HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-07-1979 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 7 AUGUST 1979 I I I Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. and the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were Comm. Lyle, Stinnett & Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. 17 JULY 79 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Comm. Whitehead moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. 26 JULY 79 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the 26 July 79 Zoning Board meeting were read into the record for information only. APPOINTMENT TO CITY COMMISSION Mayor Breeze explained that according to the City Charter council must appoint someone to fill the unexpired term of Comm. Crawford, who resigned on 2 July 79. Comm. Lyle moved to appoint Vard J. Hager, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Mayor Breeze administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Hager. ORDINANCE-ZONING CHANGE-R3 TO R1AA-2ND READING-PUBLIC HEARING-S.W. CORNER OF SR438/LAKEWOOD AVE. Comm. Whitehead moved that ordinance be read by title only, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager read ordinance by title only. Mayor Breeze asked if anyone wished to speak for or against the adoption of the ordinance. Mrs. McClosky stated she owned the property adjacent to the property in question and she had given 30' of her property for a road right-of-way for Lakewood Avenue and although she had no objection to the change of zoning she felt the owner of the property in question should give 30' also. City Attorney w~s directed to research and determine if that portion of Lakewood Avenue between Rewis Street and Silver Star Road is a platted street~ Comm. Lyle moved to table until the City Attorney reports his findings, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. ORDINANCE-ANNEXATION-LOT 6 BLK A BURCHARD PARK-PUBLIC HEARING-2ND READING- FERDINAND PROPERTY Comm. Whitehead moved that title only of the ordinance be read, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager read title only of the ordinance. No one wished to speak for or against the adoption of the ordinance. Comm. Whitehead moved to approve the ordinance as presented, seconded Comm.StinnettJ Unanimous. Ordinance adopted. City Manager explained that each commissioner had a letter explaining in detail an attorneys' title opinion of the ownership of the property in question. CITY COMMISSION MEETING 7 AUGUST 79 - PAGE TWO ORDINANCE-ANNEXATION-1ST READING-S.W.CORNER OF CENTER STREET/WOODSON AVE. I ORDINANCE-ZONING (R1A)-lST READING-S.W.CORNER OF CENTER ST./WOODSON AVE. Comm. Whitehead moved that title only of both ordinances be read, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager read title only of the ordinances. Public Hearing and second reading of the ordinances will be held on August 21, 1979. APPOINTMENT TO ZONING BOARD - JOHN CARTER RESIGNED Comm. Whitehead moved to appoint Marvin Sanders as a regular member of the Zoning Board, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Council requested that the Zoning Board present to them a list of people to chose from to fill Vard Hagers' position and the alternate position that was held by Marvin Sanders. TWIN LAKES MANOR PLAT APPROVAL - JEFF FUQUA Mr. Fuqua presented copies of the plat to Twin Lakes Manor Sub-division. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept the plat as presented, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. PROPOSED USE OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS - $79,956. Mayor Breeze recommended delaying any decision until after the Proposed Use Hearing for citizen input which is to be held August 14, 1979.Council agreed. I LETTER-BILL GOODMAN - SEWER TAP FEE COLLECTION City Manager stated that Mr. Goodman had requested that the city collect his sewer tap fees. Comm. Stinnett moved that the city not collect any money but that the City Building Inspector require that a builder making application for a building permit for new construction show proof that he has arranged to tie into a sewer plant or has septic tank~apprav~l,"secorid~d Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. REPORTS/INFORMATION Comm. Whitehead moved to pay Amick Construction $10,000. for the paving of Lakewood Ave. and to charge the Street Dept. acct.#54l.63B, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm.Stinnett moved to pay Bailey Co. $4,780. for the vehicle hoist and to charge the Shop Dept. acct.#549.64A, seconded Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Comm. Whitehead moved to pay Briley Wild & Co. $4,000. for Boating Improve- ment Engineering Services and to charge General Government #5l2.61C,seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm.Stinnett moved to pay Briley Wild & Co. $1,005. for preliminary design of Boating Improvements and to charge General Government acct#5l2.61C,seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. I City Manager announced that there would be a Public Hearing for citizen input on the Proposed Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds in the amount of $79,956. on 14 August 79. I I I CITY COMMISSION MEETING 7 AUGUST 79 -PAGE THREE REPORTS/INFORMATION - CONTINUED City Manager reported that the fireworks for Labor Day have been ordered. Council directed the City Manager to contact the Lions Club and the Fire Dept. to see if either organization is planning any type of celebration for Labor Day and if any permissiorl is needed from council a Special Meeting will be called. City Manager questioned council as to'their wishes on pursuing their trip to see the Governor in reference to the Community Development Drainage project. Mayor Breeze explained the necessary steps to be taken to obtain an appointment with the Governor. Comm Lyle moved to authorize the City Manager to obtain permission to have the monies that are allocated for the drainage project diverted to pay for the water tank repairs, the paving of Kissimmee Ave. and Geneva Street, and the looping of the 17th Street water line, seconded Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Mayor Breeze stated that through correspondence he would like to pursue the possibility of obtaining an appointment with the Governor. Council agreed. Ma yor Breez est at ed that bec:: andL t he2 City.:- Man a geri,ibad.,"b13ena.ppToaoh ed. ' by Bill Goodman, who stated he was considering constructing rental apartments for senior citizens on the south side of White Road if council was receptive to the idea. It was the feeling of council that if Mr. Goodman kept the density resonable, and they could be assured it would be 100% Senior Citizens, and he could make adequate provisions for water and recreational assessment they would not be unfavorable but would give no definite decision until further plans were submitted. Comm.Stinnett stated that the "Welcome to Ocoeeu signs at the west and east entrance to the City needetotbebpapnted~~. City Attorney stated he would be out of town on the next meeting date and would send John Hatcher to subsitute for him. Mr. McFarren, of Huskey Realty stated he was having difficulty in selling the lots in the Industrial Park because of the set back requirements. Mayor Breeze stated the quickest way to change the set back requirements would be during the Public Hearing that is to be held on the proposed Zoning Ordinance.on 14 August 79. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:00 P.M. ATTES~' Q (1 ~4f~' .~ CI CLERK