 JANUARY 79 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Comm. Whitehead moved to accept the minutes as presented, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. 9 JANUARY 79 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Minutes of Zoning Board meeting held 9 January 79 were read into the record for information only. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE-PUBLIC HEARING-2ND & FINAL READING-NORMAN & LORETTA BEIR PROPERTY ZONING ORDINANCE-PUBLIC HEARING-2ND & FINAL READING-NORMAN & LORETTA BEIR PROPERTY-TO BE ZONED Rl-A ANNEXATION ORDINANCE-PUBLIC HEARING-2ND & FINAL READING-RONALD & BRENDA HUDSON PROPERTY II ZONING ORDINANCE-PUBLIC HEARING-2ND & FINAL READING-RONALD & BRENDA HUDSON PROPERTY - TO BE ZONED Rl-A Comm. Whitehead moved that the City Manager read title only of the above ordinances, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager read ordinances by title only. No one wished to speak for or against the adoption of the ordinances. Comm. Lyle moved to adopt the ordinances, seconded Comm.Whitehead. Comm. Lyle, Stinnett and Whitehead voted yea. Due to a possible conflict of interest Comm. Crawford abstained from voting. Ordinances adopted. 1ST READING-ORDINANCE VACATING,CLOSING AND ABANDONING AN ALLEY BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY FLORAL STREET AND ON THE SOUTH BY OHIO STREET City Manager read the above ordinance in its entirety. City Manager stated the City retained utility rights on the property described in the ordinance. Second reading will be held on 6 February 79. RESOLUTION-TRI-cOUNTY AIRPORT PROJECT-REQUESTING ORANGE COUNTY APPROVE APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION IN AN A-l ZONING DISTRICT FOR AN AIRPORT City Manager read the Resolution in its entirety. Comm. Crawford moved to adopt the Resolution, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. "701" COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONTRACT-DISCUSSION-DAVID REVER I David Rever presented a proposal to council that Briley, wild & Associates do the remaining four elements of the Comprehensive Plan for an approximate cost of $3,547.88. Mayor Breeze asked Mr. Rever if all state requirements would be met with the completion of the remaining four elements. Mr. Rever assured the Mayor and council that with the completion of the remaining four elements all state requirements would be met. Mr. Rever further assured L COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - 16 JAN 79 PAGE TWO I Mayor and Council that Briley, Wild & Associates would help in getting the plan adopted by the state and they would also do .any necessary revisions required by the State. City Manager stated he felt $3,000.00 was a fair cost for doing the remaining four elements. comm. Stinnett moved that Briley, Wild and Associates continue the Comprehensive Plan and authorized the City Manager to negotiate the cost with Mr. Rever. seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. CENTER STREET PAVING - CITY ATTORNEY RHODES City Attorney Rhodes stated he had contacted the county about the paving of Center Street and since the county can't assess city residents for the paving they want the city to assume one-half the cost of the improvement and to assess the city residents for their share. Mayor Breeze stated he felt a letter should be written to the County Commissioners reminding them of the promises they made to the Center Street residents at the meeting held by them at the Orange County Services Building on 23 March 78. Council agreed. ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDATION - FOSTER HOME IN Rl DISTRICT I Mr. John Hallahan stated he did not operate a child care center; he has foster children that are handicapped. He asked for, and the Zoning Board recommended to council, permission to build a covered walkway from the back of his residence located on Jemima Avenue to a house owned by him which is directly behind his residence but located on Mona Avenue. Council stated that a covered walkway joining one house to another would be in direct violation of the zoning regulations, therefore they could not approve the request. ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDATION ON PETITION 78-8-CHANGE ZONING FROM Rl TO C2 Zoning Board recommended changing the zoning of the property described in Petition 78-8 from Rl to C2. Comm. Crawford moved to accept the Zoning Boards recommendation, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. First reading will be held on~6 February 79. OCOEE LIONS CLUB - R.V. HENRY Mr. Henry requested that the City donate $600.00 for the Ocoee booth at the annual Central Florida Fair. Comm. Stinnett moved to donate $600.00, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. REPORTS/INFORMATION~MAYOR/COMMISSIONERS/CITY MANAGER City Manager requested authorization to negotiate with the county on the paving of Lakewood Avenue. Comm. Whitehead moved to grant the request, seconded comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Mayor recommended that council approve expenditures for a two day Pre- Legislative Conference to be held in Tallahassee on 15 & 16 of February 79. Comm. Whitehead moved to approve the expenditure and recommended that the Mayor, City Manager and City Attorney attend, seconded Comm.Stinnett.UnanimousJ II City Attorney stated he had obtained the release of road right-of-way on the old Fire Station building and recommended a new appraisal be obtained. City Manager stated he had already called the appraiser. CITY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 16 JAN 79 Pl\GE THREE AUDIENCE I Mr. John Linebarier, spokeman for a group of citizens in protest of the annexation of the Harper property located on Silver Star Road and Ocoee Hills Road complained to council that the structures on the property were an eyesore and that before the city annexed the property the county had cited the owners for a zoning violation. City Building Inspector stated the house will be inspected and if a fruit stand or any other business is operated on the property the own~rs will be required to meet the Cl zoning requirements. Citizens were reminded that all required notices of the pending annexation were advertised, a public hearing was held, and no objection was expressed. FIFTEEN MINUTE RECESS Mayor Breeze stated that due to a postal regulation a person appointed as Officer In Charge could not be considered as permanent Postmaster of the same office. He recommended that the city draw up a Resolution recommending that Jim Crowe be appointed as Postmaster of the Ocoee post office and that a copy of the resolution be sent to Mr. Crowe's superiors and appropriate U.S. Senators and Representatives. comm. Crawford moved to accept the recommendation, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. 1ST QUARTER BUDGET REVIEW City Manager gave the first quarter budget review. I City Manager recommended that council approve the following Sick Leave Incentive Plan: Continue authorizing 12 days sick leav~ per fiscal year. Any unused sick leave an employee has at the end of the fiscal year be paid for at his daily rate of pay with no deductions. The employee is to receive this pay on the pay period before Christmas. If an employee is not on the rolls as of Sept. 30th (end of fiscal year) he will not be eligible for this fringe benefi t. (see attached) Comm. Lyle moved to accept the City Managers recommendation, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:46 P.M. ATTEST: II Sy ().~ CITY LERK WilLIAM A. BREEZE lELEPHONE 6562322 JOHN L. VIGNETTI MA'fOR COMMISSIONiR ellv MANAGlH I COMMISSIONlR~ BEAIJllFUL LAKlS RAYMOND CRAWFORD. JR. CITY OF OCOEE ROBERT l YlE ORANGE COUNTY GOOD FISHING GROUNUS WilLIAM STINNETT OCOEE, FLORIDA 32761 lEWIS WHITEHEAD NEW HOUSING UEVELOPMlN 1 S WflCOMF TOURISTS January 18, 1979 TO: All Supervisors From: City Manager A very significant and beneficial change in the Sick Leave Policy was approved by. the City Commission on 16 January 79~ Effective 1 October 78 employees will receive 12 days sick leave a y~ar. At the end of the F~scal Year, 30 September employees will be paid for all sick leave NOT USED to a maximum of 12 days. They will be paid at their current rate of pay with no deductions. Payment for unused s~ck leave will be paid the. second pay period which should occur prior to the Christmas Holidays. I It becomes very important that all Supervisors monitor and report p~operly all sick leave used by the employee. I intend to personally monitor this program and w.ill not tolerate abuse of this privilege, which will be financially beneficial to all of us when we need it most. I strongly recommended this policy change to the City Commission because of the minimum number of personnel we have and I believe it will serve as an incentive to get our people to work when otherwise they may remain at home. Please insure that all your employees are familiar with this change in policy c:-~~-- --- John ~v;gn~tti I