HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-1979 I I 1 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 17 APRIL 79 Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. and the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.Present were Comm. Lyle, Stinnett and Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. Comm. Crawford was absent. 3 APRIL 79 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Comm. Stinnett moved to accept the minutes as presented, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. 10 APRIL 79 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the .Planning and Zoning Board meeting held 10 April 79 were read into the record for information only. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE-PUBLIC HEARING-2ND & FINAL READING-EDWIN POUNDS PROPERTY ZONING ORDINANCE-PUBLIC HEARING-2ND&FINAL READING-POUNDS PROPERTY-TO BE ZONED R1A ANNEXATION ORDINANCE-PUBLIC HEARING-2ND&FINAL READING-L.M.&PAULINE FOLSOM PROPERTY ZONING ORDINANCE-PUBLIC HEARING-2ND&FINAL READING-FOLSOM PROPERTY-TO BE ZONED R1A Comm. Stinnett moved that title only of the above ordinances be read, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. City Manager read ordinances by title only. No one wished to speak for or against the enactment of the ordinances. Comm. Stinnett moved to adopt the four ordinances as read, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Ordinances adopted. BOATING IMPROVEMENT PLANS - DAVID REVER Mr. Rever presented drawings and a written description of the proposed boating improvement plans. Mayor Breeze recommended that council authorize the City Manager to meet with the engineer from Briley, Wild and Associates and negotiate a cost for engineering the improvements. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept the Mayor's recommendation, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDED TO GRANT RE-ZONING REQUEST ON PETITION #79-4 Comm. Stinnett moved to accept the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. ORDINANCE-ZONING CHANGE Rl-A to Cl-1ST READING-PETITION #79-4(PROPERTY EAST OF BRENTWOOD ENTRANCE ON SILVER STAR ROAD) Comm. Whitehead moved that title only of the ordinance be read, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manag~r read'ordin~nce by title 'only. Public hearing ~nd s~cond reading will be held on the above ordinance on May 1, 1979. CITY COMMISSION MEETING APRIL l7,1979-PAGE TWO PLANNING & ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDED TO GRANT RE-ZONING REQUEST ON PETITION #79-3 I Comm. Lyle moved to accept the Planning & Zoning Board's recommendation, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. ORDINANCE-ZONING CHANGE Rl TO Cl-1ST READING-PETITION #79-3(~ OF LOT 8 AND ALL OF LOT 9 NORTH OF FRANKLIN STREET Comm.Whitehead moved that title only of the ordinance be read, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager read ordinance by title only. Public Hearing and second reading will be held on the above ordinance 1 May. BID OPENING - PICK UP TRUCK FOR STREET DEPARTMENT The following bids were submitted: Orlando Dodge Dodge World $4,715.82 $4,784.61 (Kissimmee) Verdell Gilbert, Shop Supervisor stated that due to the additional accessories such as the long truck bed and radial tires included in the bid from Dodge World and not included in the Orlando Dodge bid he was recommending that the city purchase the truck from Dodge World for $4,784.61. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept Mr. Gilbert's recommendation, seconded Comm.Stinnett.Unanimous APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TWIN LAKES MANOR - WALTER KUHRT I Mr. Kuhrt presented the engineering plans and specifications to council and requested approval. He further requested approval to begin construction now in the area North and West of Lake Moxie up to the street to be known as Juarez, as shown on the preliminary plat, with the remainder to be built after approval by the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad for a crossing east of the Ocoee Community Center. Comm. Stinnett moved to approve the request, subject to approval of the sub- division plat, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Comm. Lyle requested that the eleven lots abutting the railroad retain their R1A zoning. Mr. Kuhrt agreed to present the request to the developer. LAKEWOOD STREET PAVING Mr. Fuqua stated that the Lakewood Street paving would begin within the next two weeks. ZONING PROBLEMS - JAY & CARDINAL STREETS I City Building Inspector, Cecil Hurst stated that the forty existing homes on Jay & Cardinal Streets were built with approximately 850-1000 square feet of living area. Mr. Hurst furhter stated that the area was over-zoned and he recommended the zoning be changed from Rl-AAA to R1A. Mr. Hurst explained that Mr.Jerry Jackson owns a lot in the area and cannot obtain financing for the size home required under the present zoning due to the type homes already constructed in the area. Comm. Stinnett moved to direct the City Manager to initiate a re-zoning petition from R1AAA to RiA on Cardinal & Jay Streets between Center and Flewelling Streets, seconded Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. I I I CITY COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 17, 1979 PAGE THREE REPORTS/INFORMATION/CITY MANAGER/MAYOR/CITY COMMISSIONERS City Manager reported the following: Chicago Bridge and Iron has agreed to inspect the water tanks and submit a written report for a cost between $1,900. - $2,700.00. Comm. Lyle moved to authorize the City Manager to proceed with the inspection, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Comm. Whitehead moved to authorize the City Manager to obtain bids on selling the Street Department pick up truck and a 1973 Plymouth, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm. Lyle moved to waive the occupational license for the Lions Club auction, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. MEETING RECESSED AT 9:25 P.M. - CALLED BACK TO ORDER AT 9:31 P.M. 2ND QUARTER BUDGET BRIEFING - CITY MANAGER Second Quarter Budget briefing was given by the City Manager. City Manager recommended giving all employees with the exception of CETA personnel a 5% across the board raise.City Manager stated that if the increase is approved he will make a written request to the CETA office that the Ocoee CETA employees be given a 5% increase also. Comm. Lyle moved to accept the recommendation, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. City Manager recommended notifying the West Orange Fire Control Commission that the city wants to re-negotiate the fire contract. Council agreed. City Manager recommended that council prepare to spend $45,000.00 for proposed land purchase. ADJOURNMENT AdM~;fJa<-- Mayor Meeting adjourned at 10:29 P.M. ATTEST: ~Q.~ CIT CLERK